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The 5 Keys To Finally Lose Fat Fast!
Losing fat in my opinion is not all that difficult. You need to possess 5 Strategies and apply all 5. They are: 1. A Compelling Reason To Change 2. Proper Nutrition 3.Progressive Resistance Training 4. Moderate Aerobic Exercise 5.Consistency 5 Strategies For Fat Loss 1. A Reason To Change: To make a successful body transformation, you must first and most importantly have a desire to change. And that desire must be fueled with a reason to change. This reason cannot be any old reason. It has to be the most Compelling Reason you ever had in your entire life. Without this reason you won't be able to sustain your motivation to do the other four parts necessary to achieve a successful transformation. So what is your Compelling Reason to change? For some it is death of a loved one or wanting to live healthier so you can spend more time with loved ones. For others it could be they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Your doctor may be telling you to lose weight or go on blood pressure medication, or, worst yet, die-your choice. For each one of us it is different. I do know this; you must have a Compelling Reason to change period. 2. Proper Nutrition: This is where 99% of us screw up. The worst part is there is so much misinformation and hype out there, nobody really knows what proper nutrition or eating right really is. Most people think to lose weight they must stop eating altogether. Thinking this way is totally wrong, since this will slow down our metabolisms. Precisely what we don't want. Another way people think they're eating right is having fruit & coffee for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and a bowl of pasta for dinner. Nope, that's not the answer either. So the question is what is proper nutrition? Ok in a nutshell, my idea of proper nutrition is 4 to 5 portion controlled balanced meals about every 3 hours throughout the day. 3. Progressive Resistance Training : SPECIAL NOTE FOR WOMEN Please, DO NOT be afraid of weight training. You WILL NOT turn into the Hulk I promise. The objective or goal is to build lean muscle on our bodies. For women out there I love to call it lean SEXY muscle, because when you replace the fat on your bodies with lean sexy muscle look out! You will turn your body into a lean & toned sexy fat burning machine! So weight training will be the same for you as it is for the men. Ok, enough said on that. I have to include the guys now. Building lean muscle will boost metabolism and that is what we want to achieve. In fact, you'll even start burning more calories even while you rest. I'll let you in on a little known secret: you need lean muscle because that is where fat is burned! The more lean muscle you have the more fat you burn. That's what we're trying to accomplish with weight training. In order to build lean muscle we must get stronger every workout. Let me repeat that. In order to build lean muscle (lean sexy muscle for women) we must get stronger every workout. That's what we call progressive striving to get just a little stronger each time. 4. Moderate Aerobic Exercise: Moderate does not mean one hour and forty-five minutes, nor does it mean two hours. Moderate means anywhere between 18 to 25 minutes 3 times per week. That's it! Ok you can get up off the floor now. I know, I know, you're probably saying this guy Bill has lost it! 18 to 25 minutes?!?! Ok, ok wait a minute. Let me ask you a question. For those of you who are presently doing aerobic exercise for one hour or longer, are you happy with your results? If you said No try 18 to 25 minutes 3 times per week you'll be amazed! Aerobic exercise can be as simple as walking at a brisk pace, jumping rope, stationary bicycle, treadmill, stair stepper, etc. The bottom line is you have to find an aerobic exercise you enjoy, or you will end up not doing it on a consistent basis. 5. CONSISTENCY!!!: You must be consistent in following the strategies for: * Proper Nutrition * Progressive Resistance Training * Moderate Aerobic Exercise Consistency will result in successful Body Transformation! If you take the time and put forth the effort, but don't do it consistently, then your results will be minimal. You can't expect to do all three strategies for one week then stop for a week then start for two more weeks then stop for another week. I can't stress this enough, you must be consistent on all the action strategies: Proper Nutrition, Progressive Resistance Training and Moderate Aerobic Exercise. Consistency is the glue that holds everything together. Typical Workout A Typical weeks workout (less than two total hours per week!) Pick any 5 days. Since I have a wife and Kids I like to have my weekends free. So I break it down like this: Monday: 18 minutes stationary bicycle Tuesday: weight resistance training 15 minutes Wednesday: 18 minutes stationary bicycle Thursday: 18 minutes stair stepper Friday: weight resistance training 15 minutes Something like this is all you need to transform your body, of course you have to add in there Proper Nutrition!!! I hope this helps a lot of you out there searching for answers. For those that are interested you can go to my transformations page to see what is possible: http://www.bare-minimum-training.com/billbelfertstransformations.html Click here Now! Copyright ©2002-2005. Bill Belfert, Member Bare Minimum Training LLC. All rights reserved. No liability is assumed by Bare Minimum Training LLC., Nor the author for any information contained herein. This text does not provide medical advice. Specific medical advice should be obtained from a doctor. Bare Minimum Training LLC. advises all to consult a physician before you begin any new nutrition, exercise, or dietary supplement program. Bill Belfert, THE World's #1 No-B.S. Body Transformation Specialist, Shows Busy People How To Get EXTRAORDINARY Results FAST With His Breakthrough Weight Training Program & Total Fitness System By Only Going To The Gym Twice Per Week For 20 Minutes Or Less! AND, What's More, You Only Need Moderate Cardio 3 Times Per Week For Only 18 Minutes! http://www.Bare-Minimum-Training.com
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Lose Weight & Achieve A Healthy Metabolism By Balancing And Adjusting Your Meals How many meals do you eat in one day? Weight Control: One Day At A Time Most of us are aware of the AA axiom of "One day at a time." It speaks to the secret of any long term goal - concentrate on taking the right step and the journey will take care of itself. Like the alcoholic who faces the urge to drink at every turn, the overweight fataholic must also steer a narrow passageway through the shoals of temptation and the deadly barrage of food advertisements, ubiquitous drive-throughs, social occasions, and office treats. Bodybuilding Weightloss Trouble-Shooter "Help, none of this mainstream stuff works!" Weight Loss Through Low Carb Diet Are you or your family members amongst the 65%? Gastric Bypass Patients Succeed Eating High Protein Diet The first rule for successful weight loss and weight maintenance after Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) is Protein First ? that means eating protein for three daily meals, and protein must be 50 percent of food intake. Some bariatric centers advise as much as 70 grams of protein a day. The gastric bypass diet should be high-protein, low-carbohydrate and low-volume. This is what successful WLS patients will eat for the rest of their life if they wish to maintain weight loss after surgery. Are You a Binge Eater? Ever wonder if you have a serious problem with binge eating? How To Get Past a Weight Loss Plateau Everyone who has ever been on a diet has hit a plateau at some point. It is that point where no matter what you do, you cannot seem to lose any weight. I myself have hit many of these and I am going to give you a few ways to blast through your weight loss plateau. Obesity, Whats The Big Deal Part 4 In this issue, I am going to focus more on some of the consequences of obesity, especially as it relates to children. Although this is focusing on children, think of how it relates to you. Also, if you have kids, what are you teaching your kids about health? The Tao of Weight Watchers Part One Weight Watchers inspired me to change my eating habits, lose weight, exercise and, indirectly, learn to cook healthy and incredibly delicious food. The Culprit of Obesity in Children - Inactivity It was bad enough hearing almost daily that obesity in adults is a growing problem, now our children are the focal point. Yes, moms and dads, the research is in. In a study conducted by Weight Watchers International Inc., and the American Health Foundation, 25% of American children are now officially overweight, and the youngest are especially at risk. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) found that 14% of six to 11 year olds weighed more than they should, as did 12% of 12-17 year olds. In addition, another ADA study suggests the half of obese adolescents will become fat adults. Gastric Bypass Surgery - What Are The Risks? Although all of the risks involved in gastric bypass surgery aren't fully known, there are many that are. These include possible infection, clotting of the blood, and the development of gallstones, a bleeding ulcer and even pneumonia. It certainly isn't a simple procedure and complications may occur as with all invasive medical procedures. What Makes Your Blood Cholesterol High or Low Your blood cholesterol level is affected not only by what you eat but also by how quickly your body makes LDL-cholesterol and disposes of it. In fact, your body makes all the cholesterol it needs, and it is not necessary to take in any additional cholesterol from the foods you eat. The Miracle of a Cheat Meal One of the greatest tricks that I use to stick to my diet is to allow myself a cheat meal once a week. For that one glorious meal I can have whatever my heart desires. I can eat pizza, cake, and ice cream, anything I want for that one meal. I believe that anyone who plans to diet for long periods of time should follow this principle. There are several reasons why I feel cheat meals are the key to dieting success. How Music Can Help You Burn More Fat Browsing one of the Russian websites I have recently found a little article claiming that music can affect our health both improving and worsening it. That sounded very interesting and I decided to research how can music actually affect our well-being. Anti-aging: Is It Really Possible? Although it is obviously not possible to turn the clock back entirely, we can take many steps now to ensure that not only do we slow down the aging process, but we can also reverse many of the signs of aging that we may presently be experiencing. Finding a Weight Loss Program Getting involved in Weight Loss Program can be intimidating for a beginner. It can also be hard to know where to start. There are several questions that you can ask yourself, which will guide you towards the right weight loss program. Lose Weight the Healthy Way It's definitely no fun to lose weight -- put it back on, lose weight, put it back on, and so on. Just as you learn the rules of a new diet, you find yourself trying to get around them. What if all you had to do to lose weight was to eat less? The Ultimate Weight Loss Red-Flag Guide Weight Loss Red Flag Guide The Key To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Do you want to lose weight? Of course you do, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. Let me ask you another question. For how long do you want to lose weight? Personalized Weight Loss Plans -- Breaking the Yo-Yo Cycle of Failed Diets Dieting will continue to fail most dieters, unless personalized weight loss plans become more available. A diet designed for a mass market will fail because the diet assumes everything is constant or the same between dieters. Not so. Personalized weight loss plans have a better chance of succeeding because the personal habits, ideas, and goals of each dieter are used in the design of the diet. It comes down to, "What is good for you may not be good for me." Personalized Weight Loss Plans -- The Positives Personalized weight loss plans, regardless of diet type, are successful for a variety of reasons. An ongoing study comparing dieters on personalized plans and dieters on standardized plans so far demonstrates the following: 1). Dieters stick with personalized plans. The longer you are in a weight-loss program the more weight you will lose. The trend (no statistical analysis has been performed to date) suggests personalized plans keep dieters motivated longer. This may help dieters get over the 6th to 8th week hump -- weight loss was easy early but around week 8 becomes difficult. 2). Dieters on personalized plans normalize eating. To be successful, a person must learn to reassociate eating with hunger. Learning to slow down to allow satiety to catch up with eating is one way to effect this change. This is why binge eaters tend to have the least success with losing weight long term, even though many will appear to be doing very well early in a diet. Personalize their diet and they have a better chance of long term success. 3). Dieters on personalized plans build support networks. Dieters with personalized weight loss plans generally seek the help of a mentor, guide, or friend more often than dieters on standardized plans. They tend to build networks of support. Why? Dieters on personalized plans are succeeding. This naturally leads to more motivation to continue and investigate other avenues to help continue their success. 4). Dieters on personalized plans are physically active. A study from the early nineties concluded that exercise helps long-term weight loss but not short-term. I say it doesn't matter. Eventually, a large enough study that is properly designed will show that exercise at any time in life is beneficial. This can not be stressed enough...exercise is paramount to your success. Dieters exercise more with personalized weight loss plans. The best kind is a mix between aerobic exercises and resistance training. The result is toned muscle and protection from age related weight gain. 5). Dieters on personalized plans have control. Dr. Gene Ogden in her study back in 1993 found that the women who believed their weight problems were caused by their own choices, rather than by metabolism or genetics, were more successful. They believed that they were in control of their weight and, therefore, believed they could lose weight. Personalized Weight Loss Plans give dieters control. Personalized Diet Plan (PDP) Study -- The Family Associates in Dallas, Texas. Lead investigator is Dr. Steve Walters. According to Dr. Walters, there are approximately 25 overweight patients in each arm and that full publication is expected by August 2005. This article does not represent final statistical results nor is it associated with The Family Associates. Interestingly, dieters think they can't lose weight because of circumstances beyond their control. The blame is usually placed on their "slow" metabolisms, their dad's large frame or the diet itself. The solution...personalized weight loss plans. Put the dieter in control, let him own it, and then watch him succeed. Now, this is not letting the dieter design his own diet, instead, tweak the diet he chooses to fit his lifestyle. Pamela Peeke, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professor of medicine at the University of Maryland in Baltimore and author of Fight Fat Over Forty (Viking, 2000) said, "You have to believe that you will drop some weight and then begin that journey. Once you believe success is possible, you'll feel less intimidated by the challenges along the way." Healthy Living! Michael A. Smith, M.D. Additional Information is available at The Weight Loss Professional ![]() |
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