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Ten Top Tips for Writing Articles on the Internet
Online readers love information, but be sure your information is crisp, clean, clear and concise. Internet writing is different from print. 1. Keep your paragraphs short, even a line or two. Online readers will ignore long batches of words in long paragraphs, whether in an ezine or at a web site. That costs the author a lot of book sales. Respect readers who want material short and sweet. 2. Write tips in consistent format. First, use the command form of a verb. Follow it by the cost of not doing it, or benefits from doing it. End with a positive comment. Use this three or four-sentence formula to bring the curious to you. One tip I sent out in 2004 landed me an offer from a large print magazine to write a longer article on the same topic. 3. Make your heading compelling. If you haven't tested it on associates, or haven't edited it at least three times, it may say "lackluster." People will delete it or click on to something new. Which one will you read? " Write an Article," or "Sell More Books by Writing a Short Article"? 4. Get to the point quickly-in the title and the first line. Keep your introduction down to a few sentences. 5. Tell your readers what you want them to do. They are waiting for your magic formula to make them richer, healthier, or enjoy great relationships. Use numbered points for this if possible. Make your copy strong, clear, and direct. 6. Target your article to your preferred audience. Not everyone will want your information, so include your audience in the title or introduction. When you focus your information, you write more compelling, focused copy that your readers will love. They will reward you by clicking to where your book is sold in your signature file. 7. Reduce superfluous words such as adjectives and adverbs like "ly." Allow only 2-4% passive verbs. Because of a lack of effort, novices ruin their work with sentences full of "is" and "was" linking verbs. Use strong verbs instead, by starting more sentences with a subject, followed by a verb and object. Neither books, nor articles will sell with these "slugs." 8. Focus on your readers' needs and wants. Keep the "I" out of your copy unless you are telling a success story. If you do use "I" consider couching it like this: "If you are like me, you?. Remember to give what's in it for your readers. 9. Contact an editing buddy who is above average at writing. It's best to get a bookcoach or professional Internet editor to give your first 3-4 efforts some feedback, so you are on the right track-and will get published. Online sites and ePublishers will not publish your article if it isn't well organized; reader centered, easy-to read and doesn't offer something new. 10. Include a powerful signature file that will attract other publishers and web masters to your other articles listed on your web site. Once they start posting you, your message will be seen by your targeted audience who want your service or book information. Include the basics of name, benefit of book or business, free offer such as an ezine or report, your web, email address, and a local and toll-fre.e number. Keep these ten tips in mind, so that your Internet article will bring potential book buyers to you, your service, your Web site, and your products. Judy Cullins ©2005 All Rights Reserved. Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people's lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," "The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Targeted Web Traffic," and "Create your Web Site With Marketing Pizzazz," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, "The Book Coach Says..." and "Business Tip of the Month" at http://www.bookcoaching.com/opt-in.shtml and over 165 free articles. Email her at mailto:Judy@bookcoaching.com.
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How To Write Persuasive Articles You may be wondering what persuasive writing has to do with articles. After all, you're not exactly selling something with an informative article, are you? Yes, you are. You at least want persuade the reader to keep reading until he gets to your link at the bottom. Use the following tips to get more traffic by writing persuasively.. Put Your Recruiting on Auto Pilot Getting people to join your company can be hard work. Whether you are looking to hire staff or to build a downline for your network marketing business, attracting the right people is key to your success. From Idea To Published Book ... How To Self-publish The Easy Way! I've been involved in publishing for over a decade now as an author, editor, and project manager; however, it wasn't until just a few years ago that I decided to move into self-publishing. Indeed, my first few projects involved consulting for others and, now, I am involved in my own, personal projects. It has taken a while for me to come back around to my own works, but in the process I learned how to minimize time and expenses in producing a book and getting it to market. Articles: How To Turbo Charge Traffic When Your Promotion Budget Is Tiny Writing articles for your site and for the use of others, is a simple proven way low cost way to get more traffic. Marketing to Editors How are you marketing your articles? As a writer prospecting potential clients, your query letter is your marketing tool. What does it tell the editor about you? Microsoft Word Smart Quotes and Article Marketers Dont Mix By default, Microsoft Word automatically changes straight quotation marks ( ' or " ) to curly (smart or typographer's) quotes as you type. This is fine if you are only authoring your works for applications not relating to article marketing. When smart quotes are converted to HTML, the quotes are converted to non-standard characters which end up littering your document with question mark symbols and/or other garbage code. Articles That Sizzle - Top Ten Topics There's one key rule that every writer should understand before sitting down to write an article and that's "know your audience". Writing Articles for Ranking I have seen the question asked so many times. How do I get links without having to resort to reciprocals? There are actually multiple ways but for the purpose of this article I will be discussing just one, writing articles. Reprint Article Headlines ? the Reader is Secondary A great headline can be the difference between having your free reprint article published once (on your own website...) and having it published hundreds, if not thousands, of times all over the Internet. Sure, the content has to be worthwhile; it has to be helpful, informative, and not just a sales spiel. And there's no denying that a well written article can be very compelling. But if your headline doesn't cut it, the article won't stand a chance. The best article in the world will never see the light of day without an effective headline. Now, more than ever, article submissions need a good headline. But it's not just the reader you have to worry about. In fact, the reader is secondary! When it comes to reprint article headlines, your main focus should be the publisher. You may think the requirements of a good headline haven't changed over the years, but they have. Unlike headlines for traditional newspapers, magazines, etc., which target only the reader, online article submission headlines target first the publisher, then the reader. So how do you write a headline for an online publisher? Here's a few tips... 1) State your domainNo matter what your business, you can be sure that potential publishers of your article are inundated with information every day. Imagine hypothetical 'Publisher Pete'. He's the webmaster of a high PR site. He receives hundreds of article submissions every day. Additionally, he farms article submission sites (aka 'article banks', 'article submit sites', 'free-reprint sites') for articles on a regular basis. Because so many of the article submissions he sees are spam or unrelated, Publisher Pete is quick to dismiss anything that isn't obviously ? and immediately ? relevant to his website. So make sure your headline signals the general subject area of the article submission, not just the exact topic. 2) State your argumentEvery website has an agenda. Whether it's to sell, persuade, or inform, there's always an angle. When our friend Publisher Pete looks for free reprint content for his website, he wants something that complements his agenda. If he's selling chemical garden fertilizers, he doesn't want an article about the evils of chemical fertilizer. Nor does he want an article espousing the virtues of organic fertilizer. He wants an article promoting the value of chemical garden fertilizer. If that's what your article is about, make sure the headline lets him know. 3) Don't make empty promisesSensationalized headlines may work in traditional media, but they're not so effective in online article submissions. Few things frustrate an online publisher more than being lured in by a promising headline which turns out to be nothing more than hot air. For publishers who take the time to carefully filter content before publishing, empty headlines are nothing more than time-wasters. For publishers who are a little less meticulous, empty headlines result in a site which is characterized by disjointed, contradictory, low-quality content. Either way, the publisher isn't impressed, so make sure the headline of your article is relevant to (and validated by) the body of your article.4) Put yourself in the publisher's shoesAlways think about ways to make the publisher's job easier. It's as simple as that. Brainstorm 5, 10, 20 headlines, then put yourself in the publisher's position and ask which one you'd choose. That's the best headline for your article submission. 5) Think about your publisher's readersPublishers want articles that readers will open. But remember, your publisher's website may cater to an entirely different type of reader to your website. Whenever you find yourself thinking about your secondary audience (the reader), make sure you're thinking about the publisher's readers ? not your own. That settled, you can go on to focus on regular audience-headline considerations such as making the headline attention-getting, targeted, and benefit driven. ConclusionWith the emergence of article submission as a great way to generate a high search engine ranking, and the associated proliferation of article submission spam, the right headline is more important than ever. The important thing to remember is that you're faced with a gatekeeper, and you need to address their needs first. By following all the publisher-focused tips above, you'll not only see your article published many more times, you'll also see it published on more relevant websites. This will help both your ranking (because links from relevant sites are always the best) and your click-thru traffic (because the audience will be more relevant). Happy headlining! 15 Questions To Instantly Help You Write A Tips Booklet 1. What is the single most compelling subject from your experience or knowledge that you want the world to know about? If there are several topics, consider which one you are most passionate about. How To Write Best Articles I've been able to distinguish 3 main categories that people fall into, regarding the subject on writing articles. Allow me to share them with you. Article Writing: Breaking Writers Block It is amazing to see how much we all still dread writing; even a simple letter or memo! When we start talking about an Essay or an Article for publication, it gets much worse. As human beings, we are prone to self doubt, the good news however is; that there is a cure for that. The cure lies in the old adage: "Practice makes Perfect" Once, you can get past the writing of your first article, it gets easier onwards. 50,000 Articles Indeed How is it possible to turn an idea into the biggest online Article Archive in the world? One man did it, with the help of a great team. He did it thru perserverence and dedication. He pressed on as other wavered. When others would not take the road less traveled, he dared to blaze a new trail. Rarely do we see such standouts in our world, yet occasionally we are re-assured that all is well in the world after all. We are reminded that the American Dream is possible. While others scream past and fall short, or give up and quit, there are those willing to go the distance and press on to greater heights. Every Writers Dilemma: How Do You Decide What to Write About? The sources of inspiration are all around us, in the headlines of the daily newspaper, in conversations, and listening to what questions people are asking. But how do you find those little inspirations that cause the flood gates of creativity to open wide? 4 Ways to Outsource Your Article Writing Needs Not every web designer has the time ? or skills ? to be able to write effective web content. Thus, it is imperative of you to find someone capable of writing articles that are interesting, informative, engaging, as well as persuasive. How do you find the right person for the job? I am glad you asked! Here are four ways to outsource your article writing needs: Artricle Writing and Promotion: Your Fast Track to Profits Writing articles, and promoting them for publication, is one of the most productive long-term promotional tactics available. Well researched and written articles... which provide valuable, useable information, are highly sought after by newsletter publishers, magazines, ezines, etc. Writing Articles Can Improve Your Online Marketing and Sales Many people which in online business world find difficulties in searching long-term and continuous earnings. Ezine Publishers Want These 5 Things From Article Authors/Writers Want your articles to get picked up and reprinted by top name brand ezine publishers? An Easy Way to Write An Article: Get Someone Elses! Every successful website needs to be, what the experts consider, content rich; therefore, what better way to boost your website's content than by providing your visitors with articles to read about the subject of your website. Getting articles for your website is one of the easiest things on the Internet to do. There are hundreds of websites that are dedicated to publishing reprintable articles that other webmasters may use for content on their websites. The drawback, which comes in the form of the author's links, is not really a drawback if you consider that link as a potential ally to your website's ranking in the search engine ranking world. Personal Promotion Through Publishing One of the best ways to build credibility and promote your expertise is by publishing. Many of the greatest thinkers in history were able to build their reputation through their writing. Throughout history, people such as, Mahatma Ghandi, Abraham Lincoln, and George Bernard Shaw were able to use their writing to promote their causes and views. ![]() |
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