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Weight Loss for Good ? If Only You Had Known?
Whether coming from a close friend, the nightly news or from a letter in the mail, it's hard to face the truth at times. Hear-ing it can really cut to the core of our be-ings. Today, fitness books are mostly filled with advertisements, pill pushers and un-realistic programs that give people false hope. My intention in this book is to give you real hope and with that you'll get straight talk. It is not my intention to force anything on you or to come across in a harsh way. While the words may be tough to hear, understand I don't know how else to say what I have observed for all these years. We Americans have been HAD because we have not received the truth about what it really takes to be fit and to stay healthy. Quick fixes abound, but the truth is there are no quick fixes that really work?or that last. It is my responsibility as a fitness professional to provide you with the facts. And it is my hope that you read this with an open mind and that you understand if you don't do anything about your health today, tomorrow you may say, "If only I had known." From my e- book at www.resolutions.bz IF ONLY YOU HAD KNOWN! I didn't have much time to pack my bags that day; matter of fact, I'm still wearing the same clothes I put on that morning .I met all three of them on the way up here. They said they would hitch a ride, but they were not sure they would be welcome where I was going. I thought it was unusual to learn how much they knew about me. Did I meet them at some restaurant my family and I went to? Did I see them at the doctor's office? I know, maybe it was at a bunko party or the golf course? I just couldn't put my finger on how I knew them until today. It's pretty nice here though-peaceful, always something to do, good conversation. However, I sure miss my family. I wish I didn't have to leave them soon, but how would I have known? The three of them said they warned me time and time again. How? When? Where? I wondered. I thought I read all the right books and talked to the right people. I even participated at times. Lazy was probably the one I got along with the best during that short time we spent together. He was the only transparent one of the three. Others might have thought if they saw us together we were twins. We were so much alike. The other two were much more reserved and timid. Don't let those guys fool you. I learned quickly they were stubborn old boys with rough edges-two of the biggest know-it-alls I had ever met. They called themselves Denial and Pride. And if you ever met them, I think you would agree they were named correctly. As I crossed the line, I will never forget what they said to me as we raised our hands to each other and waved goodbye, "If only you had known." ________ The health of America is going to get worse before it gets better. Diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, heart disease-are all at epidemic levels. And for the first time in history the kids of today are projected not to live as long as there parents have. The only way for the health of America to get better is for all of us to be personally responsible, change our attitudes toward exercise, and support one another in the process. The silent threesome of denial, pride, and lazy has been muted by the fantasy fitness land programs promises immediate results. This silent treatment is killing you from the INSIDE OUT. Until a few years ago, it was thought that Americans were healthy. Of course, that's not true. We've had a health problem for years. We have had a head problem, too. Most of us think that by ignoring them, our bodies will miraculously get better. Doctor's saw this coming, but what did they do about it? My doctor's answer was, "Take two pills and call me in the morning." (Sound familiar?) THE BUCK STOPS WHERE? In the "good years," more money, more marketing and more-for-me attitudes enabled us to focus on making the big bucks. It allowed us to put off worrying about healthy bodies. The accent was on NOW and not later. But the fiscal wealth we accumulated years ago is NOW being drained by our physical healthcare costs. Eventually, our bad health will consume all the extra dollars we worked so hard to earn. Some of the responsibility falls with the big corporations, insurance companies and hospital groups. But at the end of the day, the buck stops with YOU. The reality of this situation bites; however, the solution is not to ignore it, but to encourage people to embrace it. Many of you have either given up on yourself or just flat out are living in denial. Either way the choice is still yours. The fact of the matter is there is still hope for America and there is still hope for you, too. Don't let the buck stop with you. If you don't know what to do, ask people like me to help. From my e book at www.resolutions.bz LOSE WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY! FREE MINI COURSE click here http://www.resolutions.bz Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor's DON'T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.
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Milk: The Weight Loss Drug Lose Weight - Grab A Glass Weight Loss Tip ? The Importance of Lowering Your Body-Fat! When you hear a doctor or a personal trainer say, "Your body fat is too high, or you are borderline obese, what do you think? Does it matter to you? Does it motivate you to lose weight? Or are the numbers on the scale more important? The Truth About Fat Fat has had a lot of bad press and for many people, just a mention of the word can evoke misery. You can try to lose it, try to hide it, try to avoid it, but your body still needs it! Did you know that fat helps to insulate our nerve cells, keeps us warm, balances our hormones, keeps skin and arteries supple, lubricates joints and is a component in every cell? Before and After Your Liposuction Although liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries in the U.S., prospective patients need to be aware that their individual results may vary. Many who are considering the surgery begin with false hopes that the surgery can transform their bodies into the firm and toned images portrayed in the media. Although most patients are satisfied with the end results of the surgery, it needs to be understood that with any surgery, there is a risk of infection, swelling, and bruising as well as other, more serious, side effects. Liposuction usually gives the best results to healthy people of normal weight with firm, elastic skin. Those who are overweight or who have skin that is not as firm may not achieve the results they hope for. Scientific Research Shows Why Diets Dont Work, If You Want to Sustain Long Term Weight Loss To say that dieting rarely leads to sustainable weight loss isn't particularly controversial, scientific research shows that 90% of people who try to lose weight by dieting fail. Did you know that dieting is a multi-billion dollar industry, and that there are over 25,000 books on diets, many of which contain advice that clearly contradict each other. The saddest fact about dieting is that many people try and fail at many different diets, and in the end conclude that biology is against them, and resign themselves to being obese for the rest of their lives. The truth of the matter is very different, and has more to do with Biology than the type of diet. The Crazy Amazing Diet Maker This past Christmas Season, as most of us stuffed our faces full of turkey and pies, a well respected weight loss expert from WebMD made some crazy remarks about ending obesity. What is Back to Normal After Gastric Bypass Surgery? It is common for new WLS patients to ask, "How soon after surgery will I get back to normal?" This is understandable. We've spent a lifetime dieting for the short-term ? the 30-day diet, the six-week program, the lose-ten-pounds-over-the-weekend diet. Remember thinking, "If I can stick with this plan for just 10 days, then I can go back to normal." Obesity - The Number 1 Health Issue in the US Obesity is quickly becoming the number one health issue confronting America today, and it's not just America, other countries are affected also. Obesity leads to a multitude of health problems including, but certianly not limited too: When Dieting Should You Weigh Yourself Every Day? How to Break the Weighing HabitFace it, if you weigh yourself more than once a day, you are a serious scale addict, and if you let the number on the scale affect how you feel, and whether it's going to be a good day, you are probably a bit too involved with that appliance. Danger, danger! Step away from the scale! You Can Lose Weight on a High Carbohydrate Diet A startling fact is that carbohydrates are not responsible for making people fat. Don't feel too badly though, you are not the only person who was sold on the idea that a high protein, low carb diet was the only way to lose weight. Fast Weight Loss Using Herbs And Spices I wonder how much it is generally known that the benefits of using herbs and spices can speed up your weight loss efforts, by quite a considerable amount actually. Weight Loss Surgery May Add Years to Life Stomach-Stapling Surgery ------------ There's no doubt that stomach-stapling surgery leads to dramatic weight loss. But new research shows that the procedure might also add years to life. Gastric Bypass Surgery ? How Fast Will I Lose The Weight? The gastric bypass procedure isn't for everyone, but those who've had it ? an you will of heard of the success stories tooted by the marketing wizards and infomercials, the gastric bypass achieves maximum results and starts 'working' right away after surgery. Well it would, since patients are unable to eat more then a few spoon fulls of food per serving! The Diet Dilemma. Why Diets Dont Work Let's face when it comes to overweight and obesity there are 2 basic facts we have to take into account. Want To Lose Fat? Eat More of This If you've been working out with weights for any length of time, you know the importance of supplying your body with frequent feedings of quality protein so that your body will be able to have the necessary building blocks to build muscle in the shortest amount of time possible. 20 Dieting Tips You Can Use Immediately To Start Losing Weight Dieting is not easy. If it were, we would probably all be thin. Since we are not, here are some tips that successful people use to lose weight so that others can benefit, too. Changing Your Eating Habits We are bombarded with advertisements pushing delicious looking, fat filled, and obesity producing food in our faces every single day. We hear it on the radio; see it on TV and on billboards and even in newspapers. We go on a diet and try to totally turn our eating habits around. We go from eating hamburgers, French fries, pizza, hot dogs, and other junk to eating lettuce and drinking water. If we are really disciplined we make it a week or so. But like most people, we are back to our old habits within days. The change is just too drastic and makes it next to impossible for us to stick to our diets. The Mental Game Of Weight Loss Many of us have tried losing weight in the past only to have it all find it's way back to us and then we notice it brought a few friends along. Cellulite: The Biggest Female Epidemic Cellulite is probably one of the most embarrassing of all physical faults that women have. Mamma Said: Keep Your Fingers Out Of Your Mouth Watching television exercises our eyes but nothing else. Unfortunately, it doesn't require us to do anything with our hands which leaves them free to grab something to eat. Then there are the food and restaurant commercials where everything is colorful and perfectly cooked. Don't even think about watching a cooking show: the temptation to snack or get up and cook is totally irresistible. ![]() |
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