Stimulate Your Writing With Some Creative Exercises

Abandon your frustrations and get a fresh start by trying some writing activities to spark your creativity.

Exercises in creativity can improve your aptitude as a writer and inspire ideas for new writing projects.

The benefit of attempting any of the following activities is that you can complete the exercises from the comfort of your home, at your own pace, in solitude (hopefully) without outside distractions or the pressures of working with a group.

I've compiled the list of exercises suggested below over the years - from college professors, editors and fellow writers. Some of them have helped me to grow as a writer. Hopefully they will help you in some way too!

1 - Write your own obituary.
(I know it sounds somewhat morbid - but it will require you to think about what you've accomplished thus far - and what you wish to achieve in the future.)

2 - Write a 400 word description of your favorite place.

3 - Write a brief biography of someone you know and love. Or write about someone famous you admire.

4 - Write a list of questions you would like to know the answers to. Then try to list the people or resources you could contact to get your answers.

5 - Read a newspaper or magazine article about something you're interested in. Re-write the article in your own words to make it better.

6 - Listen to the conversations of others in a crowded mall or restaurant. Write 200 words about your reaction to their conversation.

7 - Write 500 words describing a special time in your life. Write it so that other people could understand and appreciate it.

8 - Take a 15 minute walk around your neighborhood. As soon as you get home, write 300 words about what you saw on your walk.

9 - Think about your closest friends, your relatives, your boss, or your co-workers. Choose the person you like the most and the least; the person who has had the most positive and most negative influence on you; the person who has changed the most and the least since you've known them; and then write a write a brief paragraph on each explaining why you feel this way.

10 - Write the first ten words that come to mind. Then write brief definitions and/or explanations of why you thought of these words.

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