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Lasting Weight Loss: No Discipline Required
"I'd love to lose weight, but I don't have the discipline." If I had to lose weight the way the diet mongers say we need to, I'd never lose an ounce. Or maybe I would, but it certainly wouldn't stick. And then, what's the point? And if I had to make myself work out, well that wouldn't be likely to happen either. The truth is - I like working out, so it isn't a chore and it doesn't require 'discipline'. It does require time and prioritizing. So I've tried to make that as simple as possible. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a big believer in simplicity. If you attempt to lose weight using 'discipline' you are taking a risk. You are working against yourself, rather than with yourself and setting up a situation just ripe for rebellion. Losing weight with discipline invites perfectionism and extremism. "If I don't do this, I am weak--I have failed." You are trying to bully yourself into an act of submission by attacking your own character. Does that sound like a recipe for success? You also take the risk of trying to accomplish something using an authoritative stance. Drill sergeants may be able to get their recruits to obey commands, but I'm willing to bet that most of us would prefer a more flexible, open-minded approach. If you are involved with losing weight, you want to be comfortable in relationship to the process, not relating to it as a "should". Otherwise, it is akin to a loveless relationship--you are there, but you don't want to be. You are always thinking about what you are missing. When you talk about discipline, you are really talking about desperation. You don't know any other road to get from point A to point B. You have been told that dieting is the only way to lose weight. It doesn't make sense--we can have a great work ethic and be very disciplined in other areas, but when it comes to our bodies, nothing seems quite as personal or as hard to get a handle on. We think that if we just follow the rules . . . But what happens when that doesn't work? We are right back into the same old patterns--berating and sabotaging ourselves. Is it possible that it is the diet and not us that is at fault? Losing weight doesn't take 'discipline'--what it takes is connection to ourselves, especially in the act and experience of eating. It also takes permission to be ourselves and to accept ourselves as we are. It takes becoming aware of what works for us and allowing ourselves to fail, at times, in the process. Losing weight takes leaving the popularity contest behind and connecting to ourselves in new ways that offer personal satisfaction instead of trying to please others. When you can do that, weight loss is likely to happen--so is life. Carol Solomon, Ph.D. is a psychologist and personal coach who specializes in helping people who want to lose weight and eliminate food and weight issues. By going from food obsessive to charge neutral (i.e. Did I eat today?), she became dedicated to making it easy for others to step off the vicious cycle and live free of anxiety about food and weight. She is the author of "Lose Weight Now Stay Slim Forever," a practical "how-to" manual for learning to lose weight without dieting. Sign up for her free email newsletter, Slim Forever at: http://lose-weight-now-stay-slim-forever.com
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Dieting Will Never Be the Same! A Review of How to Make Your Diet Work According to the American Obesity Association, an astounding 64.5 percent of adult Americans (about 127 million) are categorized as obese or overweight. According to the website's statistics, obesity causes at least 300,000 excess deaths and is responsible for 100 million dollars in healthcare costs each year for obese and overweight Americans. A very real and often devastating problem for so many, obesity should be considered a healthcare crisis and given the utmost attention. Burn Fat Not Sugar! You are going to be pleasantly surprised! Most people think that in order to lose weight you have to do strenuous exercise, continuously, and lots of it! Well, Guess what? NOT TRUE! Help to Reduce Belly Fat Can You Lose Weight Where You Want? After WLS: Goodbye Self-Loathing! Hello Self-Loving! You won't believe what happened to me today! Glycemic Index: A Magic Weight Loss Solution or a Soap Bubble Ready to Burst? Glycemic index ranks different carbohydrate foods depending on their potential to raise blood glucose levels. 5 Simple Steps to Start Your Weight Loss Program Remember there's more to you than meets the eye. You've got personality, brains, feelings? in short, all those things that make you, YOU. So why diet? After all, you're more than just a body, and things that really matter can't be measured on a scale. The Psychology of Weight Loss: Part 2 ? How are You Motivated? New Years Resolutions do not work because you are really not motivated when you think you are. On the surface you may be, but deep down you are not. That is why by April, that membership to the gym, those new clothes and that new found motivation has all but disappeared. What is Back to Normal After Gastric Bypass Surgery? It is common for new WLS patients to ask, "How soon after surgery will I get back to normal?" This is understandable. We've spent a lifetime dieting for the short-term ? the 30-day diet, the six-week program, the lose-ten-pounds-over-the-weekend diet. Remember thinking, "If I can stick with this plan for just 10 days, then I can go back to normal." Spring Forage Thankfully, winter does not last forever! In the spring there is no more temptation to dip into the white flour canister and whip up biscuits and gravy or grandma's banana bread. Ah, as the daylight hours grow longer, we lose the urge to rummage through the fridge for high carb "no-no's." With the onset of spring, thick, sweet, hot, heavy, bloating, high glycemic platters of food suddenly have no appeal! Weight Loss Setbacks and the All or Nothing Attitude I want to talk about the "all or nothing" outlook that is death to any attempt to lose fat and get in shape. The Tao of Weight Watchers Part One Weight Watchers inspired me to change my eating habits, lose weight, exercise and, indirectly, learn to cook healthy and incredibly delicious food. What are Fats? Fat is fuel. That is basically what it is. A solid concentrated form of fuel. They have more calories than proteins or carbohydrates. Here are the basic forms of fat. Are You Overweight Because Youre Not Sleeping Enough? If you're like me, you probably wish that there was a way for you to lose weight without having to put in much effort, right? Weight Loss NOW! The Soft Drink Diet In the early nineties doctors were beginning to see the growing trend in American's waistlines. So for a very short period of time they came out on the offense by promoting better foods to eat. An easy one was endorsing pasta meals. What they failed to mention was the best time to eat pasta and what other things to not eat with it. Thus, fifteen years later, you are twenty percent fatter, and more confused than ever. Pasta by itself is not necessarily the problem, but combine that with soft drinks or wine, then you have the Venus fly trap. 4 Keys to Weight Loss First off, let me start by saying this list is by no means exhaustive. However, if you can manage these 4 important components of a weight loss program, you will be on your way to a slimmer body. After Gastric Bypass: Pass the Water, Hold the Ice I just read this conventional diet tip ? and we've heard it before ? "Burn away fat with ice cold water! Ice cold water is calorie-free and fills you up so you can eat less. Drink ice-cold water and you'll even burn a few extra calories as your body warms it up!" Warning: Dramatically Improve Your Health In Just 27 Days!!! You don't realize it, but in the next few minutes you're going to learn how to drastically sculpt your body and reach an all-time high level of fitness in just 27 days! Lose Weight and Keep it Off Permanently Without Fancy Diets For years the experts have been telling us that diets do not work, and my experience in the field for almost twenty years confirms that. Yet every year several new fad diets and supplements emerge, claiming they have the answer, and making people rich. Stop Trusting the Scale--Its Probably Wrong Anyway Have you ever stepped on the scale after a week of "being really good" only to be rewarded with an eye popping four pound gain? Don't despair! Your scale isn't trying to ruin your efforts and it doesn't hate you. True health is measured in many ways, only one of which is your outward appearance, and what you weigh is the least reliable measure of all. Walking for Weight Loss: Walking with a Purpose I wrote this article back in the late fall when I was struggling with weight loss motivation. Since January I have embarked on a serious weight loss journey and I have lost 37 1/2 pounds. "Walking with a purpose" was the first step in making exercise a regular routine in my life. ![]() |
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