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Weight Loss Secret -- Think Bodybuilding
This little known secret has been used by bodybuilders for sometime now to achieve astounding results, including healthy weight loss when necessary. Keep in mind, however, that bodybuilders also practice the diet basics of healthy weight loss...nutritionally sound and balanced diets with muscle building exercises. The Bodybuilder's Weight Loss Secret Bodybuilders have successfully overcome one of the toughest obstacles to healthy weight loss...a slower resting metabolic rate. Dieting to lose weight evokes a strong counteraction by the body to conserve energy. When you start a diet, one of the means to lose weight involves eating fewer calories. This acts as an alarm and signals the body to prepare for a future starvation state, something your body is extremely efficient at protecting against. To counter the decrease in caloric intake and help keep you alive, your body conserves energy by slowing down the resting metabolic rate (number of calories burned per day). A slower metabolic rate results in fewer calories burned than normal, which conserves energy and might allow for more fat to be stored. A drop in the metabolic rate is one of the toughest obstacles for dieters to overcome. Here's a quick summary of what's happens:
How does the resting metabolic slow down? Muscle loss! To fight against a slower metabolic rate, bodybuilders have mastered the science of preserving (and building) muscle -- the weight loss secret! Preserving Muscle when Losing Weight Two simple actions will help to preserve muscle while dieting:
To Healthy Living! Muscle! Michael A. Smith, MD Dr. Smith is the Chief Medical Consultant for Diet Basics, a content based weight loss website dedicated to all dieters. Visit his site at...
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A Look at Bariatric Surgery Patients Individuals who are interested in bariatric surgery need to be aware of the ramifications. Although significant weight loss can be achieved with the procedure, patients need to have realistic weight loss expectations. Even after the surgery, most patients will not achieve their ideal body weight. Patients with a lower BMI to begin with generally lose a greater percentage of excess weight, while those with a higher initial BMI will likely lose more total weight. Patients who approach the surgery with a goal of improving their health resulting and quality of life will have the most success. Diet Information - Dieting and Weight Loss Myths That Will Keep You From Losing Weight You've heard them before and may even have believed some of them, but there are some dieting myths that are sure to hinder your weight loss efforts. Keep in mind the following facts when embarking on your weight loss journey: Some hard-core dieters will swear that drastically cutting calories will produce fast weight loss. In fact, when your body is deprived of adequate fuel the metabolism slows down making it almost impossible to lose even small amounts of weight. Eat adequate numbers of calories each and every day. Contrary to what you may have heard, diets that severely restrict the types of foods you eat may not produce fast weight loss. By depriving yourself of whole food groups or certain types of foods you will set yourself up for uncontrollable cravings and eating binges. Eat foods from all the food groups and do so in moderation. Moderation is the key to lasting weight loss. Some diets do not allow you to eat after a certain time of day. If you are consuming the right amount of calories each day it won't matter what time of day you consume them. Allowing room for snacks will help you control your hunger between meals and may prevent overeating. It is impractical to eliminate all fat from your diet. Certain types of fats are essential to the health functioning of your body. Choose fats that are light and use them sparingly. Some fats, such as the oil found in fish are good for you. Olive oil is a good alternative when cooking. Don't skip meals in an attempt to cut additional calories from your diet. Skipping meals may actually be the cause of binges and overeating. You can more easily control your hunger by eating several small meals each day rather than three large meals. Do not completely eliminate dairy products from your diet. There are plenty of low-fat and reduced calories products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt. Dairy products are high in calcium, which can actually give you a boost in your weight loss efforts. Will power is not the only factor that will determine how much weight you lose and how quickly you lose it. Your ethnic heritage, your age, your living environment, and your overall health will also play a role in your weight loss success. Accept that which you may not change and set realistic goals for yourself. There are many products available to help you lose weight. There are supplements, diet plans, programs and online support systems to help you manage your eating habits and measure your weight loss progress. Some of these companies provide support and help with your dieting program. We can help you by providing you with a free list of our recommended best sources for effective weight loss products and services. To view our list of recommended sources to help you lose weight or to read more articles about dieting visit: Recommended Weight Loss & Diet Resources Online. Exercise and Low Carb Diets Make Poor Partners Over the last twenty five years the most common questioned asked me by frustrated exercisers, has been what exercise routine will get me the body I desire? My answer is always the same. They need to start exercising better judgement and learn that exercise alone will not solve their body composition problem. I believe the number one reason for starting an exercise program is weight reduction, even before fitness and health concerns. Exercise by itself is a poor weight manager and it increases the need for better nutritional requirements. I believe I would receive very little disagreement that a combination of nutrition and exercise is the answer to improvement in weight loss ( fat loss ), fitness and health risk concerns. With obesity reaching epidemic rates and the drop out rate of most health clubs' remaining high this article intent is to lay the foundation why exercise and low carbohydrate diet's are poor partners. Weight Loss vs. Body Fat ? Mirrors and Clothes dont Lie! With the growing epidemic of diabetes and obesity in our country, we fitness experts must education you on how to slow them down or give you some form of prevention guidelines. How To Lose Weight and Stay Thin Diet is one of the most controversial subjects around. Bring it up at a party and I can guarantee you'll have everyone's interest whether they're talking or not. No matter how much we ignore this fact, food affects us. This world operates on a sowing and reaping system, if you plant watermelon, you harvest watermelon. If you feed watermelon the right nutrients they will grow healthy, sweet, and juicy. The same is with our bodies. If we put in high quality substance, we will reap high quality results. I think we all know this on one level or another. The hard part is choosing the right substance to put in our bodies. QuickTips for Healthy Weight Loss More than any other time in history, people are all vying to have the best, healthiest body. The health and fitness industries are making billions of dollars every year on herbal supplements , fitness equipment, gyms, and special diets. If you watch TV or read magazines, there is always some intriguing commercial asking for money to help you get into shape. No One Ever Got Fat Eating Broccoli! Diet tips for losing weight abound. Some are good, some questionable and some are just plain crazy. At the risk of joining the ever growing list of diet tips here is probably the most important diet key both to weight loss and and excellent health. Tell Me - Do You Really Like Being Fat? Once upon a time, I fretted about going to a family wedding because I was ? gasp ? 142 pounds. I am five foot three. The ideal weight for me was 115 pounds using that old rule of thumb for women ? 100 pounds for the first five feet and then five pounds per inch after that. I think I was a size 11. Natural Weight Losss: The Minor Changes That Can Have Huge Affects On Your Future Health People always ask me " how it is that your grandfather a man over 65 can go to the gym 5 days a week , bike many miles every other day and still do many other physical sports without constant problems ?". Well I asked him. He told me it was a combination of a few things. Weight Loss Methods: Its Advantage - Natural Therapy! Natural therapies uphold the importance of minerals, vitamins and herbs in your day-to-day life. People have popularized weight loss programs like diet plans, pills and surgeries but natural therapy still remains as one of the earliest and effective therapies for weight loss. It is a mixed bag where physical exercise, vitamins, minerals and other healing substances gain importance. Your breathing patterns too inspire the rhythm of weight loss. Are You Controlled by the Urge to Splurge I gotta confess: I'm completely addicted to crisps. Any kind is fine. Don't mind the flavor - they all taste fine. My resolve weakens every time I think about chomping into one. Feeling the crunch, hearing the crackle, and getting that first taste of its tangy flavor. Bliss - and if you are into crisps then you probably wish you had a packet right now - probably a big one. Malnutrition Causes Obesity Axiom Number One - Nourish your body. Savoring Moments Through Mindful Eating We all eat. But how mindful are we of every bite we take? Weight Loss Success ? When there are NO More Options Left! One of the worst things you can hear in life is when your doctor says, "There are no more options for you." What if you had to live your life thinking that there are no options, no way to turn your life around? Many times in life our health is taken for granted. Then something happens out of the blue that makes us think about life, our families and our health. Exposed: The 95% Dieting Lie Thats Keeping You Fat Repeat a lie often enough and people take it as truth. This describes the plight of the hackneyed statistic that 95% of all diets fail. 5 Amazing Diet Tips for Powerful Weightloss Before you try starving yourself or turning to diet drugs in order to lose weight, take some time to research and discover more natural and safer methods of reaching your weightloss goals. Here are five food and excercise tips that you can get started with today. Does A Quick Weight Loss Diet Really Work? Only if you're trying to fool the scale on a specific date and time. Court Overturns Ban In December 2003, the FDA incorporated an ephedra ban making it illegal to sell any products containing ephedra. The ephedra ban was put in place after investigation of several allegations that ephedra caused serious health problems, including death. Weight Loss Issues - Can You Be Cellulite Free? One thing I really must say at the outset of this article is, that if you were to ask the majority of men to define cellulite they would most probably be completely baffled. Treadmill Weight Loss Tips These treadmill weight loss tips are a great way to help you shed a few pounds and shape up. A treadmill is designed for the most natural form of exercise which is walking. You don't need any special skills to use these machines because if you can walk, you can exercise on a treadmill. ![]() |
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