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How to Prepare Your Project before You Order Website DesignOleg Lazarenko Are you serious about get this website done fast and clear and want to make money with your website Then you will absolutely need some good web design agency to build the website of your dream and that it the aim, right Web design studios may be local and virtual. Local studio may be your choice if you live in a big city and you know at least couple of web designers across the road. It is much easier for you to use their services then to chat on ICQ with sales managers or try to explain them your project by phone. But wait! Virtual Design Studios give you ultimate choice between quality and price. You may search the Internet to get the best quote. There are thousands good companies from all over the world waiting for your order and the more choices you have the better for your business. Let’s face it: people who come to web design agencies fall into two categories in most cases: the first one is people who have little or no knowledge about Internet development and came because they want professionals to help them. The second one is users who could make some money online, they usually good informed and know a lot of things about web design, promotion, link building, search engine optimization etc, but they also know that professionals can and will do design better. That’s the point of web design agencies: we make tools for online business: clean and quality, original and unique. If you belong to second category so you probably had some experience in site building and know what you can expect form web design companies but I believe following text may be useful even for you as my advices will help to reduce production time and design efforts and finally total project cost. If you never had a chance to build your website I strongly recommend to read this article. It may be your guide in the world of professional web design. Now let’s see how you can make life easier to your web design company. You can think: if I pay the money it is not my problem how to get the best website but that will be wrong attitude: the better YOU understand what you need the easier and faster it can be achieved by designers. First of all you need to sit down, take a peace of paper and take some notes: The first thing you will have to deal with has nothing to do with the web design itself, its more related to content writing but it must be defined and will effect the rest of your actions. So first of all you need to decide: 1 What is the topic of your future website 2 What is the goal of the site you are making 3 What are you trying to achieve with your site. Specify a goal, preferably in one short sentence. All the time you will have to remember: only if you clearly understand what you need you will be able to explain this to web Design Company 4 Write a good description of you goals, aims and themes. Write how you are going to achieve them. When I say “good description” I mean really good, so that somebody, how knows nothing about your project could understand what you need and what you want. Web designers can not read your minds, so do not even test them. They simply cannot do that. I may recommend to give your description to somebody you trust but who does not involved in your company and knows nothing about your project. Ask your wife or your best friend, if they understand everything that will give you the idea that description was done correctly. 5 Search for competitor’s websites and note good ideas they implement on their websites. Let design company know what you like and what you do not like. Ask them not to copy the stuff from competitor’s websites but to create something better. I’m sure designers will come with something unique and beautiful if they will only know that you accept it. These are the main points you have to be aware before starting order website design from web design studio. These tips will help you to save tones of money and efforts. Select Design Company wisely and as I said before: the better you understand what you need the easier it will be explain to designers. You may reprint this tutorial for free as long as the content, About the Author sections and all links remain unchanged. Thanks for reading.
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