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Promote Your Home Business with Keyword Rich Articles
Do you wonder what easy, cheap, and fast way you can attract your targeted audience to your Web site? You probably have heard about Web optimization with pay-per-click key words. But, there's a much better, more natural, much cheaper, more lasting kind of Web optimization for search engines--Writing and submitting key word rich articles to the opt-in ezines or the top 20 or so Web sites. As an Internet marketing coach, I learned this just four years ago, and ever since, my business is booming--both with book sales and clients. At first, I submitted 10 articles to about 20 ezines, then I expanded that to 20, then 50 articles that I also submitted each 2-3 weeks to 20 top business Web sites. In June 2005, after submitting over 170 articles and tips, when I Google my name, my information and articles show up on over 35,000 Web sites, increasing over 1000 each month. That means 3500+-targeted visitors a day to my Web site. That means boosted sales. Now you know what viral marketing means! Why? Because business people like yourself visit Web sites and subscribe to opt-in (no spam) ezines because they want free information about a lot of topics. Wonder if you can even write one article? Follow the abundance of free how-to write articles tips on your author's web site. Learn from these, then take a teleclass, then maybe consulting or coaching. What you will love about this method is that you'll only spend 6-9 hours a week on this #one Internet marketing action. You write and delegate the submissions to an assistant--so easy. Wonder if your business category is desired? Www.ezinearticles.com has over twenty articles categories to submit to including cancer, health and fitness, self-improvement, business, finance, home and family, and writing and speaking. Check them out and submit a sample article. Other lists of business sites' URL's will also take your articles. Remember the key is to include key words and phrases that the search engine spiders will notice. In this article, notice the title "Promote your Home Business with Keyword-Rich Articles" is loaded with key words. Notice the first paragraph that includes such key words as "targeted audience," "web optimization," "pay-per-click," or writing and submitting articles." Make sure your conclusion includes a few key words also. Keyword Tips -Make a list of 5-20 key words and phrases relevant to your Web site (you'll need these for submitting to other Web sites). -Make a list of key words related to each article's subject. -Include your name, business name, product names, city, and state in your Web key words. -Get help from keyword tool-www.wordtracker.com. -Think from your audience's mind-what words and phrases will they use in the search engine. It's one thing to offer a great product or service, but nothing will happen without promotion and marketing. You want qualified buyers to visit your Web site, and then buy. Promotion is the one place you need to put more time, money, and effort into. Business doesn't get better without a strategy and action. Any newbie and non-techie can do this. You don't even have to understand "optimization." Four years ago, I didn't know what a key word was. I just wrote and submitted articles. They were full of key words and phrases naturally. The search engines love to see them on other sites with a link back to your Web site, and naturally boost your position--hopefully to the top 20. After seven months, my articles were on 970 other Web sites. Today, over 31,000 and still #1 in search engines. Your submitted articles will grow, and your Web presence will too. To get maximum value, submit two articles a week to 20 of the top Web sites that accept articles related to your topic. Your results? You've made it easy for your "targeted buyer" to reach you and see your exciting power-written copy for your product and service. A marriage made in heaven. From OK business to booming. Isn't that what you want too? Think double, triple, quadruple profit results with this #1 way to promote Online. Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people's lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Judy is author of 10 eBooks including Write your eBook or Other Short Book Fast, Ten Non-Techie Ways to Market Your Book Online, The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Your Targeted Web Traffic, and Power Writing for Web Sites That Sell. She offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, "The BookCoach Says...," "Business Tip of the Month," blog Q & A at http://www.bookcoaching.com and over 185 free articles. Email her at Judy@bookcoaching.com
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Article Marketing Interview With Kevin Bidwell Recently I interviewed Kevin Bidwell of All-In-One-Business.com on some of the insights on how he leverages article marketing to help build his business. 10 Tips For Getting More Traffic From Your Articles Here's a depressing fact if you sell anything on the web: the #1 reason people go online is not to buy things but to find free information. Increasing Web Traffic With Original Articles The name of the game as far as Internet marketing is concerned is original content. If you are serious about promoting your website, increasing traffic and improving your search engine page ranking then your website must have original articles with relevant content. Writing the Five Essentials The five essential questions to be answered in your article are WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY and WHEN. Turn Words Into Traffic A large portion of your business relies on your ability to deliver quality information to your visitors. 15 Commandments To Submitting Articles - Article Submission Sites 1) Don't use all capitals in your title: Reprint Articles Hijacked by Text Link Ads - Great for Authors! We all know that online publishers earn revenue from our free reprint articles. They place pay-per-click ads on the web page that contains the article, and the advertiser pays them whenever someone clicks on the ad. Most use programs like Google AdSense which automatically identify the subject of the article and deliver an ad related to that subject. 5 Plus One Internet Marketing Strategies to Improve Article Quality to Increase WebTraffic Writing quality articles is time consuming for the very best writers. First, finding the time to write is probably the first real challenge. Then securing a topic or something to write about is the next obstacle. Finally, wondering if all this effort as a small business owner is going to secure the desired marketing end result of increased web traffic to your web site is always present. After writing articles for the last four and a half months, I have developed some strategies to improve article quality and to increase traffic to my website. Article Writing Mistakes - 7 To Avoid Making your articles available for reprints by other ezine publishers and webmasters is the cornerstone strategy in building an avalanche of pre-qualified visitors to your website. Writers Block - Find an Article Topic in Minutes Anytime Anywhere with These 7 Tips Guaranteed! One question I get asked all the time is how to you get Ideas for your Articles? How can you churn out 5 Articles in a Day? Use these 7 Tips and You too will be able to Churn out Article Topics in Minutes Anytime Anywhere Guaranteed! An Easy Way to Write An Article: Get Someone Elses! Every successful website needs to be, what the experts consider, content rich; therefore, what better way to boost your website's content than by providing your visitors with articles to read about the subject of your website. Getting articles for your website is one of the easiest things on the Internet to do. There are hundreds of websites that are dedicated to publishing reprintable articles that other webmasters may use for content on their websites. The drawback, which comes in the form of the author's links, is not really a drawback if you consider that link as a potential ally to your website's ranking in the search engine ranking world. Why You Need an Article-Marketing Strategy before Posting a Single Article Online I Part 1 of a 2-part series To read Part 2 http://www.promotewitharticles.com/strategy102.html Writing Ezine Articles - 4 Reasons Why You Should Do It Anyone who's been in the business for 2 or 3 months certainly has a lot of information that he or she can share with others, especially newbies. So why don't you take advantage of it? Write Your Ezine Article in 15 Minutes or Less! Gasp! I can hear it from the purists now: Matt is advocating that writers really dumb down their writing styles to crank out more articles in less time. No, not really. Truthfully, writing for the internet, where the vast number of ezine articles can be found, shouldn't be a laborious process. By following these simple rules you should be able to produce an interesting, persuasive, and concise article in fifteen minutes or less. Bugaboos of Article Marketing in Web Content Management Systems (CMS) One of the most common blunders by those using article marketing to distribute free reprint articles is to include periods after domain names at the end of sentences. Surely those authors who have made this blunder realize that if that period gets included in the URL, the link will lead to a 404 error or "Page Not Found" message any time a visitor clicks on your link from any web site that used your articles. Publishers complicate things by not visiting links included in author resource boxes and failing to correct the address error in the URL once they do notice it. Building Your Site With Other Peoples Content--Part 2 Earlier, I published part 1 of this series, which contained a number of methods for building your site using other people's content. Now, I've come up with a few more ways that you can do this that I wanted to share with you. How to Be An Expert In Your Field One of the most tried and true methods of self-promotion is writing and submitting articles in your field of expertise. If you're having trouble attracting new clients or visitors to your site then start with submitting expert articles to various websites and publications. It's fairly simple and best of all it's an affordable way to promote your business. Write Your Slice of Life: 6 Quick and Easy Steps to Writing a Personal Essay Do you know why the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series is so popular? Aside from terrific marketing and unequaled publicity, readers love the stories and personal essays. They are short, personal and teach a lesson or moral. If you would like to be a better writer of the personal essay, opinion pieces, reports and letters to the editor just follow the suggestions listed below: Getting Your Foot in the Door (Or How I Finally Got Published) This has to be the number one thing that most beginning writers struggle with ? getting that first article, story, or book published. Before you start thinking that it's just too much work, or you just don't know the right people, let me fill you in on how easy it can be. While my personal experience won't work or apply for everyone, it is a good guide for getting your foot in the door as a published writer. How to Use Autoresponders With Your Articles Now that you see that articles are the number one way to promote your business, think again about how people can get them even more efficiently. ![]() |
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