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Weight Loss Information |
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Give up the Diet
If you're thinking of going on a diet to lose those extra pounds think again. Long-term weight control through dieting is near impossible, for the simple reason is that diets promote only short term solutions not long term. After dieting you'll certainly look lighter on the scales, but in most cases this is because you've dumped a few pounds of body fluid and muscle, and not because you've lost any significant amounts of body fat. One of the main reasons diets don't work is because they send the body into starvation mode - a survival mechanism for times when humans faced periods of famine. Cutting back on our energy intake causes the body to lower its metabolic rate, which reduces its ability to burn fat. At the same time, hunger signals increase and we quickly start to crave high energy foods loaded with fats and sugars - the exact foods we are trying to do without!!! Alarmingly, research has shown that repeated dieting actually makes it harder to lose weight and easier to put it on!! This is because when you dump the diet and return to normal eating habits, the drop in metabolic rate caused by the diet means that your old eating habits actually represent an excess in calories. Not only do you regain the fat stores just lost, but you may even gain a bit extra. "Five more reasons to stop dieting" · Diets sap energy - Too little food means not enough energy for physical activity. · Diets lower your metabolism - Dieting causes your body to conserve energy, making results harder to achieve. · Diets are unhealthy - A cycle of rapid weight loss followed by weight gain can lead to a loss of lean tissue from your body and calcium from your bones. It also strips the body of essential vitamins and minerals. · Diets make food the enemy - Food provides nourishment and comfort. Diets can make you afraid to eat, depriving you of one of life's pleasures. · Diets cheat your confidence - Going from one failed · diet to the next can leave you feeling depressed and · create a cycle in which guilt battles against food. Regular physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet aren't as glamorous as the quick fixes, but they do get better results. Start with one extra exercise session and one less fatty takeaway meal per week, and gradually work towards a lifelong plan for achieving your best weight. If you change the way you eat or exercise to lose weight, ask yourself this question. Can I see myself sticking to this routine for life!! If the answer is "no" then its time to change what you're doing. Any healthy weight loss plan should include the following: · A wide variety of foods. · Regular and enjoyable exercise. · Enough filling foods to avoid constant hunger. · At least 1200 calories a day. · Flexibility for treat foods and social occasions. · A realistic goal of your best weight (not necessarily your lowest weight.) Fact A realistic weight loss is around one to two pounds per week. Fast weight losses are not fat loss but glycogen and water. If you lose weight quickly then you will probable return back to the weight at which you started as quickly as it was lost. Fiction · Weight loss is quick and simple. · Exercise is not necessary. · Certain exercises can spot reduce. · Carbohydrates (for example, bread, potatoes, rice, and pasta) are fattening. So the way to lose body fat and maintain muscle or increase it is to have a food program for life and more energy output. Increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, non-fat dairy products, whole grains and beans that you eat. Eliminate calorie-dense foods such as cookies, sugary desserts, chips, fries, pizza, candies, crackers etc. Research on people who have successfully lost a lot of weight and kept it off long term, shows that the vast majority succeeded by consuming a low fat diet high in fibre coupled with strength training and cardiovascular activity. These are the basics you'll need to aim for. A sound weight loss eating plan should: · Be nutritionally sound, providing all the nutrients you need. · Never promise fast weight losses. · Offer an eating plan based on real food. · Allow you to eat out. · Avoid expensive meal plans, products and supplements. · Not avoid carbohydrate foods, e.g. bread, rice, pasta, cereals and potatoes. · Make gradual dietary changes. · Provide knowledge. · Allow you to eat all foods · Recommend physical activity. Fat calories are more fattening than carbohydrate calories. Your body can easily convert the fat you eat in food into body fat, so to lose weight you need to cut down on fats and foods that contain it. Consider the following steps to reduce fat in your diet. · Use skimmed or skimmed milk in drinks, cooking and on cereals. · Buy a non - stick frying pan. · Buy a cheese slicer · Cut the visible fat from meat. · Eat very little pastry. · Learn how to read a food label. · Substitute low fat yoghurt for cream. · Remove the skin from chicken and turkey. · Eat fruit as snacks rather than eating chocolate and biscuits. · Eat fewer burgers and sausages. Gary Matthews is a fitness trainer from "down under" who has been coaching clients from athletes to bodybuilders for two decades. You may contact Gary directly at gary@maximumfitness.com and visit his website at http://www.maximumfitness.com.
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Weight Loss Information -- Setting Effective Goals Weight loss information is often confusing and misleading. The more specific we are in discussing weight loss information the better it is for everyone. Here's an example...realistic goals. What are realistic goals? I wrote an article not to long ago that defined "realistic" as a 5-10% reduction of your total body weight. The 5-10% reduction is all the weight you need to lose to show a health benefit or improvement. On A Diet? Ensure You Get Enough Nutritional Supplements For Your Good Health There is never any absolute certainty about what the nutritional requirements are for the human body of a certain age, size and gender. Scientific research on the subject takes a long time, and results are often not that clear. But, at least scientific research into the subject of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional requirements is being undertaken seriously, and taken seriously by governments. The Number One Secret Of Successful Weight Loss There's one thing that most people forget about when it comes to weight loss. The truth is it's even more important than the right diet or effective exercise. It's motivation. 11 Steps to Guarantee Weight Loss and Fitness Success 1. Persistence! Advice for the Ill = Advice for the Well All of the things we tell sick people so that they recover more quickly are exactly the things that we should be doing every day. Following that advice will not only ward off disease, but also lead to greater energy and vitality, and best of all, weight loss. How we came to ignore these positive factors in our daily lives, I don't know. Gastro-Physics And Dietary Anti-Matter Do a little people-watching, next time you're in the grocery line. There's always someone with a cart, bulging with every conceivable kind of diet food. Flats of turkey bacon prop listlessly against the fat free half & half and Olestra cookies. At first glance, this is clearly someone who is completely health conscious, diet minded, and watching what they eat. The Tao of Weight Watchers Part One Weight Watchers inspired me to change my eating habits, lose weight, exercise and, indirectly, learn to cook healthy and incredibly delicious food. Fake Weight Loss Claims: Identify Them Its crowded..really crowded..every other site offers Weight Loss Programs and guarantees loss of weight quickly and effectively. But do they really live upto it? Does Loss of Weight remains with time or the individual regains the weight after some time? The answer to these question differentiates between genuine Weight Loss Programs and fake Weight Loss Programs. Holidaze It's the travel time, meaning hours spent sedentary. It prepares me for the visiting, when I know there'll be no activity. I try to see it as winding down to catch up with where our lives have gone in the past 6 months. A semiannual sharing and reflection with family. An enchanted time when reality is lived through a rose tinted holidaze. High School Algebra Finally Pays Off: The Body Fat Equation When approaching your goals for a better you, every game plan needs to start with determining where you are, and where you want to end up. We're going to talk about some ways to assess where you are -- right now -- so that you can make sure that the goals you have set (or will set) are reasonable. And yes, this will be on the test! Lose Weight the Healthy Way It's definitely no fun to lose weight -- put it back on, lose weight, put it back on, and so on. Just as you learn the rules of a new diet, you find yourself trying to get around them. What if all you had to do to lose weight was to eat less? Why Diets Are A Waste Of Time & Money - What You Can Do Instead A 'diet' is always seen as a temporary measure. An unpleasant episode that must be endured in order to reach some weight target, often in time for a major event such as a wedding, your own or your children's. Afterwards, with a big sigh of relief that its over, we get back to normal eating. In what seems no time at all, especially if a holiday is involved, the weight is back where it was, and you wonder; was it worth it? Snooze to Lose Pounds If you want to find a way to lose weight faster, and you think there is nothing new under the sun, then what I'm about to tell you will really make you nod off. Food Cravings: Use EFT to Learn Patience Food Cravings: How to Practice Patience Obesity & Weight Management Is a Social Issue Much has been written about obesity and globesity. Obesity is perhaps the biggest drain on any nations economic resources with a mind-boggling costs to which researchers are yet to put a final figure. But the estimates run into trillions of dollars across the world. Do Diet Pills Really Work? You've seen diet pill advertisements? You have read the testimonials claiming diet pills work. You have often wondered - will diet pills work for me? The Tao of Weight Watchers Part Two As I explained in the first part of this article, the Weight Watchers' Points system teaches you to budget the amount of kilo joules and fat you consume every day. Eating Tips Make sure that no more than a quarter of your calories come from fat. 6 Simple Steps To LifeLong Weight Loss If You are sick of losing the same weight over and over, and feeling like a failure because your last "diet" didn't work, try these tips to not only lose weight, but lose it for good. I have watched hundreds of clients over the years and almost without exception, those that lose their weight once and for all have these six basic habits as a part of their lives. Weight Loss Workout Routine Benefits Is a weight loss workout routine right for you? Answer the following questions to find out. Do you feel sluggish at the end of the day? Do you feel tired and stiff after a long day at work? Are you stressed out most of the time? ![]() |
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