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Are You Willing To Risk It?
What would your life be like if you kept doing everything the same way? If you stood still for the next 10 or 20 years and didn't make progress with anything? If you stayed stuck in the same situations that you're in now? If you stayed at the same job, with the same pay, lived at the same apartment? What if nothing changed but the years? You still would have goals and dreams but what if you never took action on any of them? How long are you going to go through the same story lines like the soap operas do? Just changing the names and faces as time rolls on. Is it going to take one, two or even ten years for you to figure it out? What is it going to take for you to realize that you are just replaying the same events over and over again? You say you want to make a change in your life but you are afraid to take that first step. If you don't move you won't get anywhere. You'll be stuck in the same situations and will repeat them over and over again. You can't let your fear keep you frozen. If you do you'll only have a life full of regrets and what ifs. Are you willing to forget your dreams and repeat the same scenarios for the rest of your life? Only to say that you lived a safe life. And what's the point of life if you don't take risks every now and then? Is it worth it for you to go after your dreams? What's the worst that can happen? Sure there's that possibility of failure. But you can't succeed at anything in life if you don't at least give it a try. Fear of failure can be paralyzing. You need to break yourself free from the grip of fear. The only thing worse than failure is not trying at all. You know you have the potential within you so take the chance of a lifetime and go for it. Reach for your dreams. You just might go further than you expected. Failure is not a bad word, it's just another experience that you have the opportunity to learn and grow from. So don't be afraid of it. Besides if you do fail you might find a way to reach you dreams that you wouldn't have thought of before. So if you don't try and give yourself a chance to succeed or fail you're holding out on many of life's possibilities. Stay focused on your dream and make it happen. Isn't it worth it? About The Author Selena Richardson, webmaster of http://www.creationjourneys.com is a believer that you can create your journey in life. Visit her site for more information or subscribe to her free newsletter, Creative Possibilities by sending a blank email to mailto:subscribe-cpossibilities@creationjourneys.com
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Achieve Your Goal Have you seen those ads that promise to make thousands and millions of dollars over night, they are just hype. You have to do whatever it takes to get where you want to be. Believe me there are no shortcuts. Sorry if I burst your bubble, but I am not trying to sell you anything. Show Me The Money For many people, money is like the weather ? they talk about it, but don't do anything about it. But making more money is not just about working longer hours or working harder. If your goal is to have more money, achieving it is about achieving your vision. Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals I cannot stress the importance of setting goals enough. Goals give us something to work toward, and help us feel like we are moving along a specific path. Establishing goals invites us to look at the big picture, break it down into smaller pieces, and get started toward accomplishing our important hopes and dreams. Manage Your Expectations ... And Raise The Bar On Your Quality Of Life! When I was a newbie in 'the game of life,' I wanted to succeed beyond my wildest dreams. I wanted to make it big and take on the world, all at once. My expectations were so high that not even Jack could reach them on his beanstalk. However, over time, after much frustration and burn out, I shifted to the other extreme by dropping my expectations, and dreams. Cultivating Belief in Your Goals The Belief That You Can Do It and more importantly, That You Will! Got Purpose? Part 2 I guess I found some hot buttons last week eh? Thanks for a week full of real good feedback. Sabbatical from Work? Start Here! Many people envy academics who take sabbaticals. What they don't realize is that sabbaticals are not designed as time on the beach. You are supposed to use your free time to accomplish specific projects. Often you are not allowed to embark on a sabbatical if your plans seem vague or unproductive. Finding Your Niche Why are there so much stress and unhappiness in the work force? One reason is that 95% of workers never find their niche. Most of them drift through life taking whatever job they can get. Although one can make a living in this manner, it would be much more enjoyable and profitable to find what fits your talents. Productive Goal Setting There's been a lot written about goal setting and there are many different approaches and methods ? in fact, it's easy to get caught up in the confusion about how to set goals and not end up setting any. These simple steps will help you to set powerful goals and make goal-setting an invaluable part of your life. You'll be amazed at what you can achieve with the help of some well though-out, written goals ? try it! Finding Life?s Candles for Dark Moments Tragedy doesn't make an appointment. It attacks! A terrifying surprise that explodes in the midst of a family. Tragedy brings with it multiple consequences as well?financial disaster, depression, guilt and blame. Devastating fallout! Marriages fall apart, family members commit suicide, personalities change. Yet tragedies occur daily. Tornadoes and earthquakes rip apart communities, car accidents claim thousands of lives, and children drink poisons or drown in swimming pools. People kill their friends and families, co-workers and peers. Here is what helped me make it through a horrendous time, so should it happens to you or to a close friend. You have some suggestions to fall back on. Everyone Needs a BAG (Big Audacious Goal) A Big Audacious Goal (BAG) is a clear and compelling catalyst that serves as a focal point for effort. Unlike smaller goals, the BAG is something that is huge. It is challenging and in some ways seems impossible - but a BAG is also inspiring, compelling, and motivating. Commit It To Paper Commit it to paper - You have the idea so therefore you have within you the ability to make it a reality. Admittedly it may not always be obvious, but rest assured deep down you're capable. If Wishes Were Horses Then Beggars Would Ride! And if Bull frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their little rear-end when they landed. Don't make the mistake of thinking that rushing all over the place you are being your most productive self. Don't make the mistake of thinking that when you take time out for thought you are wasting your time. All play and no work makes Jack a poor boy, but, quality time in thought can turn your wishes into diamonds. Achieving Elusive Goals Everyone has something in their life that they would like to change. Some really big goals include overcoming addiction, achieving and sustaining weight loss, attaining inner peace, manifesting health, or becoming more successful. We are born to continuously expand our abilities. The beginning of most goals are exciting. Visions of triumph flourish in the minds of those starting a path of change. Each new day brings energy to chase down the most elusive of goals. But what if you've been working on manifesting the same dream for years? And one day, despite your optimism, despite the effort of applying the tools of empowerment, you realize that you have not acquired the goal which you set for yourself. Lifes Values Over time I have come to realize that the three most important subjects in the world to man are sex, property and religion. By the first we create life, by the second we maintain life and by the third we hope to continue life in the world to come. But I have also come to realize that it is not our sex, our interests swarm about our own egos, self-worth or self-esteem. 21 Life Changing Questions You Cant Afford to Not Ask! Imagine finally taking off seven coats you've been wearing on top of each other for years and years. You've forgotten that some people consciously choose to live without seven layers of coats on even though most people are living that way. Taking Action is Essential for Self Improvement and Success Much has been written about writing down goals and regularly reviewing and updating them as a major party of self improvement and success. Likewise, it is considered that a plan for the achievement of any goal, and breaking major goals into manageable steps are essential. If you are thinking of stating a new business or any major undertaking, thorough research is certainly required. It is also unlikely that any new businesses will get far without a well written and researched business plan, and the chances of raising money from a bank without one are probably zero. Focus = Clarity Photographs are clearer when they are in focus. When they are out of focus, they are blurry, indistinct. How many times have you been disappointed by the result when the focus was off? Faces or objects are blurred, maybe even unrecognizable. Toss that one away?a poor quality picture that does not meet the ideal you had in mind when you took it. Scratch it up to experience. Maybe blame it on the camera. On Achievement If a comatose person were to earn an interest of 1 million USD annually on the sum paid to him as compensatory damages ? would this be considered an achievement of his? To succeed to earn 1 million USD is universally judged to be an achievement. But to do so while comatose will almost as universally not be counted as one. It would seem that a person has to be both conscious and intelligent to have his achievements qualify. Breaking Goals Down To The Basics One of the primary reasons why people fail to execute their goals is they set forth unrealistic or overly complex goals. Most of us have the tendency to look at the finish line without paying much consideration to the distance between the end point and us. Here are a couple examples to illustrate this point: ![]() |
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