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Niche Marketing: The Power Of Articles
If you haven't considered the power of articles as part of your niche marketing strategy, then you should. Articles are a great way to drive targeted traffic to your web site, no matter what your niche market may be. When you provide good information that people want and can use, your reputation and credibility will increase exponentially, making your site visitors more likely to buy your products and services or those you recommend to them. We've all heard the mantra "Content Is King". Based on that premise there is nothing more versatile than using keyword rich articles to : * Boost your search engine ranking * Increase your daily visitor count * Provide viral marketing opportunities * Attract unlimited prospective customers * Build a trusting relationship with your customers and subscribers * Establish yourself as an expert in your niche market Here's some of the things you can do with the articles you write : * Post keyword rich articles and content on your web-site for better search engine placement. * Compile a number of them into an ebook related to your niche and sell it. * Use them in the form of "special reports" and "manuals" with your product and affiliate links embedded in them, which you can offer as free gifts for your visitors, subscribers and customers and bonuses for your products and services. * Create multi-part email training courses to build that all important mailing list. * Set up your own Ezine and use them for content to establish your bona fides with your subscribers and customers. * Allow your visitors to use them, with your "resource box" attached, in their free ebooks which they can then distribute to their visitors, subscribers and customers. * Submit them to "content hungry" web sites and newsletter publishers, with your "resource box" attached, to generate more visitors to your web site from their lists. * Submit them to Article Directories, which rank highly on the search engines to provide inbound links to your niche web site. * Monetise them on your web site with keyword-related, context ads. like Google Adsense, Affiliate Power Ads. or TrafficShowcase. * Contact offline print publications and offer them your articles - some of them pay for this sort of copy so you could make some extra income and establish yourself in a new niche as a freelance writer. I think you'll agree that there aren't many forms of promotion with this level of versatility. And the great thing about the strategy is - it's free! All it takes is time. With the cost of paid advertising spiralling ever upwards, can you ignore the power and versatility of using articles as a major part of your niche marketing strategy? Copyright © 2005, André Anthony Niche Market Know-How André Anthony owns and operates Niche Market Know-How a resource for beginning Niche Marketers. Visit http://www.nichemarketknowhow.com today to find strategies, tips, tools, products and resources for effective niche marketing. Get his Niche Market Know-how Mini Course here: http://www.nichemarketknowhow.com/course.htm
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Finding Time To Write A true test for many writers that will require your attention forever... Articles That Sizzle - Top Ten Topics There's one key rule that every writer should understand before sitting down to write an article and that's "know your audience". SEO Article Writing 101 SEO writing is very different from content writing, article writing, story writing and news writing. When I first realized my innate talent for writing stuff and putting thoughts into words, I was still reading Mills and Boons, and it was during this time that my romance storybooks were confiscated by my classroom teacher because I was reading in class. Whats YOUR Angle? So how can you make your article worth reading? $1036 in 12-hours From Writing A Single Article Would it be worth it to master a technique that places the power of generating a flood of consistent, highly targeted and rabid traffic squarely in your hands? Dont Just Sit There, Write A Newsletter Article Need traffic? Write an article. Reprint Articles Hijacked by Text Link Ads - Great for Authors! We all know that online publishers earn revenue from our free reprint articles. They place pay-per-click ads on the web page that contains the article, and the advertiser pays them whenever someone clicks on the ad. Most use programs like Google AdSense which automatically identify the subject of the article and deliver an ad related to that subject. Six Whys of Writing You pick a pen, grab a piece of paper and scribble?or, nowadays, turn on your PC, go to MSWord, exhaust your fingers on the keyboard?and you're done?instant article! That easy, and you're an instant celebrity. Resource Box Rules: Winning Tactics Lets face it people use articles to send traffic to their websites. But if their resource box is lousy and not worded right they will get minimal, if any traffic. Thats a fact. "So," you ask, "what kind of resource box do I need?" You need a resource box that is attention grabbing, heart stopping, world jolting.... Okay, so maybe thats a wee bit of an exaggeration! What you really need is a resource box that is short and snappy that asks or tells your prospective customer to take action. You shouldn't make your resource box (also called an Author's Bio, About The Author, etc...) very long. You don't want to bore your reader with all the details of your writing career. Sorry to sound so harsh but on the internet people want to be entertained and enlightened. They will only read what interests them. If your article is informative and page scrolling (as opposed to page turning) then you will get a lot of people to read it, but if you lose them at the start or halfway through your resource box, you won't be able to convert them into traffic or buyers. Why?? Simply because they will never reach any link you provide them with, they will close the page and go on to read a different article. You can't afford to let this happen! So here's what you do about it. You keep your resource box at a maximum of 5 lines long. You tell them to visit your site for more information on that subject or to opt in for their free newsletter or report. You give them an action to take. Because as surely as you aren't specific about what it is that you want them to do next, they definitely won't do what you want them to. So unless your resource box grabs them with the same intensity as your article you can kiss those prospective buyers goodbye! Another common mistake made by newbie writers is to not make their website link an active one. This can happen when you just type www.mysite.com, instead of putting http://www.mysite.com, or whatever the full address is. In most cases people are not going to bother to take the time to copy and paste an inactive link to visit your site. So again make sure as much as you can that your link is working. It's true that some article databases don't provide this feature, but the majority of the article databases do. Try going to the article site you posted your article on, as a browser instead of logging into your writer's account. Find your article and test the link in your resource box to see if it works. In conclusion I guess the best way to show you what I mean is to give an example. So be sure to read my resource box below ;-) Every Writers Dilemma: How Do You Decide What to Write About? The sources of inspiration are all around us, in the headlines of the daily newspaper, in conversations, and listening to what questions people are asking. But how do you find those little inspirations that cause the flood gates of creativity to open wide? 10 Article Writing Quirks Much has been touted about the effectiveness of article writing in the promotion of their business. While everyone raves about its benefits I'll look into a few quirks. Write What You Think Youre Writing You've written this wonderful (no question about it) piece of work. It's the greatest thing since tealeaves were invented. The more you read it the more you admire your own genius. Top Ten Ways to Format and Leverage your Articles Success - Part 1 You want your business to be noticed by thousands daily. Online ezine publishers and webmasters are constantly looking for new, original content. They want and need your articles. This is a promotion marriage made in heaven. But you will have a much better chance of being chosen if you write an article that solves a problem for your audience. Give each article an angle. How To Write and Publish A Successful Ezine Article The ezine article is of major importance to the world of Internet marketing. It is a great way of list owners to provide great content for free to there subscribers and an excellent my for internet marketers to get there name out there and get some exposure for there websites, free. Build Links and Your Brand: Article Marketing Delivers Many online marketers have crowed about the value of writing and publishing articles for branding and credibility. A few have mentioned the effects articles can have on the links to your site and therefore your search engine rankings. Publish Article If you've spent any time online trying to promote your website or business, you must have very likely realised that one of the most effective ways to generate tons of free targetted web traffic on a long term basis is to write your own informative articles and freely distribute them to other webmasters and ezine publishers for their use. Make Money Online Using Keyword Articles Routing traffic to your web page is incredibly important in order to make money online. However, you probably have noticed that getting your web page noticed and returned as a high ranking result from the search engines is difficult. However, to make money online, there are a couple of tips you can use that will help you increase the traffic to your page. Using Anchor Text Optimization In Your Article Viral Marketing Campaign What is Anchor Text Optimization? 15 Commandments To Submitting Articles - Article Submission Sites 1) Don't use all capitals in your title: 10 Tips For Promoting Through Ezine Articles What's the most powerful marketing technique on the Web? Search Engine positioning? Perhaps. But did you know that some of the most successful web marketers don't bother much with the Search Engines? ![]() |
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