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Check Your Frequency
From time to time we need to stop during our day to keep our frequency in check. Our frequencies are the ranges of feelings and emotions that we have. Like radio waves, our feelings and emotions vibrate at different frequencies. This is a major part of how we create our reality. And why we need to always be mindful of the frequencies we're emitting. Like attracts like and opposites repel. And there is no such thing as coincidence. When something happens to you that seems like a coincidence it's not. You were just in sync with your vibrations at that time. You're at a music store looking for an old CD and right when you're about to give up you happen to look in a different section for something else. What you find is the CD that you were originally looking for. If your frequency is low you attract more low frequency events in your life. Remember that there is no such thing as coincidence. For example, you wake up in a bad mood and throughout the day nothing goes right for you. As soon as you get to work, the parking lot is full so you have to park in the garage that's a block away. Whats worse, it starts pouring down rain and you don't have an umbrella with you. Okay, that's a little drastic but you get the point. We've all had those bad days that went from bad to worse every chance it could. But how do you prevent situations like this? Well you need to keep your frequency in check. Remember, like attracts like so if your frequency is low you get more of the same until you change it. You need to pay attention to yourself and realize when your frequency has hit a low point. Well how do you bring your vibration back up? By changing the station. Frequencies and feelings are like radio waves, if you don't like whats on then change it. Switch your thoughts and feelings to something that can bring your vibration back up. Find something that makes you feel good. It can be anything that makes you feel good just by thinking about it - favorite memories, favorite songs, favorite people - anything as long as it makes you feel good. Picture your favorite thought as a different radio station that you can flip to whenever you notice your frequency going down. The same way you would change the station in your car if you didn't like the song that was playing. It's as simple as that. About The Author Selena Richardson, coach and editor of Creative Possibilities, a free newsletter helping people focus on and reach their goals. Are you ready to create your journey in life? To subscribe, mailto:subscribe@creationjourneys.com or visit the site - http://www.creationjourneys.com for more information on her upcoming courses and on-going workshops.
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Do Not Let Anyone Dissuade You From Reaching Your Goals! Years back when I was formulating my plans for life, I heard the statement, "Reach for nothing and you will be certain to get it." Admittedly, my goals during my youth were rather vague and uncertain. However, several years of experimenting with different goals has helped me to refine them into something workable and realistic. Now, nothing can dissuade me in my quests, even the comments of the naysayers. Here are four tips that are helping me to reach my goals: Develop Your Soul Goals! Occasionally when I talk with people about goals they seem to interpret the intention of goals as being to get more things. Naturally things are important but there is so much more to goal setting that I wish to share with you. Goal Setting - Forget About It Many motivational speakers and self-help books will tell you that you must have goals. I've even advocated goal setting myself in the past. You write down your goals and detail them for family life, friends, finances, career, recreation, health, learning, education and your spiritual life. Do Your Goals Match Your Passions? Making sure our goals are properly aligned with our passions only makes sense. If you have the wish to move up the corporate ladder, start your own business, or just about any other worthwhile endeavor you're going to make things a lot easier on yourself if you're working on things that get you personally excited and make you feel alive when you're working on them (i.e. following your passions). Make Your Dreams Reachable All too often, we may be envisioning a level of success, which is far beyond what we can realistically accept and thus fall short of full manifestation. However, if we can envision a period of time in which our success can gradually increase, quite often our subconscious can more easily accept it. However, allowing ourselves to get comfortably accustomed to a steadily increasing flow of abundance in our lives tends to stabilize it for us. Creating Your Vision for Your Business, Career, and Life Many people go through their daily lives feeling overwhelmed. There are so many things to do and there never seems to be enough time or energy to do them all. Is this how you feel about your business, career, or life? Set Your Mind To Win! Have you ever heard someone say, I could do it if I could just set my mind to it. Have you ever uttered these words, even just to yourself? How to Maximize Goals, Affirmations and Visualizations Do you want to get better results from daily exercises such as affirmations and visualizations, develop a better relationships with your inner self and get in touch with your personal power every moment of the day? The key to all of these things is energy. If you can learn to control the flow of energy within you, you can achieve these results and much more. Where has All the Time Gone? We live in a busy society. We may have demanding jobs, children, families and many other "important" things that hoover up all of our time, and before we know it, Christmas is looming once more and we're muttering about another year just passing us by. Five Steps to Goal-Setting What would you like to achieve in your lifetime? How Clear is Your Vision? Wouldn't it be nice to know that there is a way to get what you want? Whether it's in business or your personal life, this article will clearly show you the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Achieving Your Goals -- The One Pager Shortcut Series -- Top Ten Methods for Never Achieving Your Goals Top Ten methods to never achieve your goals: Reaching for the Goal Can goals be easily reached? This question is in most of our minds. Some tend to think that goals are hard to achieve and that only very clever people can be true achievers! Overcoming Discouragement We have all had times in our lives where someone discouraged our beliefs or even passions in life. Maybe someone told you that you couldn't do something because of whom you are or where you come from. Maybe they told you that you weren't "good" enough or that you will never amount to anything. Those comments however small they may seem could actually become loud voices in your head eating away at your self esteem. For someone unsure of themselves, these statements may actually be more powerful than one may realize. Achieving Elusive Goals Everyone has something in their life that they would like to change. Some really big goals include overcoming addiction, achieving and sustaining weight loss, attaining inner peace, manifesting health, or becoming more successful. We are born to continuously expand our abilities. The beginning of most goals are exciting. Visions of triumph flourish in the minds of those starting a path of change. Each new day brings energy to chase down the most elusive of goals. But what if you've been working on manifesting the same dream for years? And one day, despite your optimism, despite the effort of applying the tools of empowerment, you realize that you have not acquired the goal which you set for yourself. Weave Your Own Web Many elementary school children know the miracle of Charlotte's Web. Weaving the words "Some Pig" into the center of her web, Charlotte keeps Wilbur from the frying pan. E.B. White's story provides some fascinating guidelines for web spinning. The 11 Basics of Goal Setting "Man is a goal-seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals." ?Aristotle 7 Ways To Ignite Your Vision Probably the hardest skill to teach, and the one of the most vital to posess, is vision. Vision requires discipline in order to generate images of what you would like to become, both professionally and personally. This is an intensive process to determine which direction you want to go, and will require a little time and effort on your part. You can have a bad week and it is okay. Your goal for that week may be in jeopardy, but that won't stop you from reaching your destination, your ultimate vision or your picture of what you will be. If your vision is to be the top salesperson in your district, for example, you will figure out that at the present time you are not qualified to do it. The answer would be..."what do I need to do to get qualified?". Goal Setting or How Being SMART Isnt Always the Right Objective Over the years much has been written on the subject of goal setting with most conventional wisdom coming down in favour of the SMART objective setting process. ![]() |
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