10 Great Websites for Women

Yolanda Shoshana

The web is now full of websites that are targeted for women. What is a girl to do, so many websites, so little time Here are great ten sites that you should be sure to check out:

1 www.4woman.gov- A health website for women. Start to pay attention to what you are eating and your exercise habits, feel the difference in your natural energy.

2 www.Womenandco.com- A great website for women to get a financial life. It is never too soon or too late to take control of your financial future. Turn the cha-ching into bling bling.

3 www.Womensenews.org- A wonderful resource on finding out what is going on for women in the news. Their tagline is “bridging the gender gap every day” that says it all.

4 www.Barbarak.com- Barbara K. has designed high quality tools specifically for women. The tools are less intimidating and the website answers some of the “everything you wanted to know, but where afraid to ask” questions.

5 www.RedDressInk.com- Fun, urban, and hip books full of guilty pleasures for todays single woman. The books are perfect to snuggle in with a glass of wine. Cheers!

6 www.LadiesWhoLaunch.com- If you are a woman in business or thinking of starting a business, this is a great resource. Find other women to connect with and get the weekly profiles of other business women.

7 www.Whitehouseproject.com- A site for women who are interested in getting into politics. The elections provided how vital the voices of women are in the political arena.

8 www.Woodhull.com- The Woodhull Institute was founded by feminists as the first is a not-for-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian educational organization that provides ethical leadership and professional training for women. The institute retreat center is located in Ancramdale, NY.

9 www.Modernmom.com- Created for the modern mom. The site is packed with topics such as health and wellness, tips, advice and so much more. There are Modern Mom clubs around the county so that moms can unite.

10 www.BudgetFashionista.com- For the woman who has high-end taste but a low-end budget. It does not have to cost a full pay check to look good, it is all about the right choices and how you work it.

About The Author

Yolanda Shoshana Shoshi is a life strategist, consultant, speaker, and artist. Shoshi is an expert woman booster and founder of, Center of Female Empowermentsm, a learning center launching in 2005 that uses multidisciplinary avenues to help master their lives. She also writes a titillating column for & about women, Shoshi Says. For more information: www.yolandashoshana.com


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