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Chrysoprase Is Not Green Jadewww.kaisilver.com Many of us beleive that Chrysoprase is in fact green jade. Traders very often take advantage of this wrong notion and sell Chrysoprase as Australian green jade. This is partly true as Chrysoprase indeed comes from Australia, however what is more important is that Chrysoprase is not green jade. Jewelry lovers have often purchased Chrysoprase when it was sold as Apple green jade. The term apple green jade is used for high quality green jade that is similar in color to green apples. Chrysoprase may be the color of green apples but it is not jade. There are another group of sellers who never fail to mention that there are many types of jade and Chrysoprase is one of them. There are just two major categories of gemstones that are referred to as jade. One is jadeite and the other nephrite. Chrysoprase gemstones fall into neither of these categories. The Chrysoprase is a gorgeous gemstone in its own right. Good uniform colored Chrysoprase is not hard to find. The gemstone itself is not very expensive and is primarily mined in Australia. Read the complete report on Chrysoprase gemstones in our online jewelry magazine at: http://www.newsletter.kaijewels.com/news007.htm Will be back with more interesting information very soon. Thanks and God Bless. Regards. Ms.Tuk
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