Who Wants to Be An Internet Guru I Do Do YOU

Laurie Meade

The Internet Gurus.
What do they do
How do they get so rich
What do they have in common

Are these the questions going through your mind when you ask yourself,

"Heh, if they can do it, maybe I can too"

These are the questions Rob Parnell answers in his new ebook, "Be an Internet Guru, Write Your Ebook Fast"

From the title of this book, you might think,

"Do I really want to be a guru"

To many people, what comes to mind is an image similar to a con artist, a rip off scam, a bunch of hype, when you state the term "internet guru."

Is your opinion of the gurus that its all a bunch of hype and BS

You may already have the credit card debt to prove it. So why would anyone want to buy a book teaching them all the dirty tricks of the gurus

There are a few things that really intrigued me about this ebook. To begin with, there are no affiliate links promoting any other program embedded in this ebook. It is a 164 page pdf. The author tells you in an entertaining way, stories you can identify with, and explains why these gurus are doing so well.

He also states,

"It is very possible to make money online, being sincere and honest."

The reason I like this, and totally agree, is because this is the approach I have chosen to take with my reviews.

Although most of my reviews you will read, will be in a positive nature, I dont hesitate to say what I dont like about the ebooks and products I review.

This is not Robs first ebook. He launched the ebook, "How to Write Your Novel Fast!" back in October of 2002. When he shared with me through email recently, how many copies of his first ebook he has already sold, I was totally flabergasted.

I did some research at the search engines on this ebook, and found some very positive postings on it. For more information on these postings send an email to rob@you2cansellonline.com

You see, I do make money through affiliate links by promoting my reviews. I dont try to camoflauge or hide that fact. I also deliver, above and beyond to my subscribers and loyal customers with extra service and bonuses.

Rob shows how the curiosity of the internet, and the idea of having freedom to control your own life, income and future intrigues us all to wonder if we can do it too. He does this by relating it to a story you can identify with. He then breaks it down into manageable steps---

  • he answers the questions that most people have
  • the steps to what it will take in time, knowledge, and desire to accomplish your goal
  • and skills you need to acquire and reach your writing amd marketing goals.

He also describes in detail, how to run your online business with integrity and honesty. Yet, in still aspiring to these goals, he tells you what you must absolutely do to be sure you to acheive success.

It is written in a wonderful and easily flowing style, that keeps you reading and wanting to grasp every word. His advice comes from the voice of experience, after careful testing and study.

It reads more like a novel, than a boring how to book. With that style, it is like the thriller book, the book you dont want to put down until youve read the whole thing.

Rob addresses issues like

  • why people expect info for free, and the real reality of this concept.
  • how your own perception of earning money online, can be standing in your way.
  • exactly what you need to do, and how often, in an easy to use 10 step action plan.
  • In exact step by step detail, he covers, not only the writing of the actual book, but also how to package, and promote it as well.

He even gives you examples of what you need to do in followup messages once a sale has been made.

Naturally, being a mom of little children, I could not read the whole book in one sitting. I found myself firing off emails, with my comments on the ebook during the reading process. By the time I finished the ebook, Rob and I had become good email friends, planning to do joint ventures in the future.

That in and of itself tells you something about what type of person Rob is. I see him as a mentor, the type of ebook author, I would like to emulate.

At the time of writing this review, there are only two other ebooks I have read that even come close to the quality of this one, on this particular subject. if you would like to know what these two are, send a blank email to:


So do you want to be an internet marketing guru! If so, you might want to check this out. At the time of this review writing, this ebook is still in the prelaunch phase. You can get it, read it, join his affiliate program and promote it before anyone else does.

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 the highest, Robs ebook is right up there at a 9, it doesnt get much better than that in my opinion. Read my other reviews, I dont score this high very often.

I can guarantee, that once you read this ebook, you WILL be proud to recommend it to your subscribers and customers. I am!

Oh yeah, BTW, Rob offers a 100% guarantee on his product that cant be beat. So you really dont have any excuse but to check this out. :o

About The Author

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