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Discover 3 Easy Ways to Promote Your ArticlesBrandie King Are you using these methods to promote your articles If not, you are missing out on some easy ways to get more traffic. Ways that require no additional work on your part once they are set up. 1. Fr*e Ebook Compile all of your articles into a fr*e ebook and give it away. Set it up on its own page. Include a description and a request form requiring people to enter their name and email address before they can download it. In this way, you can distribute your ebook and build a mailing list all at the same time. Another idea is to offer your fr*e ebook to people who subscribe to your ezine. With the massive amount of ezines available on the Internet today, people more and more need a good incentive to subscribe to any particular one. Offering valuable fr*e information is the perfect way to snag subscribers. You should also set up an autoresponder to use for updates to your ebook. Put this form on the ebook download page, on the front page of the ebook itself, or on both. As you write more articles, add them to your ebook and send an email out letting people on the updates list know that a new version is available. Allow other people to give it away as well and you will create a viral traffic wave that can continue for years to come. 2. Fr*e Ecourse Compile all of your articles into a fr*e ecourse and set it up on an autoresponder, one article per day. As with a fr*e ebook, put it on its own page with a description and request form. Make sure that you include a removal link at the bottom of every single day of your ecourse. This will help prevent you becoming the victim of SP*M complaints. 3. Syndicate Your Articles Website owners are always looking for ways to get fresh content for their sites. You can cash in on this need. All you have to do is provide the code snippet for them to use, then write articles to plug into the code. You can find free code for doing this at http://www.thesitewizard.com/netsyndic/index.shtml. These three methods may seem easy, but start implementing them and you will experience a surge in traffic that will have your hit counters spinning. Get them set up and all that remains for you to do is write your articles and plug them in.
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The same thing goes for trade journal articles more about that in a subsequent piece. The Makings of a Personal Essay, Really Sometimes I can be dense when it comes to realizing the potential of myown life experiences as essays for magazines.I, of course, fullybelieve that everything in my life is newsworthy, but sometimes havetrouble figuring out which experiences will hit home with other people. The Writing Club Typically when falling asleep in bed at night great thoughts enter the mind, long stringed and meaningful sentences trip over each other to receive attention at the front of the brain alongside all the brilliant findings, results, meanings that speak volumes and hard hitting phrases that are just the ticket to open the door to success. The last thought in the brain before sleep overrides this brilliant future work is, “must use that tomorrow”. 8 Tell-Tale Signs That Forecast Writing Success! ‘Talent is cheaper than table salt.What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”Stephen King The Best Freelance Job Boards for Writers How many times have you checked out a job board to that either it no longer exists or that there is one or two jobs listed. Out of the hundreds of job boards on the Web today, how do you find those containing projects that you are interested in and qualified for. The Stool Pigeon and the Indian Lake It never occurred to me that Norman would chicken out and become a stool pigeon.He was aggressive, a good athlete, a gambler,for baseball cards and streetcar transfers, a veteran explorer of our neighborhood and Crotona Park. He was a very persuasive talker, a take-over guy and besides, he loved banana and mustard sandwiches. It was his idea that we organize a trip to the Floyd Bennett Airport.When he squealed to his mother about our plans we labeled him…But that will come with this story. The Top 10 Secrets of Successful Authors If you are not a successful author yet, incorporate the following 10Secrets: 12 Top Tips For Up And Coming Article Writers 1. Make your articles available on your site. Is The Theme Running Throughout The Story Creative Writing Tips – How The First Earth Day Came About Today, April 22, people across the world will be observing Earth Day registering their concern about deteriorating state of environment and pronouncing resolve to arrest the detrimental trend. Learn to Write Like a Pro Many writers write for the experience. Others dream of having a number one best seller. Both are wonderful reasons for writing. What many fail to realize is that these two do not have to be mutually exclusive. With a little research, you can enjoy writing incredible stories and see to it that they generate a profit. Wordsworths "Ode on Intimations of Immortality" In a letter written in 1814, Wordsworth referring to " Intimation to Immortality ode wrote the following to clear his stand on the poem: Write a Letter, Make a Difference Today I took the dog for a walk and realized that there is a letter that I must write.Near our house, we walk up a once paved road that is now mostly rock and mud.It runs behind several houses then up a hill and ends at some very high priced home sites that are, as yet, unbuilt.In the winter this is a beautiful trail lined with small waterfalls and lush green trees, in summer it is a trail overrun by wildflowers that the neighborhood children enjoy picking.This trail, used regularly by its neighbors, is in danger of disappearing.The developer of the homesites is petitioning the city to repave the trail and make it once again an automobile thoroughfare.This trail is a vital part of our neighborhood, and losing it to another street that would benefit only the future homeowners of 5 homesites would distress those who use it regularly to walk the dog, teach their children about nature, or to escape the concrete jungle for a moment of peace. End Of History Not Quite. A visitor to Moscow would be immediately struck by the fact that an otherwise dull Kremlin now seduces one to break the sound barrier in a mike, rediscover one self on a Compaq or simply feel Warner in a Pringles. If this is not enough then there is always Chairman Mao in Tiananmen Square calling upon workers and peasants to not only carry forward the revolution but also gulp down a Sprite, while they are at it. Numerous more examples abound from the Adriatic, so what does it all signifyIs it truly the end of History Do we now see a time when a matter of ideology is drinking a Coke or a Pepsi Closer introspection would reveal that it is not quite so. Catholics Need To Take a Second Look at Morality According to CNN, Catholics voted for President Bush over Senator John Kerry by a 51 to 48 percent margin.Hence, Catholics voted for a Born Again Methodist over a Catholic candidate.Many Catholic Bishops have declared abortion a “non-negotiable issue.”In the diocese of Brooklyn, which encompasses Brooklyn and Queens, there is not a single memorial to those who have been put to death by our government.Nonetheless, I know of at least one parish in Brooklyn that has a three-thousand dollar memorial dedicated to the aborted.Meanwhile, 36 million people in the United States live in poverty.If the Bishops are not silent, they most certainly speak in a whisper when it comes to issues of social justice and the death penalty.The Catholic Bishop’s candidate, George W. Bush, executed nearly 30 individuals in 1999 alone. The One-Plot Wonder Back in the mid to late 1980s I was a security guard. The pay was lousy, but it gave me many hours in seclusion to write short stories and novels. However, I usually worked over 80 hours a week. No one can write that much. Well, at least not me. Thus I discovered the joys of my local libraries. ![]() |
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