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Slimming Solutions
Here are 5 solutions to slimming: 1. Set Mini-Goals: Try setting short-term or "mini" goals to help you achieve your goal of shedding the excess weight. Keep in mind that your mini goals should be specific and realistic, and they should have a measurable outcome. Setting your target in specific, measurable terms will increase your chances of accomplishing your long term goal of losing those unwanted pounds. In addition, remember to be realistic. If you've been consuming over 2000 calories, dont try cutting back to 1400 overnight. And if you haven't exercised all year, dont aim to run three miles each day. 2. Budget your foods: If you can budget your money, you can budget your foods. Aim to have a specific amount of fruits, vegetables, starches, proteins and fats throughout the day, or for each meal. By limiting the amounts of each type of food, you will be able to stay within a calorie level that will enable you to loose weight. 3. Keep a food journal: Keeping a food journal helps you to avoid what is called "unconscious eating" - eating that leads to consumption of excess calories, beyond what you may have ever intended to consume. In fact, research actually shows that keeping a food journal will help you to loose weight! If emotional eating is a big sticking point for you, then journaling your moods, such as stress, boredom or anger can help you pinpoint problem areas, which in some cases may serve as triggers to overeating. Once you understand the problem, you can find a solution that does not involve opening the boxes of cookies or the jar of jellybeans. 4. Get moving: If you dont have time to get to the gym or to your aerobics class, be sure to engage in some physical activity at some point during the day. Believe it or not, even light physical activity can help you shed excess pounds and get into shape. Burning an extra 500 calories each day will help you to loose one pound per week. So, be sure to take advantage of the longer days with outside walks and outdoor activities. In addition to burning excess calories, getting out of the house to get your body moving will keep you away from the refrigerator. 5. Drink lots of water: Water will help to curb your appetite; it will also keep you hydrated during the hot months ahead, And here is an added bonus: Cold water helps you to burn calories! That's right - the process of bringing cold water to your body's own temperature involves expending energy, or calories. So carry a water bottle with you at all times, and aim for at least eight ounce glasses each day (or ten if you exercise). Read more health articles here: http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/articles/index.htm About The Author Educational guide to vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs for a healthier life - http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/ If you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and LIVE link to our website.
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Gastric Bypass Surgery ? A Mortality Rate to Be Scared Of? Success stories on the gastric bypass are everywhere, but how about the fatalities from the procedure? Barely mentioned in the magazines and newspapers, there is a serious risk carried by the gastric bypass and that risk is a 1 in 50 chance of you dieing within 1 month of the surgery ? that certainly puts the frights up me. The study by Washington University is shocking to say the least. The figure is apparently four times as many fatalities when patients are in the hands of inexperienced surgeons. Struggling with Weight? ? Get a Dog Just about every one of us struggles with our weight on some sort of level. There are usually two basic factors in weight control. The diet is not proper and not enough exercise is getting done. Weight Loss Success -- The Most Important Determinant Adherence to diet for one year, not the specific diet plan, is the most important determinant of successful weight loss. According to the results of a randomized trial published in the January 2005 issue of JAMA. When comparing Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone diets, the author recommends the "low fad" approach. Hunger Free Eating - How To Eat Less And Not Feel Hungry There are many diets, all of which boil down to taking in fewer calories especially of the foods, which tend to lay down fat in the body. 4 Keys to Weight Loss First off, let me start by saying this list is by no means exhaustive. However, if you can manage these 4 important components of a weight loss program, you will be on your way to a slimmer body. Six Super Easy Weight Loss Tips If you have been trying to lose weight permanently, then these six weight loss tips may be just what you need to kick start your weight loss program. You may have heard some of them before, but if you make them a part of your core goal, you will not have as much difficulty achieving your weight loss goals. Dieting 101 - For Those Who Want to Start But Dont Know Where to Begin Okay, so you've read some of these articles, done your homework and now you're finally ready to begin a diet and exercise program. But you still have this one same nagging question in the back of your mind... 'Where in the heck do I start?' Being lost in midst of all of these variables is not a hard thing at all. There is sooo much knowledge and guidelines out there that sometimes we don't know how to put it all together. Well today you are in luck! Vinegar and Weight Loss The Sour Truth -------------------------- Question: I had a baby 6 months ago and would like to lose some weight. I know that if you're nursing, you're not supposed to diet. I have been eating healthy foods high in nutrients, and I have lost a little weight. Would it be harmful to the baby if I started taking apple cider vinegar pills to help with weight loss? Negative Calorie Foods FAQs What is negative calorie effect? Whatever food we eat, our body has to work hard to digest and absorb. There are certain foods that require more calories to digest than their own calories. The overall effect of these foods in our body is that of using calories from body in the process of digestion. How to Eat All You Want and Still Lose Weight How would you like to eat all you want and still lose weight, or maintain your trim figure? Sounds impossible? Have you seen those skinny young women who eat like horses, with plate after plate of food at the buffet table without putting on any weight? Ok, so some of them may be bulimic. You know, the sort who eat all they want, then go to the toilet to throw up everything they just ate. Not only is that disgusting, it is very unhealthy. That damages your body in the long run. No, I'm talking about the girls who just cannot seem to gain weight. Probably due to a very high metabolic rate. They burn off all the calories they consume, effortlessly. Not every skinny girl is bulimic or aneroxic or even on a stringent diet. Some are just naturally thin. I know. In my early twenties, I was one of them. When you are young, your metabolic rate is high. As you get older, your metabolism would naturally slow down. Also, back in my skinny days, I walked a lot. As a student, I was underweight. Yet I could out eat any guy at a buffet table. That was because I walked a lot. I was on my feet walking around the campus when not at class. I had to climb a hill several times a day as the hostel where I stayed was on the top of the hill. As a young adult, I walked a lot. I'd go shopping for hours after work. Walking at least 3 hours each day, browsing from shop to shop. When I let a more sedentary lifestyle after marriage, I really gained weight. Staying home, watching tv instead of walking for hours in the malls let to serious weight gain. Even though I was eating far less than before. The gist of this is that your weight depends on the amount of calories you burn as well as the calories you consume. Consume more calories than you burn and you end up gaining weight. Burn more calories than you consume and you lose weight. So if you seriously want to eat all you want and still lose weight, you have to make a serious effort to burn those calories you consume. Just ate a big mac? That is worth 485 calories. Playing tennis for an hour burns 450 calories. Scrubbing the floor for an hour burns 440 calories. Try doing that to offset the calories you consumed from that big mac. When I run on a treadmill, uphill with the slope set to the max at 15, and speed at around 6.5 for 35 minutes, I burn about 410 calories. So if you want to lose weight and eat Big Macs, or other high calorie foods, you have to be prepared for some serious exercise. Likewise, the snacks you might eat while watching TV, or in the office all contain serious calories. Take note of what you eat, how many calories they contain and burn those off through exercise. Are Weight Loss Supplements Worth It? What do you think of the hundreds of weight loss supplements out there on the shelves today? Are they worth the money? Will they actually help you lose weight? How do you know which ones are going to work for you? Is there any proof that these products work? The Diet Dilemma. Why Diets Dont Work Let's face when it comes to overweight and obesity there are 2 basic facts we have to take into account. Scientific Guidelines for Effective Weight Loss If you have been dieting and haven't lost weight, stop! Don't even think about trying another diet, because it will produce the same results you have already seen. Diet Preparaton -- The Impact of Sleep and Stress When you have started a diet in the past, how much sincere and attentive focus did you give to preparing for your diet? Isn't it true that usually you are getting the food together a particular diet requires, buying yet another tread mill (or hauling out the old one covered in dust from the last diet), getting another gym membership, planning that last big blowout gluttonous meal you're going to eat because you are going to have to starve for the next eight weeks. The above really isn't an exaggeration. People spend a lot of time preparing everything else for their new diet program except the body!If you are to succeed in keeping weight off, you must take seriously the preparation of the whole person--body, mind, and soul, right? Of course you do! In the next few articles, I will focus on two very important and related components of preparing your body for weight loss programs: sleep and stress. Think about these two questions. Question 1: "What are your chances of actually losing the weight you want to lose? Question 2: What are the chances you'll keep that weight off for at least five years? If you have been on the fad diet band wagon even once in your life, you already look at those two questions warily and with some doubt about your success. I would venture a guess and say that most of us have tried more than one diet that promised fast results with very little if any hunger and no exercise, right? Dieters Need More Calcium Women on diets need more calcium than normal to avoid bone loss, say Rutgers University researchers. The True Weight Loss Approach ? Five Step Common Sense Plan! Some of you will not like what I have to say, even though it is the truth. And that may be where the problem of American's health problems lies. No one wants to give you the truth. My responsibility as a high profile fitness expert lies not in if you like me, or even if you buy my e books. My responsibility lies in giving you straight talk with no sugar coating it. Simple Summer Fat Attack! Summer is about to be in full swing, and it's that time when everyone wants to look impressive in their "lack" of clothing. While I can't promise you that you'll achieve a fitness model body, I can at least give you some simple but important tips in achieving a leaner physique. Listen up! Behavioral changes guarantee your success - not just knowledge alone. You may already have drawn out your road map with your nutritional plan and your workouts, so take that strategy and ACT on it. Stay motivated and consistently remind yourself of your fitness goal. Here are 11 basic tips to get you jumpstarted! Diet Candy for Delicious Weight Loss There are currently over 100 billion dollars sold in weight-loss and energy products each year. Weight-loss is a very serious and emotional issue. In fact, it's so big that doctors and scientists are referring to it as "catastrophic" in nature. Despite the efforts of researchers world over, North America is facing a "fat epidemic." How You Can Chew to Lose Weight There Is A Right Way to Chew! The TRUTH About How to Lose Weight The huge companies stealing your money by promising impossible results if you just drink their shake, take their pill, or do 10 minutes of exercise on their wiz-bang machines are abusing your trust in the name of profits and market share. ![]() |
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