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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss
Discover secrets to overcome food addictions by releasing negative thoughts and reframing with powerful affirmations, and manifest all that is yours by Divine right. My name is Tami Close and my intention is to empower women to realize they are responsible for their own health and well-being. Why am I doing this? Years ago I became very ill and wrote down the foregoing statement while reading a book by Mark Victor Hanson entitled Dare to Win. I knew that I went through the illness for reason and now am manifesting my purpose. Through this illness I was led on a journey to discover Me!-the Me! who was hidden beneath all the childhood trauma of not feeling loved. With the help of an energy practitioner, I finally released the childhood stuff and it was life-changing. You, too, can release your childhood issues and have a miraculous discovery of self. Many women suffer needlessly with unwanted pounds and I was told I am to work with women to help them love themselves unconditionally. As an integrative body therapist using Rapid Eye Therapy and Emotional Freedom techniques, I help women release their stuff so they make new, healthy choices in their weight loss goals. These healing modalities are quick and easy to use and get results. Once you're able to see yourself as pure love, the results will be astounding! You'll attract those things that keep you focused on a positive lifestyle and the pounds will begin to shed. Watch the miracles that show up for you as a result! No more thong envy here! Many women showed up for me to help me and I, in turn, will show up for you to hold your hand and guide you through your transformation. It's no accident you're reading this. Know that my intentions are to help you take control of your health. Look what has manifested in my life as a result of peeling back my own layers. I became a co-author in a book with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer and several others. The book, Wake Up?.Life the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom, was just published in March and can be purchased at Barnes and Noble. On April 1, 2005 (No April Fools joke) I met Mark Victor Hansen and he signed my Dare to Win book. I would not have manifested these amazing things if I didn't release my pain which was keeping me stuck. I am on purpose!! I am living my dream of helping women and loving every minute of it. Check out www.tamiclose.com. Tami Close is certified in Rapid Eye Therapy (RET) and has her own successful practice. She is a Reiki Master and also has completed the Basic and Advanced courses in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). She received a grant from the Sumasil Foundation for her work with RET and EFT. She has a B.S. in Training CUM LAUDE from Southern Illinois University. She has done extensive training and coaching in health, sales and management areas. She was asked to speak at a national convention on the FISH! Philosophy, choosing your attitude and having fun in the work place. She is a co-author in a book with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer and many others. The book, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom, just hit the #1 bestseller list in several categories.
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Shape Up! 4-Alternative Weight Loss Solutions I am embarrassed to admit how many different commercial weight loss programs I've tried. I don't know about you, but after a while I grow tired of talking heads touting empty promises. None of them helped me look the way I think I should and most of them left me agonizing over eating the same foods over and over. Real Weight Loss Begins Today...With Cliff Kuhn, M.D.s Fun Factor Diet! Weight Loss is something that many Americans struggle with. In this article, Cliff Kuhn, M.D. will teach you why your weight loss techniques so far have been unsuccessful, and how to correctly lose weight - and keep it off! Walking: Its Never Too Late to Lose Weight! How did a thin person like me become overweight? My mother had probable Alzheimer's disease and I was her caregiver for nine years. During this time she lost the ability to read, understand television, converse with others, and the ability to speak. Eating was the only thing that gave her pleasure. A Full Scale War It happens every morning when you mosey out of bed, somewhere between the time you take off that robe and the instant you step into the shower. For others, it happens immediately after a workout, as soon as you peel off those sweaty clothes and stand aimlessly in your birthday suit. Technology & Weight Loss: Putting An Online Tool to Use Because the Internet allows so many millions of people to be connected to any single site, function or feature, many programmers and marketing folks have put their heads together to come up with some really neat online tools. Many of these tools are not only useful and convenient, but they are often times free to use. We like free! Some examples include area code locators, mortgage calculators, metric conversion charts and many, many more. Be Aware Of Your Reasons You have decided that you want to lose weight and improve your health. What is the first step? Start by asking yourself what your reason(s)is for wanting to make this change. Weight Loss Tips: Get Effective Weight Loss Tips! Looking for Diet Programs on net is like looking for water in an Ocean. But trust me, looking for good Diet Program is like finding a pearl in the ocean. Me and my team have traveled from shore to shore and short listed few highly effective diet programs and weight loss programs. But, no matter what Diet Program we choose for ourselves, we have to be careful about our normal diet habits. This helps us a lot in shedding off the weight and keeps us healthy and happy. Take Control of Your Metabolism:Quick Tips for Increased Muscle Tone, Faster Fat Burning, and Energy So many people are talking about how slow their metabolism is and why they need to start taking the latest diet supplement scam yet they don't even understand how the human metabolism works. So before I even go into how to speed yours up, I want to first go over some of the basics. Conquer Those Carbohydrate Cravings Are you a hopeless carbohydrate addict? Let's conquer these cravings once and for all?.. Find the Right New Year?s Resolution to Get into Your Best Shape Ever! Yep, it is that time of year again! Time to moan and groan about the weight we gained over the holidays as we resolve to lose it all in the New Year! If memories of failed New Year's resolutions are haunting you, it is time you found the right resolution for 2005. Your Eight Hormones and Weight Loss If you find this article helpful, please The Key To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Do you want to lose weight? Of course you do, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. Let me ask you another question. For how long do you want to lose weight? Combating Obesity So you ask, "How do I determine if I am Obese, Overweight or fat?" Usually 20% or more over recommendations on standard weight charts indicates that you fit into the obese category. Obesity refers specifically to having an abnormally high proportion of body fat. Hoodia- Modern Zeal of Ancient San The long marginalized San tribe of South Africa has suddenly come to the time light. An ancient practice of chewing a plant to ward of hunger has given birth to the modern charisma called P57. The miraculous molecule found in Hoodia Gordonii acts on hunger, diminishing the appetite. The South African Bushmen named the cactus plant khoba. With the magic stick of Khoba in their hand, they are surely going to benefit financially and in terms of social repute. Bodybuilding Weightloss Exercise Tips and Strategies Welcome to bodybuilding weightloss exercise tips! Gastric Bypass Patients Should Include Tomatoes in Their Diet After weight loss surgery it is important to include as many healthy foods in our diet as possible while still respecting the the restrictive nature gastric bypass system. One of the foods that many patients report having a high tolerance for is tomatoes. It's well known that a high intake of tomato products is associated with lowered risk of colon and prostate cancers, a beneficial effect thought to be due to tomatoes high content of the carotenoids, lycopene and beta-carotene. Food Intolerance and Low Carb Diets Food intolerance is a pharmacological reaction to the consumption of certain foods. In many cases, food intolerance may appear to be the side-effect of pharmacological drugs, but in fact, it is generally caused by the consumption of natural foods products, additives, or the combination of both. Solution to Obesity First of all we need to find out a reason for this growing mountain of fat that is killing us. The Tao of Weight Watchers Part One Weight Watchers inspired me to change my eating habits, lose weight, exercise and, indirectly, learn to cook healthy and incredibly delicious food. The Truth About Low Carb Dieting Every day you walk down the street it is becoming more and more apparent that the average person is becoming larger and this trend has escalated over recent years. Why are they getting fatter? Here are some reasons... ![]() |
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