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How To Shop for a Web Design Firm?
While few companies can boast as we do that our first ten clients are still with us today, many companies often change Web design firms to get a new perspective on how their Web presence could look and perform. The following paragraphs serve as a Buyer's Guide to use when shopping for a new Web design company. First, determine what exactly you're shopping for. Is your Web site down a lot? Do you frequently have email problems? This may or may not be your Web site designer's problem. Many design firms outsource their Web site hosting operations and if that's the case, you may just need a new Web host. While most companies prefer to work with a Web site design company that also hosts their Web site because there are great cost savings to be realized in this type on environment, this isn't always the case and is a question that needs to be asked. In addition, does the firm you're evaluating perform all of their services in-house or are they outsourcing development to India? This has become more of a common practice due to the extremely low labor costs, but if your site is changing frequently, this can present a lot of problems in delayed response, delayed postings, and other issues associated with working with such a time difference. Furthermore, what kind of clients does the design company have? Do they have an online portfolio that you can view to see examples of their work? The best way to assess a Web site development company's capabilities is to look at their previous work. This will show you what they're capable of doing as well as whom they've worked with in the past. If the company has a lot of experience in a particular industry, they can bring invaluable information to the relationship. In addition, how long have they been in business? While the Internet is only 10-12 years old, companies that have been around the better part of a decade have done so because they generally do good work. Make sure that you're not looking at some fly-by-night company that just popped up in the sponsor listings in Google. Finally, avoid anyone offering the $500 Web site. If your business is interested in a professional Web site (as opposed to something built by your nephew), you have to be prepared to spend several thousand dollars. There is a lot of graphic design and advanced programming work involved and it takes time to do this. You've got to establish a realistic budget if you want to have any success online. Most legitimate Web site design and hosting companies can do a great job for you, but determining the one that is the best match for your organization is up to you. Use the ideas outlined here to help narrow the search and then pick the one that you feel most comfortable with. WebSolutions Technology, Inc. is a privately held full service Web site design, development, and hosting company based in the suburbs of Chicago. All design and hosting services are performed onsite by their team of professionals and WebSolutions is currently celebrating their tenth year in business. Please direct any inquiries to sales@wsol.com or call 630.375.6833.
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Mini Site or Content-based Web Site? Are you in a dilemma whether to create a mini site or a content-based web site for your new product or service? The purpose of creating a web site should be to attract visitors and convert them to paying customers. Is a mini site with a few pages enough to do this or should you spend more time and create a content-based web site which contains many pages? Building Web Sites Using Web Templates Gone are the days when you had to rely on a web-designer to design your websites. New technologies with innovative ideas have brought out a new variant to this trend in the form of ready to use website templates. Pages to Include in Your Website What pages need to be included on your website? The answer varies for each type of business and depends on how informative you want your website to be for potential clients. Below is a list of sample pages for you to review while you plan out your website. Has Your Design Firm Run Amuck With Your Web Site? What's happening to good web site design? Somehow we creative types at interactive and traditional ad agencies have run amuck - we're building web sites that may dazzle the senses, but don't really communicate much about our client's business or products and services! Tips On Effectively Organizing Your Navigation Not all links are created equal. Custom Website Design - 7 Steps to a More Professional Website If you are trying to sell a product or service on your website, then it is important to make your site as professional as possible. You might think designing that your own website to look like a professional did so is a rather difficult proposition, however there are many tools online that will help you achieve professional looking design. 404 Error - The Page Cannot be Found A "404 Error" happens when the web server you are on cannot find the page that you requested. This type of error is quite common and is seen all over the place. Concentrate On Web Content Instead Of Search Engine Optimization For many webmasters the title of my article may seem like bad advice and contradict what most search engine experts say and advocate. However the proof is in the pudding. As a webmaster with 4 websites trust me when I tell you that I haven't got a clue how to optimize my web pages in order to be on the first page for a particular search phrase. Instead I work on adding new content to my web sites. This technique has allowed me to consistently earn 4 figures a month in additional income and usually I start making money within 3 weeks of making my websites. Basic Web Design Principles Home Page Why Use a Web Design Template? What is a Website Template? Hiring The Right Webmaster The Questions You Should Be Asking ? The Answers You Should Be Receiving How to Choose Web Design Company? Before deciding on which web design company to choose, you should first determine the main aim and purpose for your upcoming website. Once the aim and purpose have been identified, then only move on to choose a reliable web design company to develop your website. Creating Your First Website Building your first website can be very frustrating. It looks fairly easy, but almost always turns out to be more complicated than you expected. Dont Lose The Sale In The Internets Last Three Feet In retailing there is a saying that sales are made in the last three feet. What this means is that no matter what you have done with your marketing, the final purchase decision is made when a customer is in-store, with the product in front of them. How Not to be Ripped Off by Your Website Designer As web designer my self, I have had the unfortunate luck of speaking to too many of my clients who have been ripped off by a web designer somewhere along the line. Whether it be that the designer never really finished the website, took the deposit and was never heard from again, or finished the website with less than promised quality. Effective Website Design For Massive Traffic STEP 1:Do your homework Getting Along With Your Web Designer You're all ready to get started creating your web presence and you've found a skilled web designer to build your website for you. Do you know what he needs from you to do an efficient job? Good web design requires cooperation between the architect and the user to create a product that will serve its intended function, and you don't have to be an internet expert to do your part. There are a number of things you can do when working with a web designer during the building and maintenance phases to smooth communications, reduce confusion, get work done faster, and get the results you want. Is Your Site Too Slow? Why Image Optimization Is Critical Graphics are fun, but if you put in too many bells and whistles when you create your web site, you may lose a potential audience whose Internet connection can't handle lots of graphics, and that means you'll be losing potential customers. Ten Design Mistakes to Avoid Avoid these mistakes and your site will be steps ahead of your competition. Are Web Templates Worth It? First off, I am a designer. Now you're thinking, here's this guy trying to convince me to hire a designer costing a few hundred to a few thousand dollars instead of buying a pre-made web template for about $60. Well, these days most companies don't have the money to invest in a costly web site and there are thousands of hungry web designers out there, plus now there are web template resources. These resources can equal great value and effectiveness for the customer as well as increased business for the web designer. ![]() |
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