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8 Ways To Increase Your Affiliate CommissionToon Chooi Tan 1 Collect your visitor email addresses by providing free reports. Offer a free report to your visitor. This report should provide helpful and valuable information. This will enable you to collect your visitors email address and follow up with them. Use an autoresponder to automate this work for you. Some of them are: 2 Publish your own newsletter; Publishing your own ezine and building up your subscriber base. Most of the successful Marketing Gurus have a large subscriber base. The reason is simple, "The Gold Is In The List". Successful Marketers like Terry Dean, Jim Daniels etc have been successful in using this technique. 3Write your own endorsement or review the product youre promoting. A heartfelt honest testimonial is hands down the best way to get a prospect to buy. Your prospect wants to know how this product has ben helping you. This will help them to make the decision to buy. 4Use your web site 404 Error page. Even though we try to build a perfect web site, sometimes something may be missing without our being aware of it. Thats why the software may still have bugs even after being tested a few times. Check with your web hosting company to see if you can customise the error page. In my case, I use my error page to promote Marlons products. I put up the ebook cover and the ad on the error page. Whenever someone is looking for a page that is missing or mistypes the name, this page will help me to promote Marlons products . 5 Fully utilize your thank you page . After the visitor opts in to your mailing list, redirect them to a thank you page where you can recommend your affiliate product. Yanik Silver is using this technique; After the visitor submits their email for the report, they will be redirected to the thank you page. In the thank you page, Yanik will recommend a few products to his prospect. However, Marlon and some other Marketers prefer to sell 1 product at one time, which they believe it is more effective and less confusing. You can test these 2 methods by using a simple java script so that the thank you page will be rotated. One is with a single product recommendation and the other page will be for multiple product recommendations. Test it out to see which one gives you a higher conversion rate. 6 Track your ad and advertising. You have to track your ad copy and advertising campaigns. This will enable you to know the conversion rate and then your ROI. Return On Investment Some of the tracking tools you can use are 7 Let your affiliate program presell for you. Some of the affiliate programs have prepared valuable reports, newsletters, or courses to help you to presell. Some of them are Kens Site Sell products, Marlons Weekly Marketing Tips and Sumatras Search Engine reports etc. What you need to do is try to get your visitors to opt in to these mailing lists and let their information do the presell work for you. I was able to secure 2 sales for Marlons product for this months through this method. What I do is put the opt in form of Marlons Marketing Tips into the bonus page where my subscribers go to download the bonus ebooks that I have set up for them. In addition, I also put the opt in form into the thank you and error page, right at the bottom of the product recommendation. 8 Give bonuses when someone buys from you. Everyone on the web is selling almost the same products as you. By offering additional bonuses like software, ebooks or information, your prospect may feel that the added value to your product tips the scale in your favor over the same product being offered by the others. This does make you different from the others and puts you in "A Unique Selling Position"
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