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Dieting? You Must Reset Your Weight-o-stat
You need to reset your weight-o-stat. No matter how much you exercise and diet, if you don't reset your weight-o-stat, you will often go back to your pre-set weight. It is like your home. If the thermostat is set on 72 and you open a window, the temperature might change for a bit, but the thermostat will kick in and bring the temperature back to normal. Until you change the setting it will be 72 in the house. Until you change the setting of your weight-o-stat, you will not be slim. The idea behind resetting this weight-o-stat is really simple. What you focus on you will get. So all you do is set up systems to reinforce your focus and the brain will automatically change its setting. Your conscious mind is only about 2% of your power. Your non-conscious mind (and I call it non-conscious vs. sub conscious) is the other 98% of your power. Your non-conscious mind only does what it is programmed to do. And it gets programmed by what you focus on. Action Steps: There are some proven ways to help insure your brain is programmed the way you want instead of how it haphazardly turned out. You do not have to do all of them, but you must do some of them. And you can do all of them if you wish. It only speeds up the results. I will be sharing a little more about these in future emails. 1. Shifting want and desire to "now" These two things you must do with whatever you choose to do from above. You might be thinking, I thought this was going to be all about dieting, exercise and food? If being thin and healthy were about dieting and food, wouldn't we all be thin? It is more than just what you do or just another diet, as you are starting to see. Want and desire as most people think of them are NOT beneficial to being slim, sexy, slender and healthy. (or anything else you "want" for that matter) This idea and article are covered in my free e-course, on Dieting and Eating Healthy. Go to http://www.bazuji.com/ecourse to sign up for the free e-course. Do you want to be Sexy, Slim, Slender and Healthy for Life. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you this with his "non-diet." He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to "ethically bribe" you into helping him make his new book, "The Ultimate Non-Diet" a #1 best seller. For details go to: http://www.TheUltimateNonDiet.com/free
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Coconut Oil Diets Have you heard about coconut oil diets yet? People are adding coconut oil to their diets and are getting incredible results. They are losing weight, getting more energy, and getting healthier. The Pain of Instant Gratification What a great world we live in. You want something, you get it! You need something, you buy it! You don't have money, you charge it! Low-Carb Diets - An Introduction According to a recent survey by the National Health Institute, about a third of overweight Americans who are trying to lose weight, are doing so by eating less carbohydrates (carbs) largely because of the increased popularity of fad diets like Atkins Diet and the South Beach Diet. Understanding the Glycemic Index Things get so confusing when it comes to understanding what foods are high on the glycemic index scale and what effects your blood sugar production. I have focused a lot of my diet around eating lower glycemic index foods, but more importantly understanding that even when you eat high glycemic foods you can help reduce the blood sugar impact, by eating a combination of both high and low glycemic index foods together, that overall helps slow down the insulin production in your body. What I mean would be the following example : The Folly of Diet Recipes Have you ever wondered why diet books always seem to have a section of recipes? Fat Burning Exercise: Choose One That Can Revive Your Bodys Own Fat Burning Dynamism Fat burning exercise is not merely one that will burn fat on its own. Can it rekindle the body's intrinsic fat burning mechanisms? Lose Weight - Think You Cant? You step on the scale and groan at the number peeking between your toes. "Oh, No!" How Water Can Help You Lose Weight Fast Here are the 4 things you need to know about water that can help you lose weight fast: Carb Crazed Low Carb diets have become as popular as apple pie (although apple pie wouldn't be allowed!). Everywhere you go the message is "low carb, decrease your carbs, or no carbs". Unfortunately this message oversimplifies many of the healthy eating habits that nutrition experts have been teaching. The truth is, there are no quick fixes or easy answers when it comes to healthy eating, and one size never fits all. Co-Dependency and Food: Trying to Fill the Void Nice girls don't speak up. Nice girls take care of and support others. These are just a few of the messages girls often receive as they are socialized. Often in adulthood, these ingrained messages turn into full-blown co-dependency. Years can go by. Unmet needs build up energy; they demand attention. But without learning skills in setting boundaries, letting others feel their own pain and making oneself a priority, food often becomes the hassle-free, soothing balm to take the edge off and release that pent up energy momentarily, that is until the guilt sets in. A Before and After Look at Tummy Tucks If you have a protruding abdomen, loose skin as a result of weight loss or childbirth, if despite your best efforts at diet and exercise, you just can't seem to tighten those abs, a tummy tuck may be a good option for you. What can you expect from a tummy tuck, before and after? The process will vary depending on the health of the patient and the type of procedure performed. Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #10 WOW!! Here we are on lesson #10. Hasn't it been an amazing journey over these two months? What you are discovering is all the secrets to your weight loss are within you. You've always had the power within you to lose it; you just needed to discover that you hold that power. As women we feel we need to manage the Universe and that's a huge responsibility. When this happens, we take care of everyone's needs first and then leave us to the last and lose our power. We find we run on empty most of the time and then wonder why we struggle with weight. Who are we really mad at? Us! Food Cravings: Use EFT to Learn Patience Food Cravings: How to Practice Patience When Dieting Should You Weigh Yourself Every Day? How to Break the Weighing HabitFace it, if you weigh yourself more than once a day, you are a serious scale addict, and if you let the number on the scale affect how you feel, and whether it's going to be a good day, you are probably a bit too involved with that appliance. Danger, danger! Step away from the scale! Is Low-Carb Really The Way To Go? The latest trend in the area of weight loss is low-carb diets such as the Atkins Diet. With so much conflicting information out there on nutrition and weight loss, it's difficult for the average person to not only find out what works, but also understand how to apply it. To Lose Weight, Feed Your Brains When was the last time you focused so much on a task that you forgot to eat? You did not really forget, but you were too much interested in what you were working on to stop doing it and go to the fridge. Years ago, when your body was slim and your head swollen with projects, did you ever think that to be a grown up would not mean to be responsible and free? Stop looking for somebody to sue: nobody shovelled food in your mouth. Stop whining about commercials that influence you: nobody tied you up in front of the telly. Stop opening your mouth and closing your mind. You know, everybody know, that the higher the education, the lower the weight. If you point at a person you know who has a PhD and 30 extra pounds, you act exactly as those people who say that there is no correlation between smoking and lung cancer since their grand father died of old age after having smoked thousands of cigarettes. I don't write for you. Bye bye! Spot Reducing is For The Laundry � Can you give me an exercise that will get rid of the fat on my stomach? How Can You Find Newport Beach Liposuction center? Finding the clinic that performs liposuctions in Newport Beach is quite easy. All Newport Beach liposuction clinics have their websites, so it's a good idea to start looking for them on the Net. Then continue the survey by visiting them personally and seeing how the clinics look like. But you must understand a few things before you start searching Newport Beach. Liposuction has its limits and you have to know them before you decide to have it. Real Weight Loss Begins Today...With Cliff Kuhn, M.D.s Fun Factor Diet! Weight Loss is something that many Americans struggle with. In this article, Cliff Kuhn, M.D. will teach you why your weight loss techniques so far have been unsuccessful, and how to correctly lose weight - and keep it off! Weight Loss Proteins -- The Casein & Whey Protein Debate The weight loss protein debate centers around the effectiveness of casein and whey protein as weight loss supplements. Which type of protein can help you safely lose weight? ![]() |
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