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Eating Sensibly, Working Out and Still Not Achieving Your Goals?
Are you working hard in the gym 3 times a week, eating sensibly but still struggling to lose that weight or change your body shape? Have you previously lost weight by starting to exercise and watching what you eat, only to continue gaining fat despite sticking to your programme? If this sounds familiar, there are a couple of things you should take a closer look at? 1.The components of your exercise programme Ensuring you have the right components in your exercise programme is vital ? it is very common to begin an exercise programme and start watching what you eat and find that you do lose weight. This is often because you are managing and manipulating the calorie deficit in your body and the immediate increased demands will cause you to lose weight initially as the body has to find the energy to meet the added demand. However in the long term you must ensure you maintain & even increase muscle mass in your body to keep your metabolism higher and not just increase the duration of exercise to try and burn more calories. For more information about the right combination of cardio and resistance training take a look at my article "The right combination for weight loss". When it comes to nutrition, you're probably (and quite rightly) concerned with managing your calorie intake to lose weight or change your body shape. However, it is also worth taking a look at what your diet consists of as well as how much you are eating. And I don't just mean ensuring you are eating enough fruit & vegetables. There are a number of foods that actually take more from your body than they provide ? I call these 'nutrient robbers'. By this I mean that the effort to digest, absorb, metabolise and eliminate such foods actually require more nutrients than they ultimately provide the body with. If this is the case, what you are feeding your body depletes it of more than you give it and can cause your body to behave like you are actually on a diet, going into survival mode in order to cope with the demands of processing such foods. In other words, your body will hang on to all the energy and nutrients it thinks it's going to need to process the foods it will be receiving ? in much the same way that it hangs onto energy (fat) & nutrients when you starve your body or go on a diet because it never knows when it will get adequate nutrition. Some examples of nutrient robbers are: ? Fast foods & takeaways Therefore, if the majority of your diet consists of these foods, you will rapidly drop to the point at which you have calories, but inadequate nutrition in your body to process them, thus nutritionally you are starving. In health & fitness terms, this is vital because your body needs all sorts of nutrients to function efficiently and effectively ? all the more so when you are working out three times a week. Some examples of how nutrients can help your body cope with the demands of working out: So if you are nutritionally starving because your diet consists of mostly nutrient robbers, then your body will struggle to function efficiently and effectively even at rest, yet alone when you put it through an hour long workout 3 times a week. Therefore if you are exercising regularly, watching what you eat but still not achieving your weight loss or body shaping goals, then take a look at what you're eating and make sure you're not starving yourself of vital nutrients. Lea Woodward is a qualified personal trainer and director of activOne ltd in the UK. activOne provides personal training, diet & nutrition advice and massage therapy to private clients & corporate wellbeing services in the UK as well as virtual training to clients worldwide. Check out my website http://www.activone.co.uk
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4 Surefire Ways NOT To Lose Weight At Your Health Club Everyone has their own individual reason for joining a health club, lose a few pounds, tone up, lower your blood pressure, strengthen a bad back or shoulder, perform better in sports, or just keep in shape by playing some basketball or racquetball. Coconut Oil Diets Have you heard about coconut oil diets yet? People are adding coconut oil to their diets and are getting incredible results. They are losing weight, getting more energy, and getting healthier. South Beach Diet - South Beach Diet Plan Information Perhaps you've had them too, nightmares about rice cakes, granola, and eight glasses of water a day. Do visions of diet supplements, green tea and mechanical scales dance through your head? If so, you are not alone. The hardest part of committing to a diet program is the fear of giving up your favorite foods in favor of dry, tasteless "diet foods." With the South Beach diet, however, there is a plethora of delicious, healthy meals that can fit into your daily routine without forcing you to take out your taste buds. Ultimate Weight loss: Ephedra is it Good or Bad? I have had some e-mails come in and everyone is asking "is ephedra is safe or not?". Say No To Obesity Obesity still remains one of the commonest avoidable causes of several disease conditions. Most often than not, it is a result of the wrong habits or lifestyles. Are You Overweight Because Youre Not Sleeping Enough? If you're like me, you probably wish that there was a way for you to lose weight without having to put in much effort, right? Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #6 I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You're embarking on your own journey and you astound me because you want something more, something that surpasses what you currently know. You are such a gift from God and He is right there with you as you're on your journey to discover you-peeling back the layers to find the wholeness that already exists. Top 5 Most Popular Diet Programs Reviewed There are many subscriber programs available both online and in the real world for dieters. In order to help choose one or just learn more about them in order to help round out your daily life and coordinate your activities, foods - - i.e. perfect diet lifestyle, here are some of the membership programs available. Protein - Its Place In Your Weight Loss Program Any food that we take into our bodies is composed of macronutrients, micronutrients and water. The macronutrients (macro = large) are protein, fat and carbohydrates; the micronutrients (micro = small) are vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Macronutrients provide the calories that provide energy for life; micronutrients have no calories but are an essential part of our diet. Without macronutrients we would starve to death, without micronutrients we would die from health deterioration. Lipo Boom Reality Are you feeling down and out? Do you feel even worse when you look in the mirror? Cosmetic surgeons tell us you are not alone. They say the popularity of reality television shows like ABC TV's "Extreme Makeover" has led to an increasing boom in cosmetic surgery. You may be one of the many people who are not happy with the way you look. Look in the mirror right now and tell me what you see. Do you see flabby thighs, a sagging chin or a tubby tummy? If so, then liposuction could be just what the doctor ordered. How to Select the Best Diet for You? In the old West tricksters sold a snake oil to the unsuspecting cowboys. That snake oil was supposed to cure all illnesses. Now in the Internet country it is a miracle diet that promises to bring instant slimness to your body and cure all health problems. They offer those diets as Perfect Body Solution. What Obesity Debate? This is a perfect example of how on-line weight loss "experts" can confuse and harm the American consumer...The Obesity Debate? During a dinner conversation with a friend, the topic of laziness was brought up. From there, we some how got around to the topic of obesity. He said to me, "A great example of how bad laziness can be is obesity." "Excuse me," I coughed out (almost chocking on the last bite). "You know, obese people don't do anything. They are fat because they are lazy," my friend said as if from a position of authority. This was going to be a long dinner I could tell. It turns out, my friend read an article posted on the net that started with a statement similar to my friend's words that almost made me choke. Unfortunately, he didn't remember the author's name but the title was Fitness and Exercise -- I haven't found it...yet. What blows my mind is how easily people believe what is written on a website by someone calling himself an expert! The real experts need to start making noise! Laziness does not cause obesity. If that were so, obesity would be the norm and not considered a problem. I recently found a wonderful definition of obesity...it covers all the possibilities in one clear sentence: The etiology of obesity is complex, determined by the interplay of genetic and environmental factors -Andrea Baessler, from her recent article in Diabetes, Jan, 2005. There has never been a debate about what causes obesity. We have always known that obesity is multifactorial in etiology. The "real" debate topics are which environmental factors and which genes increase the risk or incidence of obesity. The rest of the article reviews recent work around two genetic links to obesity. SREB-1 Gene Delphine Eberle's work (Diabetes, Aug, 2004), with the sterol regulatory element binding protein transcription factor, found that the two isoforms are linked to the "plasma leptin concentrations in American obese families." His group hypothesized, "...genetic variations of the SREB-1 gene could be associated with obesity and obesity-related metabolic traits such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and dyslipidemia." Interestingly, SREB-1 gene polymorphisms were found among obese cohorts when compared to nonobese cohorts. This means they are on to something and possibly not far from marking the SREB-1 gene as a clear link to obesity (1). Ghrelin Receptor Gene (GHSR) The importance of ghrelin in the central regulation of feeding has been demonstrated in animals and humans. Ghrelin increases appetite and food intake in normal subjects and patients with decreased appetite, such as those suffering from cancer cachexia. Recent evidence suggests that obesity is associated with an impairment of the entire ghrelin system (2). Besides its biological function, the ghrelin receptor gene is located in a quantitative trait locus or QTL strongly linked to six phenotypes of obesity (1). This is a second strong genetic association to obesity. Both groups will soon have conclusive evidence to support their arguments for SREB-1 and GHSR genetic links to obesity. As far as I can tell, laziness wasn't mentioned once. How many wonderful people avoid treatment because they actually believe it's their own fault? Educate at all costs. Healthy Living! Michael A. Smith, M.D. Additional Information is available at The Weight Loss Professional References: How Music Can Help You Burn More Fat Browsing one of the Russian websites I have recently found a little article claiming that music can affect our health both improving and worsening it. That sounded very interesting and I decided to research how can music actually affect our well-being. All Natural Weight Loss Secrets Revealed There are tons of fad diets and weight loss schemes being thrown at you every day. It's hard to tell which ones work without emptying your wallet in the process. I'm going to put all those fad diets and schemes to rest. There is a way to lose weight quickly and safely and it can be found in your own kitchen cabinets. I know, I didn't believe it at first either but after using these secrets, which are used by top celebrities every day and of course exercising and eating healthy, I have lost a tremendous amount of weight in literally no time flat. How I Lost 12 Pounds And Had Fun Doing It! You see it all the time; people agonizing over their exercise routine. You hear people in the gym say things like; "I will be doing good when I get out of here". I am a person who has always enjoyed going in the gym so I can't relate to agonizing about being in the gym?.cardio or fat burning exercises?that is a different story. I have never liked running, pounding on a treadmill, a stationary bike, aerobics classes or any other cardio exercise. That is why I did not stick with these disciplines. I found something that I enjoy doing and have become so involved with it that I have already lost twelve pounds and gained cardiovascular benefits. I am going to tell you how I did it, but I am not suggesting you do what I did. I am suggesting you find something that you enjoy and it will be very easy for you to maintain the discipline. Say Goodbye to the Dreaded Weight Loss Plateau Dieters dread the plateau. You're on a roll, losing weight steadily and happily for weeks. Your confidence is high and your goal is in sight. Then suddenly your scale freezes. No matter how hard you try, those extra pounds just refuse to budge. You've hit a wall and you know the frustration of seeing no progress could easily lead you to gain back what you've lost. So how do you break through the plateau? Healthy Recipes for Low Carb Success Using healthy low carb recipes are an important part of your diet success, just as it's important to remember to drink enough water helping your body to remove the byproducts of the fat burning process. A healthy recipe provides you with the other essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that you need to feel as good as you look. Thirty Hints & Tips to Achievable Weight Loss Here are some everyday, helpful hints to get you started, keep you going, and help you stick to your diet. A Holistic Approach to Weight loss & Fitness World Health Organization has observed that obesity has now reached epidemic proportions globally. More number of people are dying due to obesity and resultant disease. Weight loss and fitness is not just an issue of shedding a few pounds and pumping up the muscles temporarily and losing it all the moment we stop whatever program we are in. It is a total lifestyle change involving the body, mind and spirit. Child Obesity ? Who is to Blame? As we look around at the current generation of children, one can notice more and more that child obesity is becoming a serious problem. A combination of technology, alternative forms of entertainment and poor food choices have greatly changed the path at which our children are taking toward the future. We are starting to see the consequences of lower energy expenditures coupled with poor nutritional habits. Unfortunately this problem is going virtually un-noticed by the majority of parents and the other people that influence our children. ![]() |
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