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Using Natural Progesterone Cream WiselyDr. Loretta Lanphier, ND, CN, HHP Since the total truth came out about HRT, the medical community has been in turmoil and somewhat divided as to what should be recommended to women who are experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance. In the meantime millions of women are confused about what to do to relieve their symptoms and at the same time not cause health problems down the road. Natural progesterone cream, when used correctly, seems to help many women through the symptoms of hormonal imbalance with many added benefits. Natural progesterone, has the same molecular structure as the progesterone produced by the body. It is absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream. It can help your body keep estrogen and progesterone levels in balance, resulting in maintained sense of equilibrium. As beneficial as natural progesterone cream is, we must be aware that we are dealing with a very delicate system - the endocrine system. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola: "The problem relates to the fact that progesterone is highly fat soluble and once applied to the skin will store itself in a womans fat tissue. When one first uses the cream, there is no problem here as the fat stores are very low. But as time goes on, the cream accumulates and contributes to disruptions in the adrenal hormones such as DHEA, cortisol, and testosterone. I have learned that although progesterone cream is an enormously useful tool, it needs to be used very cautiously." It is advised that women test their progesterone levels yearly. Although progesterone over-dose is not something that causes great harm, initially-sleepiness is a clue-the solution that we are after is balance of all hormones. Anytime there is an over-balance of a hormone, even progesterone, the system will suffer and symptoms will appear. Along with progesterone, balancing the adrenals is very important, but something that is often over-looked in hormonal balancing. There are many useful herbs that can help accomplish this along with the following: Diet, Stress and Sleep. A totally balanced diet like the one offered in my E-Book, Balancing Your Hormones Without Drugs…You Can Feel Good Again, is imperative. I am convinced that about 85% of all hormonal symptoms can be relieved with a healthy, balanced diet. Along with diet, drinking half your body weight in clean, pure water is also essential. Hidden stress can be the underlying cause of why some women do not experience symptom relief of hormonal imbalance. Stress is often a "silent symptom" in that we have usually learned to consider it as being a normal part of life. Some suggestions in dealing with stress include: meditation, prayer, yoga, EFT, exercise especially walking, deep breathing and learning how to remove yourself from difficult situations. In order to alleviate stress these must be practiced very daily. It is said that over ¾ of the population is sleep deprived. The importance of being in bed before 10:00 p.m. so that the bodys biorhythms are not disturbed has been taught by natural medicine doctors for many years. The body does most of its repair and healing between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. If you are awake during these hours your body definitely looses. There is no such thing as "catching up on your sleep". Once it is lost, it cannot be regained. Weekend "sleep warriors" are actually doing more harm to their Circadian rhythms than they may realize. Like most things in life, we must always proceed with caution. There is no magic bullet when it comes to getting the body balanced and healthy. Natural progesterone is the most natural and safest way to assist women with the symptoms of hormonal imbalance, but we must remember that our goal is "balance" in every area. The following table shows the benefits of natural progesterone compared to estrogen. As you can see, the effects of progesterone are many-we would do well to use it wisely. Estrogen Effects: Stimulates breasts cysts; Increases body fat storage; Salt and fluid retention; Depression and headaches; Interferes with thyroid hormone; Increases blood clotting and risk of stroke; Decreases libido sex drive; Impairs blood sugar control; Loss of zinc and retention of copper; Reduced oxygen level in all cells; Increased risk of endometrial cancer; Increased risk of breast cancer; Helps decrease bone loss slightly. Progesterone Effects: Protects against breast cysts; Helps use fat for energy and keep it off hips; Natural diuretic water pill; Natural anti-depressant; Facilitates thyroid hormone action; Normalizes blood clotting;Increases libido; Normalizes blood sugar levels; Normalizes zinc and copper levels; Restores proper cell oxygen levels; Prevents endometrial cancer; Helps prevent breast cancer; Increases bone building.
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