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Good Food/Bad Food Whats Left to Eat?
We've entered the Twilight Zone when it comes to the multitude of diets being promoted today. Starting with the Atkins Diet, then the South Beach Diet, now the Hamptons Diet and more. All higher in protein, lower in carbs, but the distinction should be quality of carbs, not singling out one nutrient entirely. If you are on the Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet or any other variation of a high protein/low carb diet simply adjust from eating low quality carbs like refined flour and sugar products (think if it comes in a box, it's likely low quality) to eating more whole food products like fresh vegetables and fruits - yes fruits. Apples vs. Apple Jacks - You be the Judge I know the traditional Atkins Diet doesn't advocate much fruit (too high sugar) but think about that for one minute. My strong belief is that an apple is a good food, a bowl of Apple Jacks cereal may not be on an equal level. One is highly processed sweetened by added white sugar and corn syrup, and one is natural, plucked from a tree and sweetened by the sun. Which would you choose? Don't shun fresh fruit for the sake of following your low carb diet to the letter. Eliminating healthy, wholesome foods is not the best way to learn to eat better, but severely cutting back on the frequency of eating highly processed foods is. I saw a site which called it GM or MM: God Made or Man Made. If you think of those terms when you go to choose your foods, it starts to make more sense. No one says you shouldn't eat chips, or whatever strikes your fancy, but make them a treat - and eat the GM foods more often. Common Sense Diet Common sense will answer the question about what to eat. If you are on Atkins, South Beach or any variation of low carb diet, avoid processed foods, not natural foods. Stop using "instant" breakfast, and cook whole rolled oats for instance. Sure you might have to get up 10 minutes earlier, oh well. You're worth it! You can still stay on a higher protein food plan, but this one minor adjustment will allow you to continue with your eating plan for a lifetime, rather than a short-time. I'd go insane if I couldn't eat my daily apple, banana or other fruit. I love fruit. I think there's a very good reason humans desire sweet foods - Vitamin C, and other nutrients, including bio-flavnoids. Can You Be Addicted to Fruit? I heard someone complain they were "addicted to fruit" and I had to wonder, what do they eat? The person who refuses to eat fruit because they believe it is too high in sugar, probably does eat cookies, crackers and sugary cereals. They might even drink artificially flavored and sweetened drinks, but they refuse to eat a natural food, grown from our earth? That makes no sense, if you think about it. Did our planet develop and thrive based on processed foods? No, of course not. They are very recent in the evolution of our world. Very recent. In fact, we've had processed foods less than 200 years while our planet is millions of years old. With the high incidence of obesity, and our high consumption of processed foods, it's hard not to draw the conclusion that one causes the other. You won't hear big industry stating that case because our economy depends on us buying the products being produced by the companies that employ us. You'll never see it reported that "scientists discovered refined flour kills," even if it were proven true because it doesn't support our way of life. We need industry. Witnessing the epidemic of food illnesses such as Mad Cow, and now Bird Flu, I can envision a society without the mass produced meat industry. It will come to pass - nothing but your local farm will be allowed to sell meat because the big farm industry cannot guarantee safety of the food supply. Meat will become much more expensive because when they can no longer mass produce it, there is nowhere for prices to go but up. So do we whine and cry and moan about our misfortune or do we start to think of meat as something to savor and enjoy like the Sunday roasts we had years ago? We never ate meat every day then - and we weren't so fat either. We simply didn't eat as much processed foods. Most of us had moms at home cooking us dinner, making our lunches and even fixing our breakfasts. Yes, progress marches on, but when it comes to your body, common sense rules the day. The Common Sense Diet! Try it on for size today. Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com Get the Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.
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The magic key is to identify these negative thoughts which are keeping you away from your goal, keep throwing them out of your head as soon as they try to overpower you, brainstorm new positive thoughts (your inspirations and motivations), write them down and keep reading them until they don't become a part of you. What Diet Plan Is Best For Losing Weight? The answer to the title of this article is "none." That's right, no diet plan on its own is very effective for permanent weight loss. You can stop reading right now and go look for another magic bullet or you can stick around and hear the hard truth. Serious Dieting Tips, Humorous Explanations A few months ago, I set out to lose 22.6 pounds, then to put back on at least half of it. Weight Loss Tips, Tricks, And Tactics - Part 2 I personal lost 60 pounds in 2003. Here are some tactics I used to lose the weight. 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Breaking Research: Whats a Dieter To Do? Every day, it seems, a new study pertaining to weight loss or nutrition is released to the public. These studies tout the latest and greatest trends, products or discoveries and then a willing public jumps on the bandwagon expecting mighty results. Eating Out I know how difficult it can be do stick to a healthy diet when trying to eat out. Here are some tips that might prevent you from totally "blowing it" the next time you dine out. Ultimate Weight Loss: 7 Simple Ways to Eat Better Make sure you check out the meaning of many common terms. This should help you to improve or better your food purchases and help you eat healthier. 5 Tips to Use Your Head and Let Go of that Extra Weight Notice, if you would, that every diet out there only tends to address your body, but what about your mind? Think about this. If your head does not have the right image or direction, your diet will tend to fail. So how does one get their head on square? I have been helping people let go of their weight for over 12 years with my live Personal Weight Workshop ? and CD programs. I have 5 tips for letting go of your extra weight that are simple and easy adjustments that take no physical effort whatsoever. What would it feel like to 'reprogram' your mental computer and begin your journey to the New Ideal You ? while you are resting or sleeping? The changes that I have seen over the years by just changing our internal programs have been astounding. I've met many people who felt hopeless and had resigned themselves to an attitude of, "This is just how my life is going to be." Maybe you have met these people as well or maybe you are one of them. Haven't you found that the air around them feels heavy and/or gray? The energy seems to be hidden or non-existent. I have then witnessed these same people change to having a bright feeling and optimistic view of how their life can be with some minor alterations in their thinking. Have you ever been around someone who has that attitude? Have you noticed the energy that surrounds them? Wouldn't it be great to feel that way too? Wouldn't it be wonderful to have people feel that way just by being around you? Below you will find my 5 tips that can help you achieve this. Are you ready to come out of the shadows and open the curtains you have been hiding behind? Then let's get started? Rating The Diets: A Mindless Exercise? There has been a recent surge in the experts weighing in (pun intended) on popular and celebrity diets to rate them in terms of effectiveness, nutritional adequacy, and balance. Look at the latest crop of magazines, Internet news reports, and television specials. Seven Pitfalls That Cripple Weight Loss Do you struggle to maintain or lose weight? If so, you are certainly not alone. Obesity is on the rise and becoming an epidemic in our society. Why are so many people overweight? Can we blame our genetics? Are we are plagued by a slow metabolism? Certainly, we can't be the victims of our own self indulgence, can we? Eating Food Just to Be Rid of It What to Do with the Leftovers?Okay, tell me if you've ever done this: It's Monday late afternoon. You decided yesterday that starting today you were going to 1) eat right, and 2) start to get regular exercise, and 3) give up all your bad habits. So, you're picking things up around the house and starting to notice all the little bits and pieces of leftovers from the past weekend. Namely, cookies here, and small bits of candy there. In my house today I noticed I had three large shortbread cookies (I'm overly fond of shortbread cookies with icing), several bags of the candy that resemble real rocks which I keep saying I want to put in a jar, but I haven't found just the right jar (for display, you know), and the leftovers from the latest summer picnic, which in my case is about five pounds of fruit salad - not bad in itself, but I can only eat so much fruit salad. Protein - Its Place In Your Weight Loss Program Any food that we take into our bodies is composed of macronutrients, micronutrients and water. The macronutrients (macro = large) are protein, fat and carbohydrates; the micronutrients (micro = small) are vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Macronutrients provide the calories that provide energy for life; micronutrients have no calories but are an essential part of our diet. Without macronutrients we would starve to death, without micronutrients we would die from health deterioration. The Fastest Way To Your After Photo You've seen them a hundred times: "Before" and "After" pictures. Are you ready to be the one in the photos? Don't wait until you lose more weight. You can have an "after" picture today. Weight Loss, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Tips ? Keeping Your Body-Fat Low: Part 4 of 10 Which is easier to do ? turn a car's steering wheel while sitting still in the driveway or when it is speeding down the highway? Sure, the answer is simple...it's easier to turn when you are moving or going down the road. When things are moving, there seems to be a more fluid pace. Your time in the gym and during your workouts is the same. Keeping your body fat levels low is a matter of flow and movement. How We Rescued Our Child from Anorexia, Effecting a Complete Recovery in Just Six Months In March 2003 our then 13 year old daughter, Helen, was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, at which point she was on the verge of being emaciated. Her BMI was approximately 15. ![]() |
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