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Is Losing Weight The Same As Losing Fat?
Contrary to common belief, your weight is not really the indicator of a weight problem ? the actual percentage of body fat is the true indicator. You need to know what percent of you is actually FAT. How are you going to monitor your weight loss if you do not know what percent of your body is fat, before you begin your program? Let me give you an example on measuring body fat, this is important in understanding weight loss, or should I say FAT LOSS. This is actually what we are trying to lose, right? FAT! Lets say someone weighs 200 pounds and when we measure their body fat we find out there body fat is 40% This means that 40% of the members body is made of fat (80 lbs). The other 120 lbs is muscle, bones, organs, water, etc. (everything but fat). Now any true weight loss program should include some form of strength training customized to their personal abilities (Another reason you need someone who truly understands the whole body and how it works). Because if you can gain some of that muscle mass that we lose with age, our bodies will burn more calories and therefore burn more FAT! Now it's a few weeks into the program and this person steps on the scale and they now weigh 198 lbs. They are a little disappointed because they thought they were doing better. Their clothes fit better, they have more energy, and they are feeling better. But they are still depressed because they only lost a lousy 2 pounds! Right? Are we sure??? We now check their body fat and it is now 36% not 40%. Let's do a little math. 200 lbs at 40% body fat means that 40% of them is fat, which equals 80 lbs of FAT, and 120 lbs are muscles and everything else (called the lean body mass). 198 lbs at 36% body fat means that 36% of them is fat which equals 71 lbs of FAT, and 125 lbs of lean body mass. This person actually lost 9 pounds of FAT (the stuff we are trying to lose) and gained 5 pounds of lean body mass (mostly muscle mass, which is a good thing because this will allow their body to burn more calories!) You need to measure and focus on PERCENT OF BODY FAT, AND NOT WEIGHT! But don't worry, when your body fat goes down, as your body fat decreases so will the numbers on the scale! Dr. Jeffrey Banas is a Chiropractic Sports Physician, practicing in Mesa; AZ. Dr. Banas personally lost 60 pounds in 2003 and now uses his experience to help others struggling with their weight problems. Dr. Banas can be reached at his office at 480-633-6837, or by visiting his web site at www.personal-weight-loss-help.com
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Low Carbohydrate Diet Revolution -- A History Most people think of the Atkins diet when they hear the phrase low-carb. Indeed, Dr. Robert C. Atkins is the author of a number of low carbohydrate ketogenic diet books. The first one was published in 1972, and his pioneering efforts revolutionized the dieting world we see today. For everything that you hear; however, Dr. Atkins did not create low-carb dieting. Overweight - Answering Your Critics There are those that walk amongst us who have followed all the advice, diligently dieted and exercised with genuine effort for long periods of time, yet still fail to lose their excess weight. Weight Loss - A Complex Issue - Learn More Please feel free to comment, to provide good information and feedback Commit To Cardio Exercise For Permanent Weight Loss Everyone is looking for the secret to losing weight. Everyone wants it to be easy. There is no easy way to lose weight, but there is a secret. It may not be what you want to hear, though. The weight loss formula is basically simple: burn more calories than you consume. How do you do that? Commit to Cardio! Pediatric Obesity: A Look at the Epidemic Obesity in America is at an epidemic level. It is a global issue and the statistics only prove that it continues to rise. The world's children face the threats of this global obesity epidemic and the prevalence of obesity in children continue to rise. Over the last 30 years the number of overweight children has doubled. Over 30% of children ages 6-19 are considered overweight. Of these, 15% are considered obese. Unfortunately, excess weight and obesity in childhood has been found to be an indicator of obesity in adulthood and statistics further show that teenagers have an 80% probability of being obese in adulthood. Six Steps to Weight Loss Success What does it take to lose weight? Ephedra - Is It Safe And Effective? Burn fat while you sleep! Eat whatever you want and still lose weight! Don't suffer through hours of grueling exercise to burn fat! How To Burn Fat Fast: Go For Speedy-Burn, Not Crash-Burn How to burn fat fast is a question that burns anyone who has any weight to lose. Two ways to burn fat fast are: speedy-burn and crash-burn. How Slimming Down Can Add More Cash in Your Wallets Are you unhappy with your current weight but aren't "motivated" enough to do something about it? Dieting While Partying! It's really difficult for a person to socialise if he is on a Diet. Totally ignoring parties and invitation is definitely not a solution.You have to strike a balance between your diet and social parties which, trust me, isn't easy at all. But we can always take necesaary precautions so as to avoid overeating. The Best Weight Loss Programs and Plans - Find Out About Them Online Are you considering a low carb diet? If so you may be confused as to which low carb diet is the best. There is no easy answer for this question. Low carb diets are high in protein and very low in carbohydrates. Two of the more popular low carb diet programs are the Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet. Deciding which one is right for you can be quite a challenge. A low carb diet is a great way to lose weight now and experience quick results. Here are brief descriptions of both the Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet to help you in making your decision. The Atkins Diet is probably the most well known among low carb diets. The plan begins with a 14-day beginning period in which carbohydrates are limited to twenty grams per day. This begins the fat-burning process. During the fourteen-day induction period you should eat at least three cups of non-starchy vegetables per day. In calculating the number of carbohydrate grams you are consuming, you can deduct the fiber grams from the total carbohydrate grams. For example, if a particular food lists 5g carbohydrates and 2g fibers, subtract the fiber grams from the total carbohydrates, which will leave you with a total net carb count of 3g. After the induction period, you gradually increase the amount of carbohydrates you consume. The Atkins Diet allows you to eat almost unlimited amounts of cheese, meat, butter, nuts, and non-starchy vegetables. There is no need to count calories on the Atkins Diet. The South Beach Diet is designed to promote good health, with fast weight loss as an added bonus. The South Beach Diet is not a low carb plan or a low fat plan. This diet consists of eating the right carbohydrates and the right types of fats. You will not be required to counts calories or fat grams. Phase one of this diet lasts two weeks in which you will eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs and cheese, and olive oil. You may not consume alcohol, bread, pasta, or sugar. Phase two of the South Beach diet is designed for continuing weight loss. You may add moderate amounts of carbohydrates and even enjoy chocolate occasionally. Phase 3 helps you maintain your new, healthier weight. You will enjoy the foods you love in moderation and will be well prepared to adhere to this healthier way of eating. Low carb diets have produced favorable results for millions of people. You can lose weight now and keep it off by living a low carb lifestyle. There are many products available to help you lose weight. There are supplements, diet plans, programs, systems and online diet monitors that will help you manage your eating habits and measure your weight loss progress. Some of these companies provide support and help with your dieting program. We can help you by providing you with a free list of our recommended best sources for effective weight loss products and services. To view our list of recommended sources to help you lose weight or to read more articles about dieting visit: Recommended Weight Loss & Diet Resources Online. Fat Lady in a Thin Body: WLS Patients Feel Like Imposters Every weight loss surgery patient I've met said they at sometime during the weight loss experience felt like a fraud. A fraud is someone who pretends to be what they are not, an imposter. Given this definition, of course we feel like a fraud! Almost overnight we become the exact opposite of what we have been for many years. We are in fact a fat person masquerading in a thin body. Of course we feel like a fraud! Childhood Obesity Is Everyones Problem Reducing childhood obesity in the U.S. needs to be a #1 priority. Here are some ways you can help: Weight Loss: Why Do 98% of People Fail on a Diet and How to Avoid this Easily Everybody knows that 98% of dieters fail. But do you know exactly why does this happen? The Atkins Diet Introduction Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #2 Welcome to lesson #2. First of all, I believe that gratitude is so important in everyday life. With this in mind, I am in awe at the response for this ezine and I want to thank you for trusting the process and believing in yourself. When I woke up the next day after setting this up and saw the number of people who subscribed, I broke down in tears. I owe everything I have created to God. He led me to do this and through Him I will help you. I am here to be the light for you to know that you already possess the wholeness within. We have several layers that we will be uncovering. You will then be able to make new choices in your quest for weight loss and be putting daily plans for yourself in place. You will be amazed at the difference. My intention is that you get results! Walking, Water, and Weight Watchers: The 3 W?s for Weight Loss I have been seriously working on losing weight for about 2 1/2 months and many people have asked me what I am doing to be so successful. I reply, "The 3 W's for weight loss!" Of course they don't know what the 3 W's of weight loss are so I quickly tell them, "Walking, Water, and Weight Watchers." I know this isn't a formula that will work for everyone but it sure is working for me! Water is an essential fluid needed by everyone, walking is an excellent form of exercise, and Weight Watchers is a world renowned weight loss organization that has helped millions of people lose weight and keep it off for good. Simple Summer Fat Attack! Summer is about to be in full swing, and it's that time when everyone wants to look impressive in their "lack" of clothing. While I can't promise you that you'll achieve a fitness model body, I can at least give you some simple but important tips in achieving a leaner physique. Listen up! Behavioral changes guarantee your success - not just knowledge alone. You may already have drawn out your road map with your nutritional plan and your workouts, so take that strategy and ACT on it. Stay motivated and consistently remind yourself of your fitness goal. Here are 11 basic tips to get you jumpstarted! Gaining Weight After Gastric Bypass? Bad Snacks May be the Cause As I become acquainted with many of our LivingAfterWLS.com community members I'm finding that old snacking habits have crept back in to our lives. In my third year post-op I returned to the miserable habit of snacking and snacking on all the wrong foods. Crackers, popcorn, toast, cereal, pretzels, sugar-free candy, granola bars. The unpleasant result of this is I regained some weight, several dumping episodes, vomiting and bouts of fatigue. Low Carb and Lowfat Diets...A Scam?! If anyone knows anything about fitness, it's that a low fat diet is the healthiest way to avoid serious diseases, right? Maybe wrong. ![]() |
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