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Becoming the Total PackageJenna Glatzer Being a great writer is no longer enough if you plan to score a big publishing deal, especially as a nonfiction author. Particularly if your book idea falls into the how-to or self-help categories, you not only have to sell your terrific writing, but you also have to sell yourself as the books conduit to the world. Publishers want to minimize their risks, so they dont haphazardly award big book contracts to unknown writersunless, that is, the writer is the total package. What constitutes this package PLATFORM Increasingly, publishers look for authors who have platforms. A platform is your megaphone to shout your books message to a mass audience. Famous people have automatic platforms; if Julia Roberts were to decide to write a book tomorrow, you can bet that shell have publishers clamoring. Why Because they know that the media will go wild to tell the public about it, and shell have the ability to get as much air time as she wants all over TV and print. But lets assume youre not quite so famous. Thats okay. You can build a platform in a number of waysa good start is by writing articles for newspapers and magazines. Work toward becoming a columnist even at a freebie community paper, then work on syndicating your column. Although some writers will thumb their noses at this suggestion, if your main objective is platform-building, I advise that you get your column out there to as many publications as will have it, whether they pay well or not at all. You may also choose to put your free articles on websites such as www.articlecity.com and www.ideamarketers.com. Other ways to build platforms:
MEDIA EXPERTISE Its not unusual for publishers to ask for proof of your media capabilities before buying your book. One publisher asked me for a 5-minute videotape that showed clips from my appearances on Lifetime TV and news programs. I also included a copy of a radio show where Id recently been a guest, and a headshotpublishers dont need beauty unless youre writing a beauty book!, but they do like to see that your appearance wont make people scream with abject horror if you do public talks. To become more media-savvy, you can practice your speaking skills at a local Toastmasters club www.toastmasters.org, an international association meant to help people overcome public speaking fears and speak more effectively. You can also practice by having a friend ask you questions on cassette or videotape, then paying attention to any bad habits you have yknow, umm, fiddling with your hands, running your hands through your hair, babbling. Work on your sizzling sound byte the few sentences you want to get across to entice someone to hear moreor, if thats all the time youll have, to entice them to run out and get your book to read more!. The keys to being a great interviewee Be passionate. Be enthusiastic. Speak clearly and in short sentences. Let your body language and/or voice reflect a well-collected, happy, engaging attitude. Dont refer people to your book or website every three secondsbe there to genuinely teach the audience something, and know that if you enthrall them, you wont have to do a hard-sell to get them to follow you. Dress well for TV interviews avoid white and beige if you have a light complexion; head for blues, purples, and pink; avoid flashy prints; avoid jangly, reflective jewelry and other distracting clothing and accessoriesyou want the attention on your words, not your wardrobe. Know how to lead an interviewer to ask the right questions if he or she goes off topic, and to turn negatives into positives. If youre interested in media training resources or coaching, try these: PROVEN PROFESSIONALISM How will the editor know that you will turn in your work on time, that you will not be a huge pain in the rear to deal with, and that your work will be clean, on target, and on word count If you have no other book credits to your name, youll need other credentials that show you know how to be a professional. Credentials that prove youre an expert are one thing-- having a special degree, professional association membership, or teaching expertise can help establish that you know your subject matter, but you still need to prove that you know how to handle the writing and publishing process. Articles in impressive publications certainly help. A regular column helps even more, because it shows an editor that you were able to meet deadlines week after week or month after month and that another editor liked you enough to want to work with you regularly. A contributing editor spot on a magazines masthead works in your favor, as does any prior experience on staff in the publishing world. Although rarely requested, nobodys ever hurt by a letter of recommendation-- er, testimonial-- from a past editor or boss in a publishing field. Ive been known to throw in a few sentences from my editors that comment on how easy I am to work with, or how reliable I am, or how their audience always loves my work. EAGERNESS TO HELP Even if your platform leaves something to be desired, you can make up for it with a solid publicity plan and an eagerness to take an active role in publicity and marketing. Give concrete plans for who will interview you, review your book, or otherwise give you a spotlight... and why. Telling your publisher that youre sure this book is perfect for Oprah or that itll be right up the New York Times alley is useless unless you have a reason for them to believe yousuch as a contact at these places. They are more impressed with solid plans, such as the fact that youve already spoken with local librarians who want you to come speak, the YMCA has asked you to come teach a seminar once your book comes out, two local colleges have courses in your subject matter and have agreed to check out your book for possible classroom use, a business organization is interested in buying copies in bulk, and youre happy to do a book tour of the southwest on your own dime or will split expenses with the publisher. If you plan to hire a publicist, thats usually a plus rarely, the publisher would rather not have an outsider interfere with their publicity departments efforts. If youre going for media coaching, willing to attend book fairs, happy to do signings and readings, planning to buy many copies of your own book to sell during your seminars or workshops, etc.-- all of these are positives in a publishers eye. Remember that you will wear many hats as a successful writer. To make it big, recognize that you are also a businessperson, a salesperson, and a public relations expert on your own subject matter. Work on becoming the total package, and youll cast your book proposal in a much more attractive light.
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