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Want Power Before Will Power
The problem isn't that you don't have enough will power to achieve what you want. You have will power, but it's not will power you need, it's want power. You have to first want You must want to change your habits, want to lose some weight, want to give up your evening snacking before your will comes into play. Once you want a thing badly enough, you will do whatever it takes. If you think you want something (to make a change in your eating habits perhaps), but then find it difficult to follow-through with your plans, most likely you simply want your current reality (your current habits and patterns) more than you want your goals (less weight, better health, etc.) I can hear you all the way over here, telling me I'm wrong: "No, that's not right! I want this more than anything, I just don't have any willpower!" Round and round you go, but the truth is, you will get what you really want. Think back, has there ever been a time when you really wanted something? A certain piece of clothing, a certain house, car, job, spouse? Hum... Yes, we go after what we want, if we really want to acquire or achieve it we do. Nothings going to fall in your lap, you've got to go get what you want. What's Going on? Put another way, you may want to avoid the pain (breaking old habits, avoiding some favorite foods, simply not overeating...) more than you want to gain the pleasure (losing some weight, gaining new habits, eating favorite foods in moderation ...) Since losing weight takes time, from weeks to months to years, it's easy to fall off the path. It's always easier to get back into our old habits of eating, eating, and more eating. There's always more food. Unless you are too poor to purchase it, there's plenty food in America - in fact, too much food, and so it becomes even more necessary to keep the longer-term goals in mind. How do you keep the longer-term goals in mind, when the short-term food is staring you in the face? What about all the treats offered, what about the commercials, the billboards, the signs everywhere that say EAT? Wanting, in fact, is the "W", the first step in the W.H.A.C.K approach. See it in the free e-book, Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss. Think back to when you last really wanted something. Wanted it more than anything, had to have it, would do just about anything to get it. To want is a mighty powerful motivator, but surprisingly we aren't all motivated by what we want. Some of us are motivated by avoiding what we don't want. What is your Motivation Strategy? Motivation comes in two (or more) flavors. You can be motivated towards something (what you'll gain) or you can be motivated away from something (what you'll lose). This desiring to avoid can be confusing. I'm saying you must want something, and you're thinking, but I don't want to be fat. I can't think about my future, only what I don't want. Here is what's going on: Motivation: Toward If you are motivated by what you'll gain you find it easy to look ahead and see your future shapely body, you'll see people around you with admiring glances, you'll hear their compliments, you'll smell the good food and feel good knowing you can eat enough to be satisfied, and then say you're full. You've had enough, thank you. You'll be in control of your life. You'll want what you visualize more than anything, and you'll do whatever it takes to get it. If asked what movie to go see, they'll have a few ideas, and tell you why. Motivation: Away If you are motivated by what you'll lose you'll focus on what you want to avoid. For example, you want to avoid dying, you want to avoid being too heavy to enjoy playing with the kids, you want to avoid gasping for breath when you climb a flight of stairs. You want to avoid the embarrassment, the humiliation of other people's remarks and rude glances. You don't want any of that anymore, and you don't want it to the extent that you'll do whatever it takes to avoid these things. If you ask them what they want for dinner, they'll tell you they don't want Chinese, or pizza. It can be difficult to get someone motivated this way to actually say what they do want! Knowing your motivation strategy makes it easier to find methods that support your preferred strategy. If you are motivated toward, you may enjoy cutting our pictures of people in great shape with similar body types to yours. Find models wearing clothes that would look good on you, pictures of swimming pools, holiday places you'd enjoy; the types of things that go into a dream board. If you motivated away, then make a list of what you want to avoid and elaborate on that list. Why don't you want these things? The more detailed you are, the more likely you'll truly do what it takes to avoid them. Hopefully these ideas will get you thinking, and much about making changes in our lives comes down to thinking it through. Realizing what we really want can get us past the hurdles of what we already have. To affect change isn't necessarily comfortable, until you've worked at it for awhile, and then suddenly your changed behavior has become your new behavior and the effort is over. Kathryn Martyn, is a Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, and author of Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss. Visit OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com to see how she gave up 80 pounds over 20 years ago and how you can do the same.
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Six Secret Tips That Can Help You Lose Weight Fast 1. Include in your diet things that contain more water like tomatoes and watermelons. These things contain 90 to 95 % water so that there is nothing that you have to lose by feasting on them. They fill you up without adding to the pounds. Diet Tactics You Must Know To Lose Fat? This article is about making long-term changes in the foods you choose and eat, WITHOUT sacrificing good taste. Dieting to Death It has been 15 years since I was diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa and I have been recovered for 12 years. To this day if I head for the washroom after a meal my mother feels the panic start to well up inside of her. Her first reaction to the news that her daughter was bulimic, like so many other mothers, was shock. This had been going on for 7 years and she never knew and she just couldn't understand why. A Full Scale War It happens every morning when you mosey out of bed, somewhere between the time you take off that robe and the instant you step into the shower. For others, it happens immediately after a workout, as soon as you peel off those sweaty clothes and stand aimlessly in your birthday suit. Health Secrets of Cayenne For many years, herbalists believe that Cayenne is the most useful herb on the entire planet. It's especially significant in the health aid of the entire digestive and circulatory system. Cayenne has even been known to stop heart attacks in less than 30 seconds. In addition, it increases the effectiveness of other herbs when mixed together. For example, just a teaspoon of cayenne mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil helps to prevent sea and/or air sickness. It is also used as a weight loss aid when mixed with Ginger Root, Apple Cider Vinegar, Potassium, and a few other herbs. In fact, there is a powerful night time fat burner on the market that incorporates Cayenne into their secret mix of herbs that safely burns fat while you sleep. You can get more information by going to www.NaturalDietSystems.com. 5 Easy Steps to Help You Lose Weight When losing weight, most of us don't have the time to drastically change our lifestyles. We need a practical and convenient way to integrate effective habits into our daily lives. The following steps are easy and practical ways to get you on the track to loosing weight and feeling better. The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Weight Loss 5 Easy Steps to A Healthier Weight Good Night, Sleep Tight! One of the most important things you can do for fat loss, controlling weight gain and for overall health is often overlooked. MORE SLEEP! Yes, you actually need to sleep more to gain less! Record Your Meals To Lose Weight Are you one of the many people who feel frustrated because you think you eat well and exercise regularly, but you just can't seem to lose weight? If so, a food journal is a great tool to help you reach your weight loss goals. It will help to determine any patterns in your eating habits, it will force you to be accountable for what you eat, and it will help you to see where you are consuming your "hidden" calories. The Secret Key To Permanent Weight Loss! With this key, I GUARANTEE YOU WILL LOSE ALL THE WEIGHT YOUR EVER WANTED TOO! Hoodia - An Elixir that Fights Obesity Part 1 Humanity is always in search of a wonder drug that ends all physical ailments. While it is a wishful thinking yet, there are areas where the dream is almost accomplished. One such problem that has got an answer is obesity. Fad Diets, And Why Theyre Bad For Your Weight Loss And Long Term Health If you're serious about losing weight and getting fit, you probably can't go a week without hearing about the latest fad diet, and why you should drop what you're doing to buy the book. Each new diet gives us proof that fad diets aren't all that they're cracked up to be. Sure, you'll probably lose some weight during the diet, but there's a 99.9% chance that you'll gain it all back as soon as you stop the fad diet. Walking, Water, and Weight Watchers: The 3 W?s for Weight Loss I have been seriously working on losing weight for about 2 1/2 months and many people have asked me what I am doing to be so successful. I reply, "The 3 W's for weight loss!" Of course they don't know what the 3 W's of weight loss are so I quickly tell them, "Walking, Water, and Weight Watchers." I know this isn't a formula that will work for everyone but it sure is working for me! Water is an essential fluid needed by everyone, walking is an excellent form of exercise, and Weight Watchers is a world renowned weight loss organization that has helped millions of people lose weight and keep it off for good. Weight Loss and Huricanes? Weathering the Storm! Do you know this year Florida will go through a surge in baby births? Think about it! More time spent inside last year. That's what it boils down to with more babies this year. Fear motivation makes people bond in order to weather the storm. Sometimes, Mother Nature in her on little way brings people together. Ancient Secret for Weight Loss "THE SECRET REMEDY OF THE ANCIENT WARRIORS" Five Tips for Easy Weight Loss! Weight loss is a hot topic among people today, especially considering the fact that more than half of us are overweight. As we get older we often get busier, and before we know it, find ourselves in the prime of our lives and packing a few extra pounds. With so little extra time in our lives it is impractical to join the latest diet fad or commit to sweating in the gym for hours at a time. Are we all destined to grow outward with each passing year, or is there a simple way for us to reclaim our healthy figures? If you struggle with your own battle of the bulge read on for five sure-fire ways to drop a few of those unwanted pounds, and more importantly learn how you can prevent packing them in the first place! The Calorie Formula -understand Them and Lose Them We have all heard of those new diets, Atkins, low carb, high protein etc. Some of us have tried them with good results. There's no doubt about that they work. Fast Weight Loss - 7 Day Diet Program for Quick Weight Loss Do you have a big event coming up? Perhaps you have a great dress that you bought in the hopes of losing ten pounds, but just haven't gotten around to losing enough weight to fit into it. In addition to supplements and other weight loss products, maybe the solution to your problem is a seven-day diet. Body Wraps & Weight Loss Body wraps can help tone and tighten the skin, improve blood circulation, detoxify the body and help mobilize fat so it can be eliminated from the body naturally. You do not need any special equipment other than a mixing bowl, heating pot and wrapping sheets like thin towels. How to Shed Pounds Fast! Very few Americans are satisfied with their current weights. There are too many good tasting, high-calorie foods, and too few hours available to burn the fat. It can be done easily, and here are the best ways to do it. Remember, weight-loss is best approved by a physician, especially if there are any medical concerns such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, cardiovascular problems, etc. ![]() |
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