Questions to Ask when Designing a Website for clients

Brent Parker

Questions to ask when designing a Web Site for your client s.
�Excerpt from the book: Graphic Artists Guild, Handbook Pricing & Ethical guidelines Written by: Brent Parker

These questions are a great tool to use when trying to develop your clients website. It gets down to the roots of web design, so there is a clear and precise understanding of what needs to be done. You can either make yourself a check list on paper for face to face talks or you can put it into Adobe PDF form, and have them download it from your website and fill it out later. It may seem odd at first, but in the long run it works out perfectly.


  • What is the client�s business and how will the client�s Web site advance it What message is the Web site supposed to convey
  • Who is the primary audience for the Web site The primary age group of the audience Their professions, disciplines, and interests Designers should warn clients that if the target is a broad-based, internatio
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