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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #14
You know what is so amazing? We get to keep learning how to improve ourselves. Each day brings a new opportunity for us to practice unconditional love, especially of ourselves. Loving your body is demonstrating unconditional love. Think what your body does for you each day. Right now, say: I love my body, I love my body, I love my body, I love my body! Feels great, doesn't it? Our bodies are incredible gifts from God. If we're experiencing resistance to change, then we're resisting God's loving message. What are you resisting? I was on a teleseminar recently and the topic was visualization. The message was very powerful. Let me share with you what I learned. Take out a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Write down 5 things that you desire in your life. It can be a car-mine is a red BMW convertible and I have a picture of it on my dream board and look at it everyday while I say affirmations in my energy circle. Of course, in my visualization the real George Clooney is in the passenger seat, not my cardboard cutout of George that a friend gave me. Maybe you want a new house, a trip to Hawaii, thousands of dollars, a new outfit as you achieve your ideal weight. Whatever it is, write down 5 things. Say the statements out loud, shout them and do the visualization hiney dance to them. I do love shaking it. I read a cute quote the other day?.what if the hokey pokey is what it's all about? Interesting thought, huh? You know what? I took a break from writing, went for a walk and just came back. While I was on my walk, guess what I saw? A red BMW convertible!! Now, is that synchronicity or what? You know what I should have done? Jumped out in front of that car and made the driver get out and give me her car. Ooooppps?wrong vibration. The focus is higher vibration and manifesting it through Divine means. See the difference in vibration levels. I will manifest that car. I don't know how it will come; I just know it will. I only know why I desire it. I like the feeling that it conjures up?.the feeling of freedom, sex appeal, youthfulness, being a hottie! We've all experienced times throughout the day where we have a lull?.where our energy is low or flat. What we want to do is to keep that vibration high so we constantly are aligned with the energy that we're pulling to us. When we are in a low or flat vibration, those things we desire can't be propelled to us because our thoughts are creating a disconnection. When our thoughts are creating and saying, "Yes, I am attracting a red BMW convertible" then we keep the energy lines open and that car will reveal itself. It's like that phone commercial, "Can you hear me now?" When we're in low vibration, that which we want to attract cannot hear us. Guess what shows up? Everything we don't want. Now, when we're in high vibration, the reception is great and we get heard loud and clear. All that we desire flows easily to us. Let's practice. We'll name these the High 5. Get it? 5 things that will manifest at a High vibration. I just made that up and I believe it's extremely clever. Read those statements and dance, dance, dance!! Now, you're going to be carrying that list with you throughout the day and take it out and do the routine of saying the statements out loud with enthusiasm. Do this several times throughout the day and notice how your energy will remain at a high vibration. I encourage you to get carried away and shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake your booty while saying them. Now say them over and over and really put some feeling into it. I know you can do it! I've had a practice of doing this type of visualization in the morning and at night while reading those things that I am manifesting in my life. I had noticed that I was experiencing some lulls in my energy during the day, and was grateful to hear this Divine message on how to sustain the high energy throughout the day. I've been doing this a few days since I heard this on the teleseminar and I've seen remarkable results. We were told to make a commitment to ourselves and make it a goal for 30 days. I encourage you to do the same. For 30 days take time to shout the High 5's throughout the day. I look forward to hearing about your results. God is AWESOME! I am shouting that statement from my office window right now. I just opened the window and shouted it so everyone could hear. Oh, the birds just flew away. They'll be back?.I have a bird feeder. We're on fire!! Nothing can stop us!! High 5! Love and hugs, Tami Tami Close is an Integrative Body Therapist and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight loss management practice. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and has a basic and advanced certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others. She has also written several e-books. http://www.tamiclose.com
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