The Empty Envelope
Julie Jordan Scott
As I sifted through my mail, I saw the envelope. It was one of those padded envelopes that usually hold books or audiotapes. I knew it would probably arrive that day, because in my Prospering Womens group our coach, Christen, mentioned she had sent them winging on their way to each of us.
One of the women in the group laughed, saying hers had arrived empty. Another woman remarked hers had been beautifully filled. My initial reaction was, "Well, I certainly hope MINE is not empty!"
I slowly took the the envelope into my hands. I bent it. There was nothing blocking it from being bent in half. I opened it and looked inside. Empty. Somehow between the time it left Christens hand until it arrived in my mailbox, the top had been slit and the contents had slipped out during the journey.
Somehow as I touched the lettering of my address on the outside of the envelope, my mindset shifted. I realized that it was absolutely perfect that the envelopes contents were not what Christen meant to send me. I
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