Double Ad-Trackers Its Not as Crazy as It Sounds Here Are 7 Reasons Why?

A Double Ad Tracker is an Ad-Tracker that points to an AD-Tracker. It may sound a bit like overkill to have an Ad-Tracker Pointing at another Ad-Tracker but it's not crazy.

The Type of double Ad-Tracker this article discusses is where you have a Re-Direct Link from your Domain Pointing at a Re-Direct Link from a 3rd party weather it is free or Paid. Here is an Example of a Double Tracking.

  • Step 1 Build the Free Tracker

    Build the Free Ad Tracker ( and have it point at the Web Site we actually want to display (

  • Step 2 Now for The Double Track

    Now use your Mange re-directs from the C Panel of your domain to point a re-direct at the Free Tracker. In this case will point at

We will now explore 7 Reasons why you should Create Double Ad Trackers.

1 - Free Trackers Go out of business

Actually Paid trackers go out of business too. When I was looking for a Free AD-Tracker to use as a Demo for this Article I actually came across more Free Ad tracker Services that were out of business then were in Business.

2 - You Change Your Service.

There are many excellent Places to buy Paid Ad-trackers from. The problem with paid ad-trackers is that once you sign up and set up 100's of trackers you are reluctant to change your service. If you use Double Trackers you could simply point to the new tracker and the problem is solved. See Cascading Trackers below for details on how to do this.

3 - More Control

Some Ad tracking services especially the Free ones require you to have your web site approved. If you need to Point your tracker at a new URL you may face a delay unless you use double Trackers.

4 - Cascading Trackers - Oh no not the Triple Tracker

Lets Say you want to Redirect many URLS to http://free-Redirect

You Build a Page called http://the-Redirect and Point it to http://free-Redirect

You now Point all you other Redirects to http://the-Redirect so http://the-Redirect1, http://the-Redirect2 ...are all pointing at http://the-Redirect. Now if the URL of http://free-Redirect changes you change http://the-Redirect to point to http://free-Redirect-new and all the URLS that point to http://the-Redirect should still work with no change.

5 - Trackers go down for maintenance

If a Tracker goes down for maintenance, right after your expensive ad campaign starts you will be very thankful that you have a Double tracker. You simply Point your Top Tracker to a new working URL.

6 - Brand your Web Site

You get your URL displayed all over the Internet. Not the URL of some Ad-Tracking Service.

7 - Search Engines

The Search Engines see your Domain's URL all over the Internet not the URL of an Ad-Tracking Service.

Now that you see how easy it is to use Double Trackers and the extra benefits they give you it's not so crazy is it!

About The Author:
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members

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