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Success Is Knowing What You Want
Many people ask me how they can be more successful. The first question I ask is, "What do you want?" Usually the answer is vague. I want to make more money, have a great relationship, write a book, be happy, and so on. The problem with this answer is that it is so vague that it will not yield any results. When you describe your goal, you have to be so clear that the other person can almost feel and taste it. The description has to be concrete, vivid, and rich in imagery. Abstractions will simply not do. Unless there is clarity, nothing can happen. Nothing begins unless there is acute vision. The first step to getting what you want is knowing what you want. People get caught up with trying to figure out if they deserve it or how to get what they want. This type of thinking is a way to avoid clarity. Failure to hold a compelling vision is to fail before you even start. So this knowing has to be very clear, very specific. If you want more money, you have to know exactly how much more money you want. If you want a great relationship, you have to be willing to spend the time to know what a great relationship means for you. Details, details, details. The human mind is like a smart bomb. It needs specific targets, clearly outlined, before it will make an impact. A focused mind, a passionate mind, a committed mind is one of the most potent forces in the universe. It takes some effort to think of exactly what you want. You have to be willing to dream boldly, without reservation, without shyness. It has to be a no-holds-barred, uncensored dream. Clarity is a raw power that will shape your future. It is the first step in magnetizing your possibilities. Once you have that clarity, then a massive power will begin to move into your life. Your thoughts will break all bonds of limited thinking and become a driving force. You will feel an irresistible invitation to explore all possible opportunities. And the realization of your goal becomes inevitable. You will not be willing to tolerate any obstacles or submit to any excuses. When your goal is big enough, and bright enough, and near enough, when it looms in your mind as clear as day, you will succeed. Resource Box Saleem Rana got his Masters degree in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life Copyright 2004 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.
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The Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Goals Human beings are goal-seeking creatures. We are impatient and try, and fall, and try again until we learn to walk. We babble and coo and struggle until we learn to talk. Skinned knees mean nothing in the quest to ride a bicycle. Recently, the world has watched Olympic athletes over-come incredible obstacles in the quest for a medal. When a client tells me they have had a goal, but in the past 6 months they have made little or no progress towards achieving it, I encourage them to ask themselves the following 10 questions: Business Goal Setting and Then Following Through Your business can't go according to plan if you have no plan. Goal Setting ? The Importance of Stern Resolve! "Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page...on the first of January let every may straighten himself once more, with his face to the front, and take no interest in the things that were and are past." Setting Goals for Success "In any and every given moment of your life, you are either in command of yourself? or you are being commanded." Weave Your Own Web Many elementary school children know the miracle of Charlotte's Web. Weaving the words "Some Pig" into the center of her web, Charlotte keeps Wilbur from the frying pan. E.B. White's story provides some fascinating guidelines for web spinning. One Stroke at a Time "One stroke at a time." In an interview, Tiger Woods shared this simple formula for success. He further revealed that his habit to focus on the task at hand and not the previous stroke nor the next stroke keeps him self-disciplined. Tiger's recent 4th win of the Masters and being the first golfer to achieve this accomplishment before the age of 30 reaffirms his personal success formula. If I Won the Lottery, I Wouldnt Have to Job Search! IF I WON THE LOTTERY, I Getting To The Top By Fits And Starts I would venture to believe that most people have the qualities to make them a success. Then why are not more of them successful? One observation is; by not following through on actions that they started with. They have victory in sight and then do you want to know what they do? Whats the Next Action Step? Nothing gets done unless an action is completed. Everything we do is an action step. Of course some are so routine they don't really need to be written down or remembered. They are simply habit or ingrained in our daily lives. Wake up. Go to the bathroom. Say your prayers. Read the sports section of the newspaper. Take a shower. Brush your teeth. Get dressed. Drive to work. Do you have these tasks written down in your planner? Of course not. But they are still action tasks. You don't get cleaned until you wash up. You don't know how the Phillies did last night until you read the sports section. The Parable of the Jackrabbit: The Missing Key to Effective Goal Setting So you've got a goal, and you know someone who has already reached it? Maybe it is earning a certain degree, or opening a business and making it fly. Before you try to duplicate what others have done to attain what they have, be sure of one thing. Understand the Parable of the Jackdabbit: Goal Setting for Creative Professionals You know that old saying -- if you don't know where you're going, any path will get you there. That's what happens if you don't take the time to figure out what your goals are and WRITE them down. There's power in writing things down (and if you're a writer, you already know this). What Do You Really, Really, Really Want? If the 90s British pop sensation 'the Spice Girls' ever get remembered for anything, I hope it's for bringing the question 'now tell me what you want, what you really, really want?' to the mass consciousness Goal-Mapping Goal-mapping is like a treasure hunt, you must first start out by knowing what you are looking for. Be very specific on what you want without limiting yourself. The next step is charting out what course of action you must take to get what you want. I encourage women to map out a treasure hunt on what they want in life, and to use that chart to reach their goals. That is exactly what I did to get my Ph.D. degree. I knew that I wanted to get my degree in psychology, and to write a book. My goal was to use my dissertation as a self-help book, and with the successful completion of my dissertation I could be awarded my degree. I enrolled in the Ph.D. program and completed all my core courses. Goals: What Would You Like to Accomplish in the Next 90 Days? "What would you like to accomplish in the next 90 days?" How To Rise Above The Clutter In Your Brain Ever notice when you start a new hobby or fall in love with a new shrub or flower you start to see it everywhere? This isn't necessarily because everyone else has the same new hobby it's because you have the flower or shrub or hobby at the top of your mind. Mission Statements Improve Goal Setting and Decision Making A Mission Statement consists of a short phrase or a few sentences that form an overview of your core priorities and guiding principles. It describes what you are trying to accomplish and what you value. It forms the basis for all of your long-term planning and outlines the overall direction of where and what you would like to be. Writing personal Mission Statements gives you the opportunity to establish what's really important and to make decisions to stick to before you even start setting goals. They allow you to connect with your own unique purpose and help improve your Goal Setting, Time Management, and decision making processes. How Being Intentional Makes You Happy "Inspiration does not beget action. Action begets inspiration." - Chinese Proverb Lifes Values Over time I have come to realize that the three most important subjects in the world to man are sex, property and religion. By the first we create life, by the second we maintain life and by the third we hope to continue life in the world to come. But I have also come to realize that it is not our sex, our interests swarm about our own egos, self-worth or self-esteem. The Great American Dream Challenge: Faith Restored Years ago, people came to America in pursuit of their dreams and still do to seek a better life. Work hard, stay focused and you can achieve the American Dream. But our nation, in fact our world, changed on September 11, 2001. Our hearts and spirits were broken, fear and cynicism crept into our collective consciousness, and many are still in need of restoration. New Years Resolutions? Dont Be So Hard On Yourself Have you set resolutions for yourself to accomplish in 2005? Maybe you want to get more exercise, eat healthier, or spend more time with your family. If you're in business for yourself, maybe you are thinking about hiring a bookkeeper, working fewer hours, or beefing up your marketing plan. All of those things are very good goals, but how do you really feel about them? If you're like me, you probably think that you need resolutions, and furthermore, you have to accomplish all of them in order to be successful. How can we not feel that way when the media is chirping away about making and keeping our new year's resolutions? ![]() |
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