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Article Writing Information |
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The Best Advertisement For Your Business
It is no secret among internet marketers that writing articles is a great way to market your website. With all the article distribution services and all the websites looking for free, unique content, writing a quality article can bring you more links to your website in one day than an entire month of working out link exchanges and submitting to directories. The benefits of writing articles have been written about time and time again. Yet in order to enjoy the benefits of article writing, your article must first be accepted by the publishers who receive your submissions. This article will focus on a few key points to help increase your chances of getting your article accepted by the Internet's top publishers. Proofread Your Own Writing Proofreading is very time consuming. If you want your article to be widely accepted, it is your job to make the publisher's job easier. The first step in making the publisher's job easier is to check, double check, and triple check your spelling and grammar. If you have someone that can review your article, have them read it over. Tell this person to look for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and poorly worded sentences. They will be able to point out mistakes that you may never have seen. When you write an article there is a tendency of getting overly familiar with the content and thus you could miss a glaring mistake in your writing. Consider the following exercise by reading aloud what is written: London
What did you read? If you identified that the word 'the' is written twice, than you can consider yourself one of only 5% of people who get this exercise correct. 95% of people who read this exercise only see "London in the spring X X X". (If you still do not see it, read it aloud again, but this time point to each word as you read it.) The point of this exercise is to show you just how easy it is to miss obvious mistakes. Add in the element of familiarity with the writing and you are likely to miss even more mistakes. By asking someone else to read over your work, you greatly reduce the chances of missing a glaring error in your writing. Rule to Remember: Proofread Your Own Writing, and then Proofread Again Offer Something of Real Value Articles are an incredible source of free traffic and free advertising for your business. However, articles are not supposed to be advertisements themselves. There is nothing you can do to get a publisher to delete your article faster than writing an article that is nothing more than a long-winded ad copy. If you want to get your article published, once again you must get into the publisher's mind. The publisher is always looking to offer his or her readers with fresh, insightful, and helpful information. Commentaries on industry trends, useful strategies, tutorials, observations and theories all make good articles. As an owner of a business, reviewing one of your products, offering a teaser of the information you sell, or blatantly marketing your products by including your hyperlink throughout the article makes for a horrible article that will likely not be published. Think back to the time when you first started your online venture (this may not be very long ago) and remember how thirsty you were for good, quality information. When writing your article, remember how valuable this information was to you when you found it. Every author has the right to a resource box which serves as your advertisement; if you prove to the reader that you are an expert in your field and give them information that only you can provide, this will serve as a stronger advertisement than if you spend 2,000 words on a long-winded, self-promotional article. Finally, when writing your resource box, it is best to be as concise as possible. Resource boxes that appear to be about as long as the article themselves show that the author has no concern about the content of his or her article. Limit the number of links you put into your resource box to no more than three links and keep the resource box to no more than four or five lines. Rule to Remember: Write a Good Article, not a Good Advertisement Be Clear and Concise Many people fall into the trap of thinking they have to develop an eloquent, graceful writing style in order to be published. What these people seem to forget is that an article is written with one main point: to deliver information. Be concise, be clear, and be direct. When writing your article, you should actually aim to be slightly boring with your writing style. What is slightly boring to you is probably very clear and direct to the reader. It is important to note that most online publishers have much more to deal with than the writing styles of the authors who submit articles to them. Publishers are more concerned with grammar, spelling, and content than they are with how eloquently a writer can make his or her point. One thing that a publisher will take notice of, however, is a writer who has a confusing and difficult to follow writing style. Your article should encourage readers to read through the entire article. If a reader gets a few lines into the article, or even a few paragraphs, and finds themselves confused, you can be sure that they will never get to your resource box and thus never visit your website. To keep a reader interested in your article, give them quality information and give it to them directly and clearly. A reader will only continue to read an article if they believe there is a good chance that they will gain something further by finishing the article. Although it may be counter-intuitive, boring writing does just that. Rule to Remember: Being Boring is Better than Being Confusing Writing good articles is not difficult. When writing your article, think first about what publishers are looking for in an article. Focus on your grammar, spelling, clarity, conciseness, and content. Remember that your article should actually help people beyond just selling your product or service. Offer valuable information to your readers and they will pay you back ten-fold. Offer valuable information to a publisher's readers and they will be certain to publish your article and provide you with the best free advertisement for your business. Copyright 2004 Mark Daoust About The Author Mark Daoust is the owner of http://www.site-reference.com. Discuss this article further at http://forums.site-reference.com/t120/s.html.
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Interviews with Well-Known Ezine Writers #1: - Bob Leduc MS: Bob, how important have Ezine Articles been in achieving your success in online business? Ive Got An Article To Submit, Now What Do I Do With It? (6 Tips) You submit it, that's what you do! And submit it to as many article directories as you can. (More submissions = more exposure) The more directories you submit to, the better your chance of having the right ezine, newsletter, or website publisher reading your article and using it. How to Get Ideas for an Article? Are you short of ideas? There are times when we are in the mood of writing an article, but suddenly may feel lost without ideas, wondering what do we write about. Does it apply to you? Why Internet Marketing Free Articles Traffic Can Earn You More Sales Than Pay-Per-Click Leads To be successful at any affiliate marketing program, you not only need traffic but you also require a certain type of traffic. In fact this rule also applies to any online marketing you can think of. 8 Sources To Research Awesome Article Topics Writing articles is by far the most effective online promotion strategy I've come across. If you can write good, readable, original content, you can easily put yourself far ahead of the pack in your field of interest. Article Marketing Benefits Online Retailers Strategically developing online content helps to ensure a small-business owner's success in both the short and long term. Get Traffic to Your Web Site with Articles It is not my intention to give you a 5 or 10 step plan to get traffic to your web site. But I do want to talk to you about one of the best traffic generating systems that exists. Effective Affiliate Marketing Using Articles Every day thousands of people join affiliate programs and yet every day thousands more get discouraged and give up trying to make money from their affiliate programs. Writing Articles for the Search Engines This is precisely what I am doing here today (and every other day in my life)! I am writing to share my experience and hopefully, my knowledge and information can help some others who are in need of such information and advice. Writing is a very powerful way to connect with people and we can use it to not only share information but promote ourselves. Top Ten Ways to Format and Leverage your Articles Success - Part 1 You want your business to be noticed by thousands daily. Online ezine publishers and webmasters are constantly looking for new, original content. They want and need your articles. This is a promotion marriage made in heaven. But you will have a much better chance of being chosen if you write an article that solves a problem for your audience. Give each article an angle. SEO Article Writing 101 SEO writing is very different from content writing, article writing, story writing and news writing. When I first realized my innate talent for writing stuff and putting thoughts into words, I was still reading Mills and Boons, and it was during this time that my romance storybooks were confiscated by my classroom teacher because I was reading in class. How to Use Autoresponders With Your Articles Now that you see that articles are the number one way to promote your business, think again about how people can get them even more efficiently. Stick to the Subject and Your Readers Will Stay Publishing content on the internet is not a hard task. But, some days it is definitely not the easiest. What do I write about today? Will my reader understand what I am trying to say? Will the reader leave with valuable and useful knowledge? You Really Can Make Money With Your Words Sometimes when I am communicating with other webmasters and I bring up the subject of writing articles, I often get a response like "I'd rather have a root canal, I just can't write", or "my spelling is horrible and my grammar is not much better". In my view, the first excuse is just a matter of attitude. The latter excuse falls on deaf ears because the major word processing programs have good spelling and grammar checking capabilities. Correct Formatting Maximizes Effectiveness of Online Articles Understanding the rules of correct formatting for online articles will assist webmasters in driving greater awareness of and traffic to their online enterprises. Why Article Writing is Increasingly Important in This SPAM Era There is no doubt that Spam has affected online business in a very big and negative way. So serious is the Spam problem today that many ISP filters will routinely reject and filter out messages you need from clients and business associates. Many times even email sites are trying to control ever rising Spam volumes. Many times this makes even genuine communication via email very difficult. Just try sending mail from Yahoo to AOL and you will get an idea of what I am trying to say here. Even sending out email newsletters or ezines, which are a very important online marketing tool, can be quite a challenge these days. Not to mention safe lists that are mostly a nightmare of bounced or unread emails. Out of the volumes sent, only a tiny fraction ever gets opened, let alone read. The result is that online marketing experts have been forced to look for other options and tools to help them meet their online business objectives. Article Writing: 5 Tips on How to Pull and Hold the Reader Okay, so you're getting a feel for this article marketing thing. Cool. Now you must write articles that will engage your reader and hold their attention all the way through, as opposed to "click and flee." Have you ever clicked and fled? This is what happens when your eyes are weary of the internet information overload. You click on an article that's so copy-heavy, it makes your brain groan from the pain. You do not want this to happen to someone who is reading YOUR stuff, so don't barrage them with words. Here are 5 tips to help you create articles that are super-tight and outta sight! Exposing Your Expertise Writing and leveraging articles is my most successful strategy for promoting my Website and my speaking and consulting services. Visitors to your site from targeted articles tend to be higher quality leads than those from search engines, and potential buyers like to see that you're published in many credible outlets. Write Your Slice of Life: 6 Quick and Easy Steps to Writing a Personal Essay Do you know why the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series is so popular? Aside from terrific marketing and unequaled publicity, readers love the stories and personal essays. They are short, personal and teach a lesson or moral. If you would like to be a better writer of the personal essay, opinion pieces, reports and letters to the editor just follow the suggestions listed below: What is a Ghostwriter and How Can I Find One to Hire? A ghostwriter, as one may think is not a writer from another dimension, but rather a well established writer who researches and writes an article on an assigned topic under someone else's name. Not everybody has the luxury of time and space to write their own content these days, thus giving the term ghostwriter a whole brand new kick. Ghostwriters are no doubt the best alternative to go with if you want to spend more of your time promoting your products and trying to close the sales rather than writing endless articles every now and then for promotional purposes. ![]() |
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