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Writing Articles Sells Books
Are you a reluctant marketer for your book? Do you avoid the social and selling aspects of self-publishing and promotion? Discover the easy and free way to promote your book. It's still the number one top way--writing and submitting articles to other ezines and Web sites. Getting Started Tips to Create your Selling Articles 1. Use your non-fiction book's chapter how to's or your fiction's juicy chapter excerpts. 2. Keep your articles around 200-800 words each. 3. Keep your article focused on just one thesis or point. 4. Create a hook for your two or three-sentence introduction. Notice this one asked you a few questions to engage you. 5. Forget the old school of writing for print magazines and getting paid. Follow the Internet way-- give your article away like Mrs. Field cookie samples, so people will want to visit the site where you sell your book. 6. Keep yourself out of it. Your audience wants to know what you can do for them. Replace those "I" constructions with "you." "If you are like me...." 7. Number the main points for clarity. People love easy to read tips. 8. Collect ten well-edited articles before you blast off. Online readers will look at your more seriously when they see you offer more than one quick thing. They will see you as the savvy expert and click to where you sell your book. 9. Leverage one article into five. Change your audience. Change your number of how to's. Three Tips to... or Five Tips... or The Two Best Ways to.... 10. Remember free information is the reason people go to Web sites, so put your articles there as well as in a blog. Once you get dozens of short articles or excerpts out to no spam ezines or top web sites n your field, you will notice the search engines optimizing your site because they see your important key words that link you, your book, or your service together. Your submitted articles lead to the magic of "viral marketing." The thing is that this is attraction, natural marketing at its best. Judy Cullins ©2005 All Rights Reserved. Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people's lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Judy is author of 10 eBooks including Write your eBook or Other Short Book Fast, Ten Non-Techie Ways to Market Your Book Online, The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Your Targeted Web Traffic, and Power Writing for Web Sites That Sell. She offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, "The BookCoach Says...," "Business Tip of the Month," blog Q & A at http://www.bookcoaching.com and over 185 free articles. Email her at Judy@bookcoaching.com
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Increase Your Visitors By Writing Articles If you want to increase the amount of visitors to your website, start writing articles. There are many reasons why writing articles is a must for any serious webmaster or for people who want to maximise the full benefits of the internet. The Secret To Promoting Sites With Articles Publishing articles on the Internet is a tremendous way to increase the number of inbound links to your site. As articles are assimilated into search engine indexes, they also begin to act as landing pages generating traffic for your site. Whenever possible, you should publish articles to promote your site. 4 Major Mistakes to Avoid when Writing an Article By avoiding these common mistakes, you will greatly improve your article. The Internet has an overabundance of disregarded content that was written in the same rambling way that the author normally speaks in. Many of these articles would never have been neglected by the general public had the author simply looked for these common mistakes prior to publishing. How to Create a Viral Lead-Generating Machine Whether you own your own affiliate website, or subscription website, or publish your own ezine or newsletter, you need people to see what you offer. Write From Home: Lessons From The Editors Writers talk about rejection all the time ? just part of the job. But getting rejected by a no-pay publication really scrapes the barrel. I know: it's happened to me more than once and now that it's been years [of therapy] later, I can admit lessons learned. 4 Effective Content Writing Tips Writing for websites -- content, as it is called -- is an important task for webmasters. Your site must be current, relevant, and interesting in order to attract and retain visitors. The following are some tips I have successfully employed in order to keep my websites relevant: Writing Articles, But Still Not Getting Traffic? Your Articles Suck ? But I Can Help! (Part 1) We've all been there. We hear about how articles will generate HUGE publicity for a site, (the old "If you build it, they will come") so we sit down, write an article, submit it to article directories, then wait. A week goes by, you get a trickle, another week, still a trickle, a month, still a trickle (if that). What happened to all the promise of thousands and thousands of people coming to the site? Nothing - that's the problem. Very few (if any) ezines, newsletters, or web sites reprinted your article. Just the RSS feeds (they were probably responsible for the trickle). Lets take a look at how an article should be written for maximum exposure. Why Article Writing is Increasingly Important in This SPAM Era There is no doubt that Spam has affected online business in a very big and negative way. So serious is the Spam problem today that many ISP filters will routinely reject and filter out messages you need from clients and business associates. Many times even email sites are trying to control ever rising Spam volumes. Many times this makes even genuine communication via email very difficult. Just try sending mail from Yahoo to AOL and you will get an idea of what I am trying to say here. Even sending out email newsletters or ezines, which are a very important online marketing tool, can be quite a challenge these days. Not to mention safe lists that are mostly a nightmare of bounced or unread emails. Out of the volumes sent, only a tiny fraction ever gets opened, let alone read. The result is that online marketing experts have been forced to look for other options and tools to help them meet their online business objectives. Publishing: Changing realities (I) When you frequently post articles on ezines, you might be aware that you are an active participant in the art of publishing at grass roots level. From experience, you will know that after planting your seeds, it takes time before your efforts will actually bear fruit. What happens on the trajectory from planting the seed to seeing traffic numbers jump and your site's visibility increase? And is this in line with what's happening in the wider publishing world? Are there alternatives? Articles: Why You Need to Write Them Every webmaster knows that to gain ranking positions in search engines you need to build links. This usually means hours at a computer submitting your site to directories and emailing other webmasters requesting reciprocal links. There is another way of getting links which often overlooked and complements your current link building strategy, writing articles. Success Starts with Articles No one can logically argue against the fact that content is king. Web sites that are nothing more than glorified link farms or ad spiels must work harder and invest more money to gain visitors-almost none of them return. To keep users returning, there must be a reason. Articles can serve two major roles in maintaining a successful website-content and promotion. Just minutes from now you could be on your way to building a more successful business. Article creation and submission is one of the greatest promotional tools ever. Dont Just Sit There, Write A Newsletter Article Need traffic? Write an article. Marketing to Editors How are you marketing your articles? As a writer prospecting potential clients, your query letter is your marketing tool. What does it tell the editor about you? Website Promotion: Alternatives to Article Banks Writing and submitting articles to article banks is a well-known method for promoting one's website. Usually there is an author's box at the bottom of the article and a link back to the website. This link is valuable in two ways. First, it provides direct traffic from those reading the article to the website. Second, the link counts as a vote to the website when a search engine robot crawls the article. This will help your website rank higher in the search engine results pages. Consultants - Writing Articles for the Internet Blankets the World with Your Expertise and Style A Consultant could be an expert about absolutely anything. Five Great Ideas For Your Next Article It's amazing how quickly free articles can generatetraffic - my traffic sometimes triples within 24 hoursof releasing a new article. Why a Good-Quality Photo Should Accompany Your Articles I'm betting that that 3 out of 4 of you who are reading this don't have a good-quality photo that you could give the media if a reporter called you today. Six Whys of Writing You pick a pen, grab a piece of paper and scribble?or, nowadays, turn on your PC, go to MSWord, exhaust your fingers on the keyboard?and you're done?instant article! That easy, and you're an instant celebrity. Website Promotion ? Writing Articles May Be Better Than Hiring SEO Firms It is a well-known fact that a key to obtaining a good search engine position is having a lot of other Websites link to yours. The quantity is important, and the quality is important, too. A link to your site from Amazon.com is regarded by the search engines as more important than a link from Never-Heard-Of-It.com. How can someone with a fairly new Website obtain links from other sites? Quite easily, as it happens. Write articles about your Website's topics and publish them on the Web. It is easy to do, it provides fairly fast results, and it is less expensive and safer than if you hired a company to promote your Website for you. Writing Articles - Six Mistakes To Avoid Not writing articles yet? You really should try it, if you want a lot of free traffic to your web site. A simple "Top Ten..." Or "Six Mistakes" type of article can be written by anyone. When you're ready to start writing, avoid the following common mistakes people make when writing and submitting articles. ![]() |
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