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Jeans For Work Or Sexy JeansMike Yeager A little over a century ago Levi Strauss invented to first modern jeans. Introduced originally as rugged, durable clothing for hard working men and women, today all social classes feel comfortable in jeans. Trends and fashion icons come and go but wearing stylish, comfortable jeans is still favored by many people. . While their charisma springs from their legendary American roots, their commercial strength rests on innovation and interpretation in the hands of jeanswear makers around the world. While the basic structure of jeans has remained the same, there have been some colorful innovations. Consider the Bell Bottoms of the 1970’s. Tight waisted and wide flaring bottoms. Yes, jeans are versatile and durable which is why they are such a hit with people. Who hasn’t enjoyed the feeling of slipping on an old comfortable pair of trusted jeans on a lazy Saturday morning They fit well and they look great. There are so many styles of jeans to choose from. Whether you want to mow your lawn or dress up for a business meeting, jeans just fit the bill. Shop for jeans, flare jeans, hipster jeans, bootleg jeans, classic cut jeans, hip hugger jeans, low rise jeans, bellbottom jeans stretch jeans, maternity jeans, carpenter jeans, straight cut jeans, ultra low rise jeans and much, much more. You can do all that from the comfort of your own home. And once you have your jeans, go show the world how great you look!
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