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Hello! It Is Opportunity Calling!
If I knock at your door hold your hand take you towards the road to fortune would you come? If I tell you that I can guide you and point to you where the wealth lies, would you go? In theory each one of us would answer why not! Of course! But in reality things seem to be different. It has been seen that even while on road to wealth people are resistant to walk. They are apprehensive and full of doubts. And they leave the road after few steps. They would rather stay surrounded in misery than working towards fortune. I have seen people doing this. Either they do not come out of their shell or they are eager to go back at the instant they come out. Let us look at what people say: How much money I will make? How long before I see that money? I have been here for two months. Why am I not seeing the results? Why there is so much work involved - you said it was easy. I do not know this stuff. I cannot learn it. This is too complicated. These are the few of the responses that I my mail box receives everyday because I tell them that there is lot of money that can be made on the net. Here we see the irony! People do not want to leave their comfort zone. They do not want to work. But everybody wants lot of money. How is that possible? A similar example I can see is that a person who stuffs himself with junk food but is obsessed with making a good body and does nothing about that except thinking about the exercise. People do not want opportunities. They want guarantees. Everybody who is told that you can work towards wealth on the net would want a guarantee. That is people are made to response cheat offers like 'Earn a million dollar by end of next month'. They know in their mind it cannot be true. But their irrational hopes take the charge and people end up making foolish investment. People do not have patience. They want instant results. Instant gratification. Even if they are told they would find a fortune by doing something, they won't have the time. They are too busy. They are too busy with the trivial things the life offers them. Tell a person he will make a lot of money if he worked for 1-2 years by doing something and he will smile leave. He will not be ready to make the necessary hard work and input. That always puzzled me. But most of people do not want to rise above the level of their average being that they have become use to. Because they are quite cozy and comfortable there. They stuff themselves with junk food while they discuss and dream about good bodies. They continue with measures which are sure to keep them poor and are happy imagining about getting rich. Opportunity visits everybody. Few are the eyes who can recognize it. Fewer are the minds who agree upon following the path it offers. So If I knock at your door, hold your hand, take you towards the road to fortune would you come? Would you? Copyright 2005 Arun Pal Singh Arun Pal Singh, a successful marketer and writer offers a unique and duplicable business opportunity at http://www.homeforprofits.com. To avail his free Income Course, send an e-mail to subscribe@homeforprofits.com with subject 'subscribe'.
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Action vs. Apathy - Feeling Powerless? Get Moving! How many times have you felt truly defeated by the circumstances in your life? You know, the "I don't know why I bother to keep trying, I'm going back to bed and staying there" feeling. It happens to everyone - housewives, corporate executives, rock stars, actors, world leaders. Each and every one of us has had a day when we felt that we just weren't able to cope with our daily lives. I?ll Do It In A Minute... Or Maybe I Won?t 'Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill.' Christopher Parker Does Your Battery Need Recharging? A technical support person in a pager company tells the story of a customer call to the customer service center from a man who repeatedly complained he was being paged by "Lucille." He was instructed that he would have to call her and tell her to stop paging him. What Would You Change? When talking with people about their life, or their job, or their current situation I always ask: "What one thing would you change about your life?" How To Motivate Yourself For Success? I was having coffee with my friend the other day. He just joined a multi-level marketing company. The company sells aromatherapy products that improve air quality and help people to have a healthier life. Extreme Makeover ? Compliments of Me There is a fascination these days with reality shows that completely make over people, rooms, homes, businesses and now towns, in a short amount of time. I have to admit, I love them too. I love the neat story with a happy ending. They make it look easy, in spite of the pain and hard work many of them have to endure. People have always had this fascination. It's no different than the old shows (and I'm dating myself here) like Bewitched, where Samantha, who was a witch, would just twitch her nose and, Voila! ? her house was clean as a whistle. To go even further back, there was a very popular show called The Millionaire, where a mysterious benefactor would come anonymously with a check for a million dollars and transform someone's life. How Breaking Routine And Unexpected Acts of Kindness Can Energize Your Day! Sometimes life becomes so routine, we don't have to think about a thing we're doing throughout the day. We're programmed to run on automatic. It's important to shake things up every once in a while to get the creative juices flowing, give us an added boost of energy or give us something to concentrate on for a change. Why Now Is The Perfect Moment For You To Succeed Letīs discover the importance of balancing preparation, timing and momentum. Itīs critical if you want to finally beat procrastination. Going with the Flow This whole idea of change is founded on a single principle: CHANGE IS ALL IN YOUR MIND. Desire + Action = Outcome ? Anxiety & Panic This is my mathematical strategy I use to achieve everything I want in life. Allow me to explain? 7 Tips For Lasting Motivation And Greater Success Lasting motivation is possible once you adopt an outlook that allows you to be more successful. Here are seven tips you can use today to overcome procrastination and start achieving much more. Motivation: No Finish LInes There is a saying that goes something like "getting to the top is easy, the hard thing is staying there once you get there." Don?t Let Motivation Cause You to Fail Yesterday my teenage son Matt came home with a less than stellar report card. (Yes, even peak performance experts sometimes have trouble motivating others.) Now Matt is by no means stupid. The reason he got poor grades is because he did not do the work that was required for some of his classes. Why didn't he do the work? According to him, he didn't feel motivated to do it. After having a loud discussion with him (translation: I was ranting and raving), I realized that Matt is no different than many people in his erroneous idea about motivation and success. Fear As you prepare to take your first steps, could there possibly be something holding you back? How to Stay Motivated - Part 1 As a "Motivation Trainer" for over 20 years, I have researched the subject of "Motivation." It is talked about a lot, but not very much is taught or written about it. It seems to be a word that eludes us. I often here people say: "Can you motivate me?" or "I need motivating." or "I've lost my motivation." What Google Can Teach You About Success I just finished dinner and the segment was about to start so I went over to the TV. Do You have a Dream? Do you find yourself sitting at work longing to be somewhere else and doing something you have always wanted to do? Forgotten Your New Years Resolutions Already? How To Get Back On Track How quickly we forget. We are only a few weeks into the New Year, how many of you have forgotten that you even made any New Year resolutions. To Boldly Go For the first time in many years, Star Trek Fans will no longer be able to explore those new frontiers where no man has gone before. Thank heavens for reruns, videos and DVD's! One reason for the success of this TV series is because the storyline appealed to the human desire to explore the unknown. Our curiosity of what's around the corner to the next solar system and our capability to deal with unexpected challenges propel. inspire and motivate us forward even when circumstances may start us behind the starting line. The Secret Motivation Strategy That Never Fails No matter how much you want to make your dreams come true you still need some practical ways to keep yourself motivated over the long term. You need the ability to keep going in the face of setbacks, disappointments and short-term frustrations. i.e. a motivation technique that works. ![]() |
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