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Determine Your Popularity On The WebCraig Neidel "Mirror mirror on the wall, whos the fairest of them all" Im going to bet that its not you, um I mean, not your website. With all of the new websites popping up all over the place how do you know where you rank How popular is your site compared to the next one In most cases its safe to say that we all want our website to be popular. Maybe it means our business will be more profitable or maybe its just good for the ego. Now there is a website that ranks the popularity of your website. The website is http://www.alexa.com. Alexa.com is a blast to use and is one of those websites that is hard to leave. For starters, Alexa.com lists the most popular websites starting from the #1 position. It also lists the “Movers And Shakers”, which are websites that are rapidly gaining or loosing popularity on the web. Alexa.com is a great tool for discovering new websites to visit because you can see where everybody else is going. Its fun, informative, and can be a good tool for comparing your website to the competition. So how does Alexa.com work In 1997 Alexa.com created a tool bar that tracked which websites people visited on the web. The tool bar was incorporated into early versions of NetScape and Internet Explorer. Today there are over 10 million Internet users who browse the Internet while using some form of the Alexa.com tool bar. These users are constantly generating statistics about their browsing habits. Alexa.com uses the data to create reports that outline the popularity of websites on the Internet. So the next time you want to see how popular your website is, visit Alexa.com. Simply type in your websites address www.yoursite.com into the “search the web” box and press go. It will send you to a page full of statistics showing you how popular your website is right now. Just remember that being popular isnt the only important thing in life. There are good looks, money, and Monday Night Football too.
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