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Stimulate Your Sensebuds...and Wave Goodbye To Writers Cramp!Linda Gray When you get stuck for ideas, and the words won’t flow, invariably it’s because one, more or all of your senses aren’t being stimulated. Staring at a blank screen or sheet of paper really doesn’t help. The best way to stimulate all your senses in one hit is to provide an inspirational space you can work with. Lots of Feng Shui arrangements appear in western homes these days, and they’re great, but outside those four walls of your writing space, there is another world bursting with enlightenment and inspiration. Of course you may have to work at it a little, but hey, we all need some exercise sometimes! Whether you have a balcony or a backyard, you can very simply build a natural living world to plunge into whenever you choose. If you have neither, consider renting a small patch of land or sharing a garden with someone. Gardening conjures up all sorts of hard work images; tools, backache, blisters etc;. but it’s only as hard as you make it. Start small and design your garden on paper first. Decide where you want herbs, flowers - and even vegetables, if you have the space and inclination! A tiny balcony or back yard can be bordered with herbs and flowers. If you’re staring at several square metres of concrete, don’t despair. Plant your sensory stimulators in pots. Paint the pots different colours if you like. Choose strong smelling, long lasting flowers, such as wallflowers Cheiranthus . They will grow in some shade and do well against walls, fences and hedgerows. Climbing roses will only need a few hooks screwed into the fence, and they will happily cover your fence in blooms. Both these flowers are colourful, smell beautiful and are velvet to the touch. Many herbs will grow in pots. Grow chives for something to nibble as you wander round the garden. Mint varieties are many , from spearmint through to the newer varieties such as pineapple or melon mint . Try them! They really do smell of pineapple and melon. Some herbs are perennial and, once established, will need very little care. But remember to pick them to encourage growth. The acoustics in your outside space will change dramatically when you have flowers growing. Those bees and bugs won’t be able to resist. Rub the leaves of your mint plants or other herbs and fill the air with the scent. Now relax in a chair, listen to the humming of the insects and nibble on your chives. Within ten minutes you’ll either be dozing and gaining some well needed rest, or you’ll be running back to your keyboard with more words in your head than ever before!
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Our logical left brain usually takes the drivers seat. Here are 5 ways to help you unearth your creative self. The Crusades Of Writing This article does not discuss what to write or how to write, but merely a favorite – why to write. Checklist for Writing Articles That Get Read When writing articles for publication, it is important that you bear certain matters in mind. If you want to write a good article that stands a good chance of publication you need to take the following into consideration before, when you are in the process and after completion: Who Says You Are Not A Writer The other day, a client told me, “I’ve been talking to a lot of other aspiring writers and I can’t believe how unsupportive they are. I had an editor interested in something I’d written and two other writers were unbelievably negative. One said my writing wasn’t good enough for publication. Another told me that this particular magazine never publishes new writers. I was so depressed after I heard these remarks that I haven’t had the heart to send the editor anything.” How to Market Yourself Successfully as a Writer To ensure a steady flow of work and income, a writer should promote himself constantly.Not everyone knows you are a writer and the competition for work is very high.Not only do you compete with publications regular staffers and commissioned writers but with more learned and skilled freelancers. ![]() |
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