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Dieting: A Few Smart Dieting Secrets To Rejuvenate You
In our society of fast food and long hours spent at jobs, it is not difficult to add weight at all. That is the easy part. The hard part is how to shed those extra pounds. With the right dieting and discipline, it can be done. Here are a few smart dieting secrets to help you achieve an ideal weight. Start your diet with a food diary, record everything you eat, what you were doing at the time and how you felt. That helps you gain insight about yourself, your temptation, the emotional states that encourage you to snack. Instead of eating the forbidden piece of candy, brush your teeth. If you're about to cheat, allow yourself a treat, then eat only half a bite and throw the other half away. When hunger hits, wait 10 minutes before eating and see if it passes. Set attainable goals. Don't say, "I want to lose 50 pounds." Say, "I want to lose 5 pounds a month." Get enough sleep but not too much. Try to avoid sugar. Highly sweetened foods tend to make you crave more. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Water itself helps cut down on water retention because it acts as a diuretic. Taken before meals, it dulls the appetite by giving you that "full feeling." Diet with a friend. There is strength in numbers. Support groups are important, and caring people can help one another succeed. Start your own, even with just one other person. Substitute activity for eating. When the cravings hit, go to the "Y" or health club if possible; or dust, or walk around the block. This is especially helpful if you eat out of anger. If the pie on the counter is just too great a temptation and you don't want to throw it away, freeze it. If you're a late-night eater, have a carbohydrate, such as a slice of bread of a cracker, before bedtime to cut down on cravings. Keep an orange slice or a glass of water by your bed to quiet the hunger pangs that wake you up. If you use food as a reward, establish a new reward system. Buy yourself a non-edible reward. Write down everything you eat - - everything - including what you taste when you cook. If you monitor what you eat, you can't go off your diet. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time. Your weight fluctuates constantly and you can weigh more at night than you did in the morning, a downer if you stuck to your diet all day. Make dining an event. Eat from your own special plate, on your own special placemat. Borrow the Japanese art of food arranging to make your meal, no matter how meager, look lovely. Make eating some kind of a ceremony. This will lessen the habit of automated eating. This is a trick that helps chronic over-eaters and bingers pay attention to their food instead of consuming it unconsciously. Don't shop when you're hungry. You'll only buy more fattening food. Avoid finger foods that are easy to eat in large amounts. Avoid consuming large quantities of fattening liquids, which are so easy to overdo. And this includes alcoholic beverages. Keep plenty of crunchy foods like raw vegetables and air-popped fat-free popcorn on hand. They're high in fiber, satisfying and filling. Leave something on your plate, even if you are a charter member of the Clean The Plate Club. It's a good sign that you can stop eating when you want to, not just when your plate is empty. Lose weight for yourself, not to please your husband, your parents or your friends. Make the kitchen off-limits at any time other than mealtime. Always eat at the table, never in front of the TV set or with the radio on. Concentrate on eating every mouthful slowly and savoring each morsel. Chew everything from 10 to 20 times and count! Never skip meals (unless you're not hungry) May these dieting tips help you to achieve your ideal weight and maintain good health and happiness. Warmly, I-key Benney, CEO I-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of "Mscsrrr: Millionaire Secret Cash System", (online forex trading), program which has helped thousands of ordinary people from all over the world to attain financial security and shining success during the past 2 yrs. Mscsrrr Millionaire Secret Cash System helps you to generate $1,500+/Week for life, from home or office, part time or full time. No large investment or hassles. Win $1000-$2000 free "cash"?
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Obesity, Whats The Big Deal Part 4 In this issue, I am going to focus more on some of the consequences of obesity, especially as it relates to children. Although this is focusing on children, think of how it relates to you. Also, if you have kids, what are you teaching your kids about health? Low Fat versus Low Carb Diets Diets, diets, diets... every where you go, anything you read you can't miss them, they are almost everywhere. And if you have weight problems you are really annoyed by the huge number of ads or commercials promoting one or another type of diet. Easy Weight Loss -- 5 Steps to Lose Weight Is it easy to lose weight? Yes. Losing weight is easy. I see it everyday. Patients of mine come into the office as happy as can be because they lost 15 pounds on the newest easy weight loss plan. Fat Burning Secrets For Cardio Workouts Lets face it, most of us live pretty busy lives and the amount of time spent exercising does eat up what little free time a lot of us have. I don't like to waste my free time anymore than anyone else so if I am going to use it up on an activity, I feel the rewards of the activity should out way the cost. Breakfast and Weight Loss Some people think that skipping breakfast will help them lose weight. It won't. 4 Surefire Ways NOT To Lose Weight At Your Health Club Everyone has their own individual reason for joining a health club, lose a few pounds, tone up, lower your blood pressure, strengthen a bad back or shoulder, perform better in sports, or just keep in shape by playing some basketball or racquetball. Low Carb Beer: Not So Skinny Low carb beer and lite beer are two different animals. Both feature lower calories and both are ostensibly for weight loss. But a typical light beer contains almost 3 times as many carbs as a low carbohydrate beer. So far so good. If you'd like to enjoy an occasional beer while on a low carb diet, the low carb beers may be the way to go. What is Your Healthy Body Weight Everywhere we look in the western world we are inundated with pictures, images, icons and inferences of the 'perfect' female shape! The truth is that many of these images are altered or enhanced in some way and do not depict the typical female form. The pressure to lose weight is immense when we are bombarded every day with media selling products based on slimness, sex appeal and fashion. The constant message is that slimness will make you desireable. What is Back to Normal After Gastric Bypass Surgery? It is common for new WLS patients to ask, "How soon after surgery will I get back to normal?" This is understandable. We've spent a lifetime dieting for the short-term ? the 30-day diet, the six-week program, the lose-ten-pounds-over-the-weekend diet. Remember thinking, "If I can stick with this plan for just 10 days, then I can go back to normal." Weight Loss Support Groups: Lose Weight & Keep It Off With Your Friends At The Phentermine Forum We all know it's hard to begin losing weight, no matter what method you're using. Even diet pills present a challenge through uncomfortable side effects that occasionally bother us. One of the biggest problems with making a project of losing weight is finding the energy and will power to keep going no matter what. Setting Morning Intentions For Success Ever heard of the expression, "Getting up on the wrong side of the bed?" Many people have less than idealistic starts to their day. The alarm goes off, the snooze button gets thwacked several times and something gets grumbled about it being too early. Others jump out of bed, and hit the shower running with little thought to creating a spirit of excitement for the new day. Emotional Eating Yesterday, out of the blue, without any foreboding gossip or rumor, the company I work for was taken over by a competitor. All afternoon we sat stunned and unnaturally quiet, trying to absorb what had happened and what it might mean to our future. A New Diet -- Bowel Cleansing for Weight Loss An ancient practice from Eastern Medicine, bowel cleansing is fast becoming the next new diet for the Western world. What is bowel cleansing and does it safely cause healthy weight loss? Bowel Cleansing 101 Keeping things simple, bowel cleansing is equal to Western Medicine's laxative. Practitioners of bowel cleansing will argue that their methods are more effective, natural, and completely unrelated to using laxatives. My point is this: increasing water content in the large colon acts like a "wash" to empty the bowel lumen. Some Laxatives and "natural" substances used in bowel cleansing both do exactly this..."washing" the colon by trapping water which evacuates undigested food. Any claims made beyond trapping water simply have not been rigorously studied and represent opinion and theory, at best. Methods for bowel cleansing are too numerous to cover in this article. The only comment I'll make is about the one commonality found in all of them...non-digestible natural substances. Fiber like substances can be found to some degree in all bowel cleansing methods. Remaining in the bowel (colon) lumen, they trap water increasing the bowel's water content. This results in increased pressure and tension inside the bowel and results in a large bowel movement consisting of undigested food. This is what is called "washing" or "cleansing" the bowel. Bowel Cleansing -- A Healthy New Diet Option? A healthy weight loss method promotes fat loss while preserving muscle tissue and water content. Weight loss by bowel cleansing results primarily from water loss. This is not a healthy method for losing weight and will cause weight gain soon after the cleansing. I did find a few small studies that showed the opposite results with some bowel cleansing methods. These particular methods do seem to result in healthy weight loss. Further investigation of this apparent contradiction revealed that the bowel cleansing methods also placed dieters on a high fiber diet. Diets high in fiber are significantly lower in calories and if gradually implemented will result in healthy weight loss. Bowel Cleansing -- Is it Safe as a New Diet? Some bowel cleansing methods are safe but others can be dangerous if abused. Critical electrolytes are also lost in the "washing" or "cleansing" process and if repeated too often can lead to disturbances in your nervous system and heart rhythm. Before you start a new diet, use the new diet Safety Checklist. Make sure it's safe and won't cause you harm. As far as bowel cleansing is concerned, it's my opinion that you have better options for helping you lose weight. To Healthy Living! Michael A. Smith, MD Chief Medical Consultant Diet Basics Website Know How Many Calories To Cut For Permanent Weight Loss It is not recommended to lose more than 1 pound per week for healthily weight loss. The reason for this has do to with the issues which quick and drastic weight loss can have on your body's metabolism and muscle mass. When you lose a lot of weight quickly, you really need to strictly monitor where this weight is coming from. Is it water weight, body fat or muscle mass? The majority of the time, it unfortunately comes from lean muscle mass and this is exactly what will cause serious issues with your metabolism. Muscle is your body's most potent and active tissue for burning calories and body fat. Its basically your body's "furnace" which you want to always keep burning hot. When someone loses a lot of weight, which usually comes from crash dieting or some other unhealthy way of dropping the weight, the body's lean muscle mass is cannibalized and you lose some of your biggest "power" tissue for keeping a lean body. Atkins Diet Plan - Whats The Catch The Atkins diet Plan breakfast can usually composed of eggs strips of bacon and coffee. A snack might include coffee with cream, and chunks of cheese. A huge steak fried in butter could be dinner. Doesn't this sound really good? It seems very tempting but there is a catch. Healthy and Fast Weight Loss: Ephedra - Why the FDA Couldnt Keep Their Ban On It? Why was the FDA trying to hide the facts about Ephedra from YOU? When Losing Weight Seems Hopeless Sometimes it's good to just let the feelings flow. Take out a piece of paper and just start writing your feelings down on paper. I do this when I start to feel overwhelmed. We all have certain tendencies and mine is to put too much on my place (food or otherwise), then when I'm upset because I have too much (to eat, too much to do), I feel hopeless. It's too much to handle, and I just don't know what to do. Combating Obesity So you ask, "How do I determine if I am Obese, Overweight or fat?" Usually 20% or more over recommendations on standard weight charts indicates that you fit into the obese category. Obesity refers specifically to having an abnormally high proportion of body fat. Hybrid Sweeteners in Todays Health What is the advantage of these new half sugar and half synthetic baking sugars that are on the market? These drink products made with ½ the sugar carbs and ½ synthetic sweeteners and foods marketed and eaten by our kids, does it really give the consumer that much more of an advantage? America Health Watch America loves fast food. Last year, consumers spent billions of dollars on the hamburger industry alone. Corporate giants such as McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King all boast of multi-million dollar incomes each year. ![]() |
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