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Can Eating Certain Foods Help You to Lose Weight?
The best way to lose weight is by consuming fewer calories than you expend or conversely, by expending more calories than you consume. Experts have discovered that certain foods can actually help you to lose weight without the stress of dieting or exercise. The down side is that many of us have a tendency to dress these foods up with cheese, sour cream, butter or other calorie-laden flavor enhancers. This causes the weight loss effect to be lost. It may be difficult to not add extra calories to these foods but with a strong will power it can be done. A negative calorie food can be defined as a food that results in a slimming effect for the body. In other words a carrot (without anything else) will cause your body to use an increased amount of energy when digesting it and other foods, this can lead to an overall reducing effect on the body. This is partly from the amount of energy it takes to digest the carrot or other negative calorie food and partly from the elevation in metabolism that these foods naturally create. The overall effect is a net loss of energy, which is measured in calories. It should be understood that 'negative calorie' doesn't mean that the food has zero calories in it, nor does it have an anti-calorie or a negative calorie. Here is a partial list of negative calorie foods: apples, cranberries, grapefruit, lemon mango, oranges, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines, asparagus, beets, cabbage (green), carrots, cauliflower, hot Chile peppers, cucumbers, endives, garden cress, garlic, green beans, lettuce, onion, papaya, radishes, spinach, turnips and zucchini. There are more and you can learn about them from a medical doctor's very popular book. In his book, Foods that Cause You to Lose Weight, Dr. Neal Barnard explains the effects these foods have on the body. A quote from Dr. Barnard's book reveals some startling facts, "They found that those who ate foods that were very low in fat and high in carbohydrates, lost weight steadily, without limiting how much they ate. But those on high-fat diets could not effectively lose weight even if they ate skimpy portions." Dr. Barnard is referring to the published results of an experiment conducted at Cornell University and published in the May 1991 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A book reviewer posted on a website how he lost 30 lbs. utilizing the information from Dr Barnard's book. It is important to exercise caution when dieting because there are certain things that your body needs to remain healthy including proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are necessary for the body to function at its optimum level. You cannot remain optimally healthy by eating the negative calorie foods alone. This article is for information purposes only and is not meant to diagnose, treat or prevent any health condition. Please consult a doctor before dieting. Dave Snape is a health, fitness and wellness enthusiast. His website is http://tobeinformed.com
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Remember, weight-loss is best approved by a physician, especially if there are any medical concerns such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, cardiovascular problems, etc. Weight Loss: Where to find Hidden Calories If you have been eating as usual and the pounds seem to be creeping on - you could be a victim of hidden calories. Fat Burning Secrets For Cardio Workouts Lets face it, most of us live pretty busy lives and the amount of time spent exercising does eat up what little free time a lot of us have. I don't like to waste my free time anymore than anyone else so if I am going to use it up on an activity, I feel the rewards of the activity should out way the cost. The Right Way to Eat for Better Health and Weight Loss Did you know that how and when you eat is important for good health? Weight Loss: Weight Loss is All in Your Mind! "The kind of thoughts that you plant in your mind, determine what you produce in life." Letting negative thoughts rule your mind can never make you achieve your goal. The magic key is to identify these negative thoughts which are keeping you away from your goal, keep throwing them out of your head as soon as they try to overpower you, brainstorm new positive thoughts (your inspirations and motivations), write them down and keep reading them until they don't become a part of you. Understand the Science of Obesity And Youre On Your Way To Conquer It Many people think obesity means that a person is overweight, but that's not exactly true. An overweight person has a surplus amount of weight that includes muscle, bone, fat and water. An obese person has a surplus of body fat. Body Mass Index (BMI) is commonly used to determine if a person is obese or not. A person with a BMI over 30 is considered to be obese, and a BMI over 40 is considered to be severely obese. 5 Tips For Weight Loss Are you ready to lose some weight? Perhaps you're surfing for the magic pill that will vanish your weight away. Maybe you're simply searching for the right information to help you lose and keep the weight off. Whatever the case, here's some surefire tips to help you with your weight loss. Are Fruits Making You FAT? I want to make this perfectly clear, fruits are healthy and they are good for you. They are loaded with vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Fruits have also been shown to fight against cancer. However, when we are talking about weight loss we need to take a closer look at fruits. 2 Simple Steps to Effective Weight Loss It's agreed that if you raise the amount of calories you burn and watch what you eat, both the food and the portions, you'll eventually start losing weight. Don't make it more complicated than this. Dietary Weapons of Mass Distraction (WMD) As hoards of low-carb proponents invade the nutritional landscape, the increasingly tired low-fat guard seems to be giving way before their steady march and drumbeat. The Best Carbs For Low Carbers With the popularity of low carb diets such as Atkins, The Zone, and South Beach, more and more people are becoming aware of the bad effects to the body of too much carbohydrate consumption. As people try to cut down on their carb intake, it should be noted that not all carbs are created equal. 7 Tips to Help You Beat Your Sugar Habit Are you often overcome with an urge to splurge on candy, cookies, and cake ? and do you then hate yourself for caving into your cravings? Three Steps to Achieving Your Health Goals We all have aspects of health we want to improve. It could be as simple as increasing your stretching, or as great as starting an exercise program. Regardless of its scope, there is a reason you're not doing it. Although the focus of this article is on health goals, these steps can also be applied to any aspect of your life, personal or professional. I will walk you through 3 steps that are guaranteed to help you achieve a health goal The Truth About Fat Fat has had a lot of bad press and for many people, just a mention of the word can evoke misery. You can try to lose it, try to hide it, try to avoid it, but your body still needs it! Did you know that fat helps to insulate our nerve cells, keeps us warm, balances our hormones, keeps skin and arteries supple, lubricates joints and is a component in every cell? Fad Diets & Weight Loss A diet may be a fad diet or a healthy diet. People often start a fad diet for fast weight loss. They do not realize that quick weight loss and a fad diet is not the answer for their weight problem. They may lose weight initially but that may not be permanent. The fad diets recommend to eat a certain group of foods and eliminate some foods or a group of foods from the diet. Such diets are not without a danger. Spare Muscle Mass and Power, Lose the Fat The goal of many athletes and exercisers is to "get cut" or to lose excess fat while at the same time retaining muscle mass and power. Unfortunately, it is not possible to lose copious amounts of fat without incurring some loss of muscle mass. The reason for this is because at any given moment during a day and even during exercise, the human body does not exclusively make use of a single substrate or energy-producing substance such as carbohydrate, protein or fat. As mentioned in previous articles, substrate utilization is exercise intensity dependent ? that is higher intensity exercise will rely more heavily on carbohydrate but will still metabolize small quantities of protein and fat. Likewise, during low intensity, extended duration exercise the body will rely more heavily on fat utilization yet still receive a percentage of the energy yield from protein and carbohydrate. Low Carb Diet Secrets Revealed! You may be considering a low carb diet program, but wonder if they really work, and if so, how well? Diet Tactics You Must Know To Lose Fat? This article is about making long-term changes in the foods you choose and eat, WITHOUT sacrificing good taste. ![]() |
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