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Yoga and Low Carb Diets
Yoga is an ancient system of movement designed to generate vibrant health and well being. Excellent health and well being are experienced in the results of a yoga practice such as: stress reduction, increased energy and awareness, increased flexibility, focused mind and strong body. In our modern world there are so many types of yoga to choose from that it can be confusing and difficult to start a yoga program. Do you have to practice postures(asanas) in a hot room for an hour and a half in order to enjoy the benefits of this ancient art? And, is it necessary to execute postures under strict guidelines created for East Indian bodies and minds? As a yoga instructor my answer would be no. A successful yoga practice supports the goals of the practitioner without rigidity. An appropriate yoga program should be adapted around our needs. Those on low-carb diets for weight loss or weight control can benefit tremendously by practicing yoga. A major benefit of yoga is a developed awareness. A consistent yoga practice assists us in recognizing the causes of stress in our lives. Yoga helps us observe the thoughts that cause stress. Once we are able to recognize the stress we are able to calm our carb cravings. When we develop awareness we can make conscious choices around food and feel more in control of our lives. I have taught lunch time yoga classes where students practiced forty-five minutes of yoga instead of reaching for high carb snacks. Students have reported that after class they choose healthier foods and actually eat less. Yoga can be a carb substitute, a healthy alternative. Breath work is also an important component of yoga. Yoga trains the mind to recognize where and when we hold our breath. The less access we have to the breath the more stress is stored in the body. Yoga teaches us to fill ourselves up with breath instead of high-carb food. Yoga can inform us when we are becoming stressed so we can make the choice to sit and breathe, meditate or do physical yoga postures. With a consistent yoga practice we have less need of carbs that deplete our energy. Focus on the breath dissolves our cravings and reduces stress. We naturally reach for more nourishing foods. If we hold the breath then we become unaware of our cravings and old eating patterns take over. Cultivating awareness while we move in yoga postures is just as important as the movement, especially for those wanting to change eating patterns. Since low-carb dieters need to be careful not to hit a sugar low during the day yoga is an excellent movement program. Yoga conserves energy while many exercise programs such as aerobics, weight training, bicycling etc. expend energy. Yoga assists the practitioner to tap into reserves of energy in the body. If the low carb dieter feels energy depleted the craving will increase. For anyone with the goal of life style or dietary change it is important that the exercise program be accessible and stress-free. Yoga postures teach us to expand into our own energy without judgment or criticism. A practice of relaxation and meditation (either seated cross-legged or lying on your back) when you have completed your postures is key in a yoga program. The relaxation assists us in integrating the movement and regenerating our energy. How do we choose a class that is appropriate for us? How do we get started on a yoga practice? Try several styles and notice how you feel after each. An appropriate class is one where at the end of class you feel internally rejuvenated. When you leave class you should feel lightness in your step and a desire to return. Other positive signs are: more access to your breath, a feeling of well being (combination of calm and high energy). Here are eight postures that will get you started. I suggest you do them every three to four days and familiarize yourself with the movements. Again, your yoga postures should express who you are so you won't look like someone else performing the same pose. Simply follow the directions and while you're in the pose try to become as aware of your body and thoughts as you can. Breathe a simple breath based on the rhythm of your inhale and exhale. Take four or five breaths for each movement. Notice where and when you might hold your breath. I would recommend purchasing a yoga mat. You can buy them in most health food and sports stores. 1) Mountain Pose Stand with feet together or hip distance. Imagine roots growing out of your feet into the earth. Feel your spine lengthening as the crown of your head lifts toward the sky. Inhale and exhale and feel the oppositional movement of feet planted firmly on the ground while the crown reaches upward. Keep your gaze focused at the horizon line. This posture prepares the body for a yoga practice. 2) Forward facing warrior Stand in mountain pose and lift your arms by your ears, a few breaths and center yourself. Take a step forward on your right foot and bend your knee over your ankle. Focus your gaze at the horizon. Lengthen the torso and drop your shoulders. Repeat on the other side. This pose strengthens the thighs and brings in warrior energy. 3) Forward facing warrior with a forward bend Repeat the above posture. Slowly straighten the front leg and extend the spine over the front leg. Relax the arms beside the leg. Repeat on the other side. This pose opens the spine and stretches both legs. This movement also soothes the mind. 4) Tree balance Stand in mountain pose and become centered. Slowly transition your weight onto the left leg. Bring your hands into a prayer position over your chest. And position your left foot on your calf. Balance on your right leg while you breathe and focus your gaze at the horizon. Allow your body to move with the flow of your breath. Balances are never static. This pose develops balance and confidence. 5) Downward facing dog Come on your hands and knees. Legs hip width apart and arms shoulder distance apart. Tuck your toes and lift your tailbone up toward the ceiling into an upsidedown V position. Fan out your fingers and press them into the floor. Keep moving your tailbone and elongate your spine. Bring your ears between your arms. Return to your hands and knees slowly and rest. This pose cleanses the mind and strengthens the upper body. 6) Bridge Lay on your back and bend your knees, legs hip width apart. Lift your hips and spine toward the ceiling as you move through the front of the knees. Bring your arms underneath your body on the floor and interlace your fingers. Keep your gaze at the chest. This posture increases energy and increases flexibility in the spine. 7) Seated twist Sit with both legs extended in front of you. Bend your right leg keeping the left in front with the foot flexed. Place your left hand below the right knee and bring the right hand around the back of the body close to the spine. Lift and rise through the crown of your head on the inhale, on the exhale twist the spine to the right, moving around the axis of the spine. Move from the lower to the upper spine, the head is the last to twist around. Slowly release from the base of the spine and come back to center. Repeat on the other side. Twists flush and balance the nervous system. 8) Reclining bound pose Now it's time for relaxation. Lie on your back and bring your feet together. Allow your knees to splay apart. You can also extend your legs and come into corpse pose if bound pose is too much for your hips. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Let go of any stress and allow your body to release into the floor. Stay as long as you like. About the Author Combining twenty years of yoga and thirty years of professional nursing experience, Carmela Cattuti offers students a unique and effective teaching style. A strong medical background in childbirth allows her to provide women with valuable yogic breathing, stretching, and meditation techniques to aid with the fertility, delivery and postpartum stages of pregnancy. Having studied extensively at the Iyengar Center and achieving instructor certification at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Carmela also provides in depth yoga instruction to both men and women for reducing stress and harnessing ones full capabilities of body, mind, and spirit. Workshops and private sessions offer practical tools for creating balance and relaxtion in daily living and are available throughout the Boston area for individuals and corporations. Carmela can be reached at (617) 970-5320.web:
Which Type of Yoga is the Right Choice for You? You finally made the decision to practice yoga, but which style of yoga is the best one for you? There are many types of yoga, and while they usually have common elements, their focus is often quite different. If you have not been physically active in a long time, then one of the more gentle, slower moving styles may be right for you. If you are an athlete or are very physically fit, you might want to check out some of the more strenuous forms. Positive Energy Cultivating positive energy: Most of us who study Yoga have been taught that an abundance of Prana (vital air or vital energy), can be found at the ocean, lakes, large open fields, and in the mountains. Yoga in the Office Spending eight or more hours a day in an office chair, staring at the computer screen can cause backaches, hunched shoulders and painful neck. Try these yogic stretches a few times throughout the day to feel better in the office. Muscle Fitness ? Can Yoga Make You Stronger? Many people wonder if yoga can improve their muscle fitness. They recognize that yoga can help reduce stress and increase flexibility, but when it comes to increasing muscle fitness, they think it might be a little too 'weak' to do the job. The fact is that yoga can definitely make you stronger. Yoga - The Solution for Insomnia At one time, or another, all of us have experienced insomnia for any type of reason. There are times when lack of sleep just can't be helped, such as: the loss a loved one, going through a divorce, and losing your job. Yoga for Relaxation Discover the true meaning of yoga? Om Yoga Meditation: Why Yoga? The following is an excerpt from the book "Om Yoga: Its Theory and Practice." Using Yoga to Manage ADD Exercise is a powerful tool for ADD management. Medical professionals recommend that adults get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (such as running or biking) 3-5 times per week to improve their general health. For ADDers, this type of exercise is particularly beneficial, because it may balance production of neurotransmitters and reduce stress levels. Another form of exercise that ADDers are finding valuable is yoga. When practiced regularly, yoga offers numerous health benefits, such as increased strength and flexibility, and decreased blood pressure and cholesterol levels. However, the greater benefits of yoga are arguably the psychological ones. Yoga combines physical activity with self-awareness, which promotes a mind-body connection that many ADDers lack. Total Concentration(samadhi) of Mind A true Yogi(practitioner) is one who has acquired self-knowledge and through continuous practice and detachment has been able to rest in true self, so firmly that he seldom slips down from it. Samadhi is the state where one realises the true self or soul. When true self is realised everything is realised. Yoga and True Self The great sage Patanjali in his work Yogasutra codified all yogic knowledge and practices which prevailed in ancient India in the form of aphorisms. He defined Yoga in a simple way as - controlling of thoughts arising in the mind(I.2). The nature or work of mind is to think or desire always. As waves are generated along the seashore, so thoughts are generated in the mind incessantly. In order to fulfill these desires man acts relentlessly. When thoughts are controlled or prevented, the outwardly moving mind turns inwards. The sphere of the activities of mind contracts and mind comes to the center. At the center of mind lies the true self or soul(atman). Hatha Yoga One of the many subsets of the 5000 year old system used to increase the well being of the mind, body and spirit, is known as Hatha Yoga. Basic Yoga Poses (Asanas) In most forms of Yoga there are three components to the practice; breathing, concentration and physical poses also known as asanas. The two poses below are the most common asanas used in Western Yoga practice today. Are You Willing To Follow Eight Yoga Exercises For the Lower Back? EXERCISES FOR BACK RELIEF Yoga and Meditation - That Leads to Gaining Enlightenment in this Life? Every process of Yoga... neigh Meditation that frees us from the clutches of Attachment... Bondage or Moha, whatever we may call it... Is the right process on the path of gaining Enlightenment. Will Yoga Help You Lose Weight? I suppose it was only a matter of time before the mass marketing about diet and fitness and weight loss caught up with Yoga. Discover How Yoga Will Help You Reach Your Goals ? Part 2 At this point, let's break down the major components of a typical Hatha Yoga session, and see how each one will enable you to reach your goals. There are nine main styles of Yoga in India, but most of the popular styles, outside of India, are variations of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga classes tend, among other things, to emphasize physical mastery. Understanding the Different Types of Yoga Yoga is becoming a more and more popular activity in the Western world today. The number of places holding Yoga classes is on the increase and there is a plethora of different types of Yoga. With a choice of Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and many more it can be easy to get confused Stress - How To Manage Effectively Stress is very common in all walks of life and in all occupations. There are different kinds of stress, such as acute, episodic and chronic. Each one has its own list of symptoms and triggers that set it off. Chronic stress is the most dangerous one because it can affect a persons health and welfare and lead to depression if he/she cannot develop methods of stress relief. This is the gnawing feeling that people encounter day after day. It can be related to work, an unhappy marriage, money problems or a whole host of things that cause people to become very unhappy with their lives. People who suffer from this condition often cannot see anything good about their lives, It can lead to suicide, heart attacks and as research has shown, cancer. Yoga is Unity Experienced Yoga practitioners often feel discouraged when a naturally gifted dancer, gymnast, or martial artist, performs an advanced asana with little effort. As I have mentioned before, there are people with elongated joint capsules and their extraordinary range of motion is a gift. You and I may have to work at it, but the many rewards of Yoga practice are still there. Yoga and Pregnancy Every woman wants to have a healthy baby. Yogic practices, when done with care, can make a woman's body stronger and more flexible. Yoga poses tone your muscles, improving the overall balance and circulation, while making your joints more limber. |
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