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For All Walks of Life
Why Walking Could Be the Solution to Your Fitness Dilemma. Walk, don't run, to your local fitness store and try on a pair of walking shoes. For cardiovascular fitness, there isn't an activity that's more sensitive to the wear and tear of your body than a stroll through the park. Aside from being a tremendous tension releaser and a great metabolism booster, walking is a great exercise to strengthen your legs, abdomen, and heart. But before we get into the crucial elements to this growing craze, first kick off the old shoes and slide in with the new. Walking shoes, obviously, are the walker's tools, much the way a baseball player relies on his bat and a golfer does his putter. So you can never be too choosy about what you slip your feet into. Most importantly, perhaps, is that the shoes fit. If you seem like you may be in between shoe sizes, always choose the larger size. It is imperative that you can wiggle your toes inside your walking shoes and that you can squeeze a finger between your heel and the inside of your shoes. After securing a proper fit, it's time to hit the streets. Stretching, of course, is the first order of business, so take a few minutes before each walk to stretch your legs properly, increasing flexibility while decreasing the risk of injury. You want to emphasize the stretch around your hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf muscles, allowing these muscles to warm up before you begin your walk. Walking may seem like merely an integral part of your life. You walk every day, whether it's to your car, to the mailbox, or through a shopping mall. But what many walking hopefuls don't understand is that there is an actual technique involved. Walking is a heel-to-toe type exercise in a sense that you should always land with your weight on your heel before rolling onto the balls of the feet. Then, push off with the ball of your foot before landing on the heel of your opposite foot. Throughout the stride, your arms should be loose and swinging with each step. Your back is straight during this and your knees are bent a tad. As you walk, your eyes should be focused straight ahead, with your chin up, your shoulders straight, and you chest pushed forward. Your stride should be at a comfortable distance, not too short and not too long. The right stride will conserve your energy and allow you to maintain proper balance, form, and speed. The more moderate pace for a walk is somewhere around 3 mph while a more advanced competitive walker will chug along at a 5 mph pace. Many walkers prefer to perform with weights, whether held in the hands or strapped to the legs. Before attempting this, you may want to work up such an exercise. However, walking with weights can build up strength and endurance. Usually after the first two weeks of taking on this method of fitness, the walker will feel an increase in stamina and perhaps a loss of fat. Roads with sidewalks are ideal for the walker. That way, the walker doesn't face the danger of being struck by motor vehicles. Under circumstances where sidewalks are not present, be sure to walk on the left side of the road so you are facing the oncoming traffic. Athletic tracks usually provide a smooth surface for the walker, but when doing so, be considerate to others. Be sure to walk on the outside lanes. The inside lanes are generally reserved for joggers and sprinters so the slower your pace, the further outside you should be. Apollo Supplements.com - http://www.apollosupplements.com - Health & Fitness Supplements/Nutrition ? 40% to 70% off. Find a huge selection of Health & fitness supplements & nutritionals at Apollo Supplements. We carry all major name brands including AST, EAS, Optimum, Muscletech, and many more. Copyright ApolloSupplements.com - MuscleMaster, Inc.
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Hollywood Weight Loss Secrets ? Five Things to Avoid! As an employee of famous fitness star Kathy Smith, personal trainer of many movie stars, and best selling author, it came to my attention of a few things that prevented Hollywood types from losing the weight they wanted. Here they are; Can Caffeine Tights Beat Cellulite? At around �350 pounds a treatment, Lipo-Dissolve the so called "flab-jab" injection that dissolves fatty tissue in the knees is costly, painful and requires ugly plasters on both knees, as recent pictures of Gerri Halliwell and Nicole Kidman show. To Be or Not To Be: Low Carb... I get asked all the time, "what do you think about the Atkin's Diet?". Well, as a Nutritional Bio-Chemist, my opinion and answer to that question would have to be a biochemical response. Action Plan to Take the Weight Off This Year Addicted to Restaurants Low Carb Beer: Not So Skinny Low carb beer and lite beer are two different animals. Both feature lower calories and both are ostensibly for weight loss. But a typical light beer contains almost 3 times as many carbs as a low carbohydrate beer. So far so good. If you'd like to enjoy an occasional beer while on a low carb diet, the low carb beers may be the way to go. Overcoming the 7 Roadblocks to Maintaining Weight Loss 1. Become aware of what you are eating. A Simple Plan for Weight Loss that Really Works One pound of fat equals 3500 calories. Want to lose a pound a week? Then you need to consume 3500 calories less per week than you use. That's about 500 calories a day. By cutting out 500 calories a day from your normal daily diet, while keeping your activity level the same, you can lose approximately one pound a week. The Psychology of Weight Loss ? Getting to the Roots of the Matter! The Psychology of Weight Loss ? Your Approach! Weight Loss Equals Behavior Change - The Acceptance Factor Get to the ROOT of the matter: If the plants in your garden are not healthy looking, just trimming them back will not take care of the problem. What do the roots look like? I am no psychologist, but there is a very interesting twist you need to understand before you begin any weight loss or fitness program. 5 Easy Weight Loss Tips You Can Use Right Now Sometimes, just the thought of starting on a diet and fitness regimen can be so overwhelming, we stop before we even give it a shot. Let's not be overwhelmed then, OK? Instead, let's look at 5 easy ways you can start down the path to a slimmer, lighter you. Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips ? Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 5 of 10 Have you ever seen an overweight rock climber or yoga instructor? Why? Single out some one in the gym who is lean and healthy and there's a good chance they have good circulation throughout their body. People who have good circulation tend to have good stretchablity. Lose Fat by Choosing The Best Weight Loss Plan For You Are you sick of the hype? Wondering what diet products really work? The fact is, most of them do. It's simply a matter of finding what works for you. In general, the best diet plan is a healthy balance of low fat and high protein foods, plenty of fruits and veggies, and a little bit of sweets and fats. You can also never underestimate the importance of those eight glasses of water a day. If you have trouble getting in the recommended amount of water, try having water instead of a soft drink at lunch, or keep a Nalgene bottle with you throughout the day. Combine all of this with some moderate exercise, and you'll be good to go! The fact is, that fundamentally the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. How to Buy Chocolate Then Forget to Eat It Some Say I'm Strange. I Prefer to Think of Myself as Resourceful Weight Loss for Good! - The # 1 Secret! The only way you will ever follow through on an exercise program is to be sold out. The military calls them "lifers." These are people who are committed to something for the long haul. Are you a lifer? Could you be a lifer? Will I get faster results with a Personal Trainer? If you pick the right personal trainer?you'll most definitely see faster results. If the personal trainer is registered with a governing body, it's likely the personal trainer would have gone through the proper training and education process. A personal trainers job is to motivate and inspire a client to push far beyond the boundaries of what they would normally do if they were exercising by themselves. Gastric Bypass Myth ? All Patients Stretch their Stomachs and Regain Weight Have a conversation about gastric bypass surgery with just about anyone and you will hear, "Yeah, I know someone who had that done and within a year they stretched out their stomach and regained all that weight ? plus some." 5 Easy Steps to Help You Lose Weight When losing weight, most of us don't have the time to drastically change our lifestyles. We need a practical and convenient way to integrate effective habits into our daily lives. The following steps are easy and practical ways to get you on the track to loosing weight and feeling better. 7 Diet Tips For Rapid Weight Loss 1. Quit snacking in between meals. Do not fall for snacks in between meals. This is especially true for those who have to travel a lot. They feel that the only time they can get a bite to eat is snacks and junk food. The main problem with most snacks and junk food is that they are usually less filling and contain a lot of fat and calories. Just think about French fries?tempting but terribly fattening. Weight Loss - I Lost 40 Pounds I did it without starving myself or taking pills. How did I do it you ask? Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #13 Life is great, isn't it? Stop and just look around you as you're reading this and breathe in all that you have to be grateful for. You have a computer; you have the Internet; you have the ability to type; you can read; you have an attractive, intelligent, vibrant 50-year old woman who cares about you-that's me! Remember to define yourself as Divine. The One who created you wouldn't have it any other way. He expects you to let people know who you are and shout it out your car window if you have to. I prefer to wear a t-shirt that reveals who I am. I celebrated my 50th birthday on March 11 and got a t-shirt that says, "I'm 50 and I'm a Hottie!!" ![]() |
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