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Write For Yourself FirstRoy E. Klienwachter It would be very selfless or noble of me to tell you that I have created my web site only to help you and the rest of humanity. The reason for me spending so much time and energy into my writing and this site is selfish. And I must remind myself of that from time to time, especially when I move into a down period and I am asking myself "why." The real truth for the site in all honesty is to give myself an outlet for my own thoughts, a forum in which others may benefit. It really is all about me. I place value in my belief system. I can express these thoughts on my site without censorship or having anything cleared or approved by another person or organization. Thats important to me. My writing most often gets to the point in as few words as possible. I am a sort of "No Frills," author, and some people may get offended. All of us have something to say. There is a book in each and everyone of us, that needs to be written. I write for myself first, if anyone benefits by it, it is a bonus to my ego and it likes to receive the praise that it does. I sincerely want to empower others as well as myself to get the book out. My fondest wish is to inspire someone else to write something even better than I have done. I often question the validity of my writing and its source. The truth is, there is only once source, and it is the same source that is yours or any other author. There is only one consciousness in the universe and we all draw from the same pool. I express that consciousness in my writing. The writing that I do each morning comes from that source and it is filtered through me in a way, that it only can be, and is uniquely mine. All the words that I use are words that have been used millions of times by others. There are no original words. It is the combination of the words and the circumstances of how they are used that bring them from my subconscious to the paper. These words will be heard or read and they will trigger the correct response in the reader. As the correct combination of a lock will open doors for those that use it. Every one of us has these combinations present within us, and need to get them out. Once again there is a book waiting to be written in all of us. We all have an obligation to write or tell it. First for ourselves, simply because its there, and secondly we know that there is someone waiting to hear or read it. It is our words that will open the door for one of them. For every lock there is a combination that will open it. You owe it to yourself and others to open that door. What you write should be heart felt and always in your own words and said or written your way, in order to match the correct combination. Authors say to me, I am overwhelmed when I go to the book store and see all the books and the authors that are writing about the same thing as I. What chance do I have of being published or anyone seeing my book. I remind them that they are writing the book for themselves, its in the action of having the words come out that the reward is found, the door opens for you as well as for others. You do it because its there and it needs to come out. It is there for that one person who will read it and be inspired, because of you words. Many may read your words, but few will hear what you have to say. It is your legacy, your obligation. It is the inheritance that you pass on to others, after you are gone. All of us, everyone has this ability. Whether it is a quotable quote or an entire 500 page volume. Someone will be touched, and more than likely, the one who wrote it. You have the skates, I have the key, give the key to me, so that I may skate. My treasure is locked within. It may be you that sets me free, for I am a prisoner of my own ignorance. Your word, just at the right time is all that I need. My writing is for me first. The answers you are looking for my be hidden within the paragraphs on the pages. It is my gift, my obligation, my Karma being released, that you should find it. If, even the dull and ignorant have their story, then I am in fine company.
Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. An ordained minister and New Age Light Worker. Roy has written three books on New Age wisdom. "Simple Manifesting," "First Steps To Spiritual Enlightenment," "The New Age of Healing." Roys books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom.
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