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Four Big Weight Loss No-Nos
I've worked with hundreds of people who #1 Big No-No: Not exercising on a daily Losing weight and maintaining that loss If you're interested in losing fat, you're So, if you'd like to increase your daily In fact, many people's metabolism (basal So, the only remaining factor in the deficit The good news is that you can substantially So, in this example, you would increase your Here's another VERY important reason #2 Big No-No: Not deciding to make a drastic Research continues to indicate that We know that there is a very direct, I received an email message recently It's from a 48 year-old lady, Elizabeth, "Greg, I'm writing to thank you for your "I managed to gain 15 more pounds during "I started reading your articles two years "I reached a point in my life where my "I knew that exercise needed to be a "I'm now 12 pounds from my goal weight. Greg, "Obviously, my perception of exercise has Elizabeth Wow! This lady is unstoppable. Notice that Exercise radically changes how your body #3 Big No-No: Not taking the time to plan Not being prepared is a major factor that 4. Not including intervals in your aerobic Here's how it will look.. you'll start with You'll derive several benefits from intervals.. 1. Intervals can help you to get past a 2. Intervals increase your aerobic fitness 3. Your increased level of fitness means that 4. Your increased level of fitness also means 5. Intervals increase your basal metabolic 6. Intervals cause you to "burn" more calories 7. Intervals will tone the involved muscles 8. Intervals can make your exercise less 9. Intervals will energize you! If you'd like to put a little excitement into Avoid these four "no-nos" and your weight loss copyright 2004 by Greg Landry, M.S. Author and exercise physiologist, Greg Landry, offers free weight loss and fitness success stories and targeted, highly affective weight loss programs for women, men, type 2 diabetics, and people with slow metabolisms and hypothyroidism.. http://www.Landry.com
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Reading Labels Reading labels is an essential part of any weight loss program. Being able to clearly identify key components of a food item is vital to the success of your diet. You have to be careful when you read the label and be extremely thorough. Labels are placed on food items because it is required by law. Marketers are forced to display this information but it does not keep them being tricky about it. Add High Water Content Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet For Fast Weight Loss Include in your diet things that contain more water like tomatoes and watermelons. These things contain 90 to 95 % water so that there is nothing that you have to lose by feasting on them. They fill you up without adding to the pounds. Weight Loss the Easy Way! With weight loss comes a lot of dedication and change of lifestyle. We can start with exercise, which is vital to all weight loss programs. A healthy body is the result of proper nutrition combined with a regular pattern of physical exercise. You weight loss will depend on how you intend to make it happen. It does not have to be difficult and you do not have to take weight loss supplements or pills. Why Friends Sabotage Your Diet at Parties How to Say No When You Don't Want the Food Compulsive Eating Signs Compulsive eating is characterized mainly by periods of impulsive bingeing or continuous eating. Purging (vomiting or laxatives) are not present, but there may be intervals of repetitive diets or fasts. Body weight can range from normal to severe obesity. Compulsive eating is a behavior driven by desire to reduce anxiety rather than by feelings of hunger. Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors reduce anxiety and distress, but they create a self-perpetuating cycle. The eating activity provides temporary relief, but it is followed by further distress in the form of guilt, shame, and disgust. This often leads to a vicious cycle of binge eating and depression. Compulsive eating can be a behavior used to fill a void, suppress uncomfortable emotions, cope with problems or to create a state of numbness to everything that is going on. Triggers can be anxiety, depression, stress, boredom or loneliness, dieting, and low self-esteem. Winning at Post-Partum Weight Loss: Six Simple Strategies for New Moms ? Part 1 A healthy pregnancy almost always involves weight gain. But now that baby's here, you're probably wishing those extra pounds would hurry up and disappear! While it won't happen overnight, these six simple tips can help you lose that extra weight in a healthy way. (If you're looking for parts 2 and 3 of this article, you can find them both at http:// www.mambomoms.com/articles.html) How to Do the Atkins Diet Right? Let me tell you something - if you are doing the Atkins Diet, you might be doing it WRONG. I have been on diet forums for years, have consulted thousands of people on low carb diets, and I am seeing it again and again. People don't know how to implement a low carb diet. Very often people fail to lose weight or to adapt to the low carb life style. Many people give it up after a couple of days because they don't know how to do it right. The Atkins Diet is the most famous low carb diet, but it is full of pitfalls just waiting for you to walk into. Overcoming Secretive Eating Finally - you are alone. No one else is around. Maybe you've waited until they are all soundly asleep. You find yourself in the kitchen sneaking food. Sometimes it's cake, sometimes it's ice cream. Other times you're standing in front of the refrigerator eating leftovers without a plate. Once in a while, you plan ahead, stocking up on your favorite goodies on the drive home. Look On Aisle 5 Have you ever stopped to calculate how much time you spend in each section of the supermarket? A Look at Bariatric Surgery Complications Although many patients have few problems after bariatric surgery, there is the potential for complications, both small and large, just as there is with any surgical procedure. Minor complications can include dietary intolerance, hair loss, dry skin, menstrual irregularities, or pain. Other complications that may occur include dumping, stenosis, a narrowing of the gastric pouch's outlet, vitamin or mineral deficiencies and anemia, gallstones, and vomiting caused by stretching the pouch. Weight Loss Doesnt Work Your brain has this really interesting system that is kind of like a search engine on the internet. It is called your RAS for short. A search engine works by typing what you want to find into it and then it goes out on the internet and finds the most relevant web sites for what you want. Your RAS works the same. You put something into your RAS and your brain will literally go out into the world and search for exactly that. Confessions From A Fat Doctor I never intended to get fat! I am not exactly sure how it happened, but there I was a 6'2" thirty-four year old pushing close to 270 pounds. My cholesterol was high, my triclecrides were high, and my blood pressure was high. I was on a direct course for developing diabetes, increased risk of heart disease, increased risk of cancer, and a ton of other diseases related to obesity. When Dieting Should You Weigh Yourself Every Day? How to Break the Weighing HabitFace it, if you weigh yourself more than once a day, you are a serious scale addict, and if you let the number on the scale affect how you feel, and whether it's going to be a good day, you are probably a bit too involved with that appliance. Danger, danger! Step away from the scale! Drink Beer AND Lose Weight Want to shed that beer belly? Why not try the low-carbohydrate approach? Following the philosophy of today's most popular low-carbohydrate books, dieters gradually increase the early restrictions of their daily carbohydrate intake while excess weight continues to come off, once again enjoying starchy foods like potatoes, rice and pasta ... in moderation, of course. Why Isnt My Diet Working? Have you been on a new diet for a couple of weeks and found that you STILL can't lose weight? Have you actually GAINED a pound or two since you've been on it? Are you just about ready to throw this diet out the window and try something else? Well, hold on a minute. There might be something else going on that's preventing your diet from working. The Public Stoning of Gastric Bypass Patients: When Things Get Ugly Recently a woman went public in her online diet community with her decision for gastric bypass surgery. She was asking for fellowship and support from fellow dieters. What she received was a public cyber-stoning from hostile opinionated and poorly informed sanctimonious people. Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #8 Life is extraordinary filled with wonderful people to show up to teach us things. Mitzi, a special friend from high school, sent me a book, The Game of Life and How to Play It, when I was struggling with a sickness years ago. The author speaks about the law of attraction, which I have written about previously. In addition, she writes, "No man is your enemy, no man is your friend, every man is your teacher." When you look at life this way, it becomes so simple. Breakfast -How Not To Start The Day Part II The Order of Energy Utilization Hollywood Weight Loss Secrets ? Movie Star Personal Trainer Tells All! In the early nineties I had the opportunity to work with some of the most famous movie stars in the world. As a manager and personal trainer of Kathy Smith's health club I experienced first hand the secrets to the stars. Here are a few things they did to look like they do: What is the Glycemic Index? Over the last 30 years, research into food and blood glucose response has completely changed our carbohydrate classification system. ![]() |
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