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Article Writing For Fame And Fortune
How would you like to have your name and web address spread all over the internet? How would you like to have your web site move up to the first few pages on the major search engines? Actually, it's not as difficult as you may think. It requires some time and effort on your part, however, the rewards can far outweigh the effort that you put in. Not only can you receive thousands of dollars worth of free advertising and promotion, but you can also develop a reputation as a smart person, one who many people would like to be affiliated with. So, just what is this all-powerful genie of self promotion? Believe it or not, it's Article Writing. That's right, the absolute best method that I have found to get free advertising is to write articles and submit them to ezine publishers and article directories. Website owners and ezine publishers are always looking for content for their sites and newsletters. Why not let them publish yours. Let me give you an example of the power of writing. I had written just 1 home business article and submitted it to about a dozen online article submission sites. Prior to this, when I checked Google to see how many links I had coming in to my site, MLM Wonders, it showed only 37 links. About 2 weeks after submitting my article I checked again and had well over 300 links incoming. If you're not sure what that means, let me explain. By submitting my article to those few sites, I was giving anyone the permission to download it and use it as content on their sites. By checking just one of the sites I submitted to I found that my article was downloaded over 150 times. So, if 150 people put my article on their web site, just think of the exposure (and links) I am getting. If you consider the fact that those 150 web sites may get thousands of views each month, my little article could be seen by hundreds of thousands of people. All at no cost to me! You may also be thinking that people do not want to read articles that are just advertisements with a lot of links in them so how does that let you promote your site. You're right about that, and also remember that most article submission sites will not let you submit articles that are just advertisements for your site or products. In fact I don't put any links into the body of my articles. So how are all those links coming to my site? Simple. With each article you write, you have the opportunity to put a resource box at the end. This short 'Signature File' is usually around 5 lines and is where you introduce yourself and tell the readers about what you are selling and how they can get more information. It can contain a link to your web site and an email address. This is your advertisement, and it's free. What's the matter, don't think you can write about anything interesting? I didn't think I could either. Then I got to thinking about what I have been doing online for the past few years. I thought about some of the problems I had and how I fixed them and how I used the internet to make money (i.e. this article). I also decided that other people may want to know about these things and presto, a writer was born! Thousands of people are joining the internet every day and are looking for information on particular topics. Some may be looking for ways to make money, others may be looking for recipes, or articles on pets, or just about anything. The possibilities are endless. If you have a favorite hobby, share it with others by writing articles about it. If you're not sure about a topic, do a little research on the internet. Read other articles, check websites and then condense what you learn into an article. You don't need to be an experienced writer, just write like you would talk to someone about your topic. Try to be grammatically correct and check your spelling, or have someone check it for you. Don't try to write it all at once either. If you're not sure what you are going to say, simply jot down whatever comes to mind then go back and fill in the paragraphs. Stop for awhile and then come back to it. You'll be surprised at how much you can remember about your topic when you are just walking around, then you can come back and type it out. Try to keep your articles between 500 and 1000 words. Keep your paragraphs short as this makes for easier reading. If you don't like writing paragraphs, you could make it a 'Tips' article, for instance, "7 Tips For ***", or "10 Good Reasons To ***". Writing articles can give you free promotion and at the same time develop a favourable reputation for you on the Internet. So what are you waiting for? Randy Justason is the Owner/Webmaster of MLM Wonders - http://www.mlmwonders.com - A website dedicated to opportunities, ideas and resources for starting a home based business on the internet. You can subscribe to the MLM Wonders free monthly Newsletter at: mailto:subscribe@mlmwonders.com
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Make Money Online Using Keyword Articles Routing traffic to your web page is incredibly important in order to make money online. However, you probably have noticed that getting your web page noticed and returned as a high ranking result from the search engines is difficult. However, to make money online, there are a couple of tips you can use that will help you increase the traffic to your page. How to Be An Expert In Your Field One of the most tried and true methods of self-promotion is writing and submitting articles in your field of expertise. If you're having trouble attracting new clients or visitors to your site then start with submitting expert articles to various websites and publications. It's fairly simple and best of all it's an affordable way to promote your business. Article Marketing: Capture the Other Half of Your Target Market Heard about article marketing but not sure why you'd need it for your business? Posting Articles on the net is a great way to capture the "stubborn" half of your audience who resists a direct sales pitch. Simultaneous Article Submission Do you know the difference between simultaneous article submissions and multiple submissions? Writing Articles for Ranking I have seen the question asked so many times. How do I get links without having to resort to reciprocals? There are actually multiple ways but for the purpose of this article I will be discussing just one, writing articles. Article Marketing & Copywriting Secret: How To Make Your Article TITLE Sell Most authors are wasting their time producing dozens to hundreds of high quality articles that never reach a fraction of their traffic potential. It's a darn shame. Your Writing Anxiety - 10 Ways to Bring Relief Anxiety, apprehension, cold feet, consternation, dismay, distress, dread, fear, fright, horror, nervousness, panic, scare, strain, stress, tension, terror, trepidation, unease or uneasiness: whatever it's called, you've got it. And the reason is ... you've got to write an article! Writing anxiety or 'writer's block' happens to all writers at some point in their writing lives. It may be that you don't know what to write about or, with your topic firmly in place, you don't know where to start. At this point, procrastination sets in. Doing anything, rather than actually writing, seems a whole lot better than putting pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard. Even walking the dog, in pouring rain and gale-force winds, has higher priority! Try some of these ways to restore your writing equilibrium: 1. Avoid starting with a blank page. There's nothing more daunting than beginning from nothing. Work with a template. This will help you to stay focused on your topic. Download and print out some appropriate free graphic organizers from the Internet or use graphic organizer software, like NotateIt, that will help you to rearrange and organise your thoughts in freestyle format. 2. Brainstorm your topic. Take some time out for creative thinking with a friend or colleague. You'll get some new twists on the theme, especially if they're not 'experts' in your subject matter! 3. Write an outline. Just set out a list of headings. They don't even have to be in order - you can always rearrange them later. Write each heading on a separate card or piece of paper and shuffle the result. A new order may emerge that you hadn't thought of, giving you a new slant on your topic. 4. Use a whiteboard. Fix a large magnetic whiteboard on your wall and use it to rearrange your ideas. If a whiteboard on the wall feels too intrusive, try some inexpensive whiteboard software on your PC instead. 5. Break your task down into smaller chunks. From your outline, choose one heading and write. Then go on to another heading and write. It doesn't matter which order you write in, because it can all be rearranged later. Not only that, you're achieving your larger goal in a series of smaller steps and that makes it much more manageable. 6. Write in the way that you speak. It's friendlier to read and it's an easier and more natural way for you to write. 7. Don't worry about perfection too soon. Spell checking, indenting paragraphs, changing font size - this is the icing on the cake. Just let your writing flow and, just for once, forget the grammar. Perfection can come later - at the redrafting stage. 8. Think about your readers in a different way. You may be anxious that your article is not "good enough" to be read by your peers. Remember, even if your audience are "experts", they don't know what you think about your subject. Nor does it mean that they know everything there is to know about a subject area. Target your writing towards an intelligent, enthusiastic, but non-expert, reader and your writing confidence will grow. 9. You've completed your writing. This is your first draft. The secret, now, is to redraft and redraft again. You'd be surprised at just how many things you'll want to say differently when the sun rises tomorrow! Read your article once a day, make changes then put it aside until the next day. In a few days, you'll read your article and find nothing to change. That's when you're ready to publish! 10. Believe in yourself. The first articles you write may not be perfect but the more you write, the better your style will become. It's like learning to walk - all it takes is a little time and lots of practice. (c) 2005 Lynda Blake The Benefits Of Article Writing For Your Home Business Once you learn the benefits of article writing, you may want to open a home business based on your writing skills. The road to riches may be yours when you identify the basic elements required for writing top-notch articles, reports and other written material. When you have all the elements in place, you can produce page after page of written articles that will stand out and help you and your clients achieve their goals. If you are writing for someone else your goal is to produce clear, concise saleable material that will please your clients and of course, make money for you. Writing Articles for the Search Engines This is precisely what I am doing here today (and every other day in my life)! I am writing to share my experience and hopefully, my knowledge and information can help some others who are in need of such information and advice. Writing is a very powerful way to connect with people and we can use it to not only share information but promote ourselves. Think Bigger When Doing Article Marketing You've already agreed that putting some of your best articles into distribution is a great way to build your brand, grow your targeted traffic and get oodles of free quality back links to your website. You publish a small handful of articles and submit them to the major article distribution sites and then wait? but nothing happens or your results are depressing. What went wrong? Put Your Recruiting on Auto Pilot Getting people to join your company can be hard work. Whether you are looking to hire staff or to build a downline for your network marketing business, attracting the right people is key to your success. What Makes a Freelance Article Writer Successful? Knowing exactly what an editor wants. The Online Writing Business Requires Constant and Regular Writing Many writers do not understand that the online writing business is very different from the offline writing world. The economics are totally different and no amount of lobbying and noise will change that. So You Want to Be an Author - These Are the Easiest Types of Articles in the World to Write Being an Internet Article Author is far and away the best way to get noticed quickly by the Big 3 Search Engines. Anyone can Create Enumerated List Articles. Here are 7 Steps explaining how to create an Enumerated List Article. One Space or Two? One of my subscribers writes 'I can't hold my tongue any longer...not that that is fun or anything, I just had to tell you something! Just a tiny 'lil thing. You have 2 spaces after each period. Unless you are typing on an "old fashioned" typewriter, on a computer you use only one space. This is part of my business, graphic design. I hate to criticize but I know you want to be professional and that stands out. It creates a visual break in the copy making it like a stutter in reading. This is a common mistake for those not "in the field".' Need to Write an Article? Three is a Magic Number! Writing articles for magazines, the Internet or the local community paper needn't be a headache. Providing they are informative, reasonably short and to the point, readers and publishers will welcome your articles. Copywriters and Article Marketing: What Should You Write? So you've decided to market your home-based copywriting business through article writing. Fantastic! Now comes the hard part: narrowing it down to a topic. What the heck are you going to say in your article? Article Writing: Breaking Writers Block It is amazing to see how much we all still dread writing; even a simple letter or memo! When we start talking about an Essay or an Article for publication, it gets much worse. As human beings, we are prone to self doubt, the good news however is; that there is a cure for that. The cure lies in the old adage: "Practice makes Perfect" Once, you can get past the writing of your first article, it gets easier onwards. How to Measure the Value of Your Article Marketing Campaign It's not enough to scatter your articles across the internet - you've got to measure what you're doing so you can be sure that you're getting value from your effort. Drive More Traffic to Your Web Site by Submitting Articles Online If your business has a website, you're probably searching for ways to get people to visit. Search engine optimization is important, but there are many other simple things you can do yourself to help drive more traffic to your site. ![]() |
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