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Top Ten eBook Mistakes and How to Correct ThemJudy Cullins Did you know that you already have an eBook inside you And, like your coach, you can earn thousands of dollars each month Even if you are a non-techie like me, you can write your ebook at the same time you write your print book. Or, solve your readers problems using other articles and reports already in your files. Expand a two-page article with a story or add other how-tos. If you want to double and triple your present book income, check out these mistakes and correct them now. Mistake 1. You dont write a short eBook first to test the waters. Short is in the eyes of the beholder, but lets say from 15-90 pages. Your future customers will be glad to download these pages and print only the ones they need to. Your eBook needs to be more concise, easy-to-read, and compelling than your print book. That means you can shorten your analogies and stories. You can use a "success format" that poses a question a heading your reader wants answered, then answer it. This formula gets to the point quickly, and always remember, your Online audience is busy and doesnt want a wordy style. Mistake 2. You dont check in with a professional editor or book coach before you sell your eBook. Yes, its good to get feedback from peers, but you need to get a professional look at the final edition--someone who can set you straight about words and grammar that makes your writing vital and original. For instance, you need to drop your passive constructions such as "there is" or any form of "is, has, begin or start". Limit the -ly adverbs that merely tell rather than show. Your readers want a picture and want to respond with their emotions. Limit your -ing forms of the verbs. Keep your copy in present or past tense. Mistake 3. You dont know your audience before you write your eBook. Emerging authors make this biggest mistake. They have information, so why not write an eBook Instead think about the audience you will serve. More targeted works well. People who want something quick and easy that will save them time and money--another audience. The best one so far in the untapped Internet or Online audience. Mostly small business people, they are eager to buy what they need to make their life or business more enjoyable, profitable, and easy. Right now, think of your one or two preferred audiences, and keep their profile of their needs, complaints, or problems as well as their picture by your workstation. Then you will write the book your pre-sold audience already wants! Mistake 4. You dont automate your business . As a newbie or non-techie, at first you may resist learning how to do this. Three years ago I knew nothing about the net, and today Ive published five eBooks on Internet marketing and eBook writing and publishing. You can too, little by little. Since each book will not bring you landslides of profit, think about limiting your small priced books. Or, bundle them so that each sale is around $20 and up. Offer your eBook for sale through an 800 number. One with excellent service is MRC business Support at 800-366-5596. Set up a link for people to download your book. Two companies to investigate are Clickbank.com and Paypal.com. Delegate some of this work to your computer assistant. Contact your local high schools and technical schools where Online geniuses live. And, the cost is nominal in comparison to the results. Mistake 5. You dont have a title that sells well. A good title is short, clear, and clever. The best title includes your books number one benefit. Use words your audience can relate to. Even cliches are OK for book titles. Instead of "How to Market Online" offer a title like a Web site headline: "Quadruple your Monthly Book Income--Market Online." Brainstorm a list of your possible titles with associates through a small marketing survey. Ask them to vote from 1-10 and offer their own title ideas that would make them reach into their wallets and pay $15-20 or more. 6. You dont leverage your eBook for higher price sales. When you look at the valuable information inside your eBook and you realize you only make $20 a sale, you may want to investigate putting it into an eCourse. These courses sell for $79 and up. With just a little revising and tweaking, you can set your book up to be a hands-on how to course. You can bundle several lower cost eBooks and list their singular prices. Then offer a fabulous discount to buy all three or four. Mistake 7. You dont add bonus value to your eBook. Whenever you put 2-4 bonus special reports at the end of your eBook document in Portable Document Format, you make your offer so appealing, that many will buy for the bonuses alone. For an eBook on How to Write your EBook or Other Book--Fast! an eBook that sells for $24.95, the author offered these three valuable bonuses as an incentive to buy. "Titles Sell Books" - value $4.95, 2. "Write Like a Pro Checklist." - value $3.95, and 3. "How to Get Testimonials from the Rich and Famous" - value $595 . Thats $15 of valuable reports added to $24.95--Total value: $40.00 value for only $24.95. She put a new link on her Web site "Discounts of the Month." With a limited time offer, from her ePromotion bi-monthly offers, she got many new buyers. Everyone wants useful, original information. Everyone also wants a bargain. Mistake 8. You put too many topics in your book. Remember, best sellers focus on one main topic. Each chapter must support that subject. When you try to give too much, your information isnt organized, short, and compelling. Instead of the end all, be all book, concentrate on one "how-to" and give plenty of details to make it useful to your reader. 9. You dont market while you write. Most writers wish someone else would do it for them. Not in this lifetime! Its so much easier to put marketing into each chapter title, each chapters questions you will answer, rough draft of your eBooks back cover sales letter, the One-Minute "Tell and Sell," and knowing your targeted audience, thesis and table of contents before you write a single chapter. Knowing these essential "Seven Hot-Selling Points" before you finish your eBook will have you ready to promote the second you write your last word. . 10. You dont brand yourself, your business, and your book. Some people join an affiliate program or set up an affiliate program for others to sell their products and sell many products. As a marketing coach, what I want for you is to think of the overview "umbrella" you can house your products under. Think about your biggest benefit you offer through your service. Think about your book title. Can you put a key word from it into each chapter title For the book, "Passion at Any Age," the author put the word passion in each chapter title such as "Passionate Self-Care". In one clients book, "Watch Out! Your Relationships Can Be Hazardous To Your Health." the author included the key words "watch out!" in each chapter title. The eBook earning curve while short, is important for all writers to conquer. Its easier when you contact a professional coach or take a teleclass to inform yourself. Stop making eBook mistakes so you can earn the money you deserve.
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