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Ignite The Fire In Your Belly ? How To Move From Being A Procrastinator To An Activator!
Are you sick and tired of not getting ahead and just can't get yourself out of a rut? Well, there are certain requirements (accountability, responsibility, commitment to yourself, forgiveness, positive think and speak, synchronicity within and outside) to help facilitate a real change. So, you're thinking ? "Oh, these requirements are great. However, somehow, I can't get myself motivated to do something. There is just so much going on in my life " So, stop procrastinating and become an ACTIVATOR! Here are a few simple steps to help get you moving forward: 1. Develop your life's mission statement. (Responsibility and Commitment to Yourself) The purpose of this step is define who you are, what motivates you and what is important to you. A lot of times we procrastinate because what we think we want in our head is not really what's in our heart. It's the same as building a house, you need to construct a strong foundation before you erect the walls. Mission Statement A one-sentence statement about what you stand for in life. What is your life's mission or what would you like it to be? Foundational Beliefs I believe: · List of what systems drive your intentions? For example: Taking great satisfaction in my work helps propel my company's growth. Foundational Values I value: · List what is most important to you in achieving your life's mission. For example: Commitment to family. 2. Prepare your massive action plan and act upon it. (Accountability and Synchronicity Within And Outside) The purpose of this step is to help with moving from a procrastinator to an activator. Now you're "igniting the fire in your belly" with a plan on how to get there. Massive Action Plan ( a column for each item) Results Purpose Date Due · Chunk your activities. For example: I will exercise more. Chunk this activity into steps, such as Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I will commit to 20 minutes of weight training. · What are the quantifiable results? For example: I will have an additional 30 minutes per day to myself. Or: I will have decreased my pant size by X sizes. · What's in it for you? · What is the reason you want this so badly? List date which is attainable and realistic. Don't set yourself up for failure. 3. Review your successes and reinforce self-rewards. (Forgiveness and Positive Think And Speak) The purpose of this step is to validate that you're on track. Continually review your massive action plan and acknowledge yourself for achieving what you set out to. Motivate yourself with positive words in your mind and out loud! And if you didn't achieve everything you set out to, remind yourself that you're human and forgive yourself. You have the opportunity to start all over again! An activator is someone who successfully understands the balance between achieving and being. This being said, remember to integrate joy into going after your goals. When you feel like you're being forced to do something is when you become a procrastinator?
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17 More Things Ive Noticed Along the Way So Far Three areas of life in which we get very little training, yet we all seem to have a strong opinion on: marriage, parenting and money. Motivation By Spring Cleaning Spring cleaning is a great motivator. Why confine it to Spring? The Simple Life When we talk about a Simple Life, we are not talking about Paris and Nicole. We are talking about a life that is in harmony with our values. We are talking about a life that is joyful to live. Our Life ? Our Choice OK, maybe that's a bit of an overgeneralization but it applies most of the time. Basically, what I am saying is that we are what we are because that's what we've decided to be. We live where we live, do what we do and think what we think because that's we've decided to do. Yes, I understand that there are some illnesses and other stuff that happens that tends to force us into a particular mode of operation. But by the same token, how we function within our situation and how we deal with the things we need to deal with is always our decision. Comment on Extra Ordinary Men of Our Time Remember during the missions of Apollo. And others we knew every astronaut by name, we made them heroes. We celebrated their bravery. And they were brave too. If you ever get to Alamogordo Space Museum, Lyndon B Johnson Space Center in Houston or Kennedy Space Center and Museum in FL and look at the little tuna cans these guys went up in space in you then know just how brave they were. If you get a chance go to the Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson AZ and look at the old brave technology you will simply want to relive a little of American technology, guts, glory and challenge. Words that Inspire: PASSION What is your PASSION? Employee Motivation - The 8 Basics Building a team of motivated people in your business is vital to get the very best results, but so many managers focus on the 'ra-ra-ra', rather than the important things - the things that make people feel comfortable in their working environment. Here are eight that you might want to have a think about: The WeatherIs it too hot, or too cold. Your people need an environment which is, like Goldilocks said, 'Just right'. So is the office too stuffy in summer? Or too icy in winter? Is it draughty? Do people get wet when accepting deliveries, because the outside roof leaks? Literally make sure that external factors are as they wish. The BreaksSometimes working in a day-to-day job can get boring and exhausting. So people need to know when their breaks are and that they wil be able to take them - it's not that complicated. Yet often, they just aren't able to have this basic courtesy in place. Planning and caring for your people's needs is vital. It's what you would want for yourself, isn't it? HolidaysAnd vacations/holidays are important too - some would say it's the most important thing on the working year calendar. So enable this to happen, when they need to know, so that they can plan their invaluable time away from the business and refresh. Being HeardYou people need you to listen to then and hear them - really hear what they are saying and respond with action and/or acknowledgement. Be out there creating good, open relationships with your people and take in what they say - what's important to them - and deliver solutions to make conditions great. Achievable GoalsBy being really, really clear about what you expect from your employees, you will set the scene for committed staff. Through knowing exactly what their performance should look like to be judged excellent, by you, gets buy-in, big-time. So be clear, give them the resources to achieve success and they will be well onside. Being ThankedAs they do a good job for you each day - tell them. It's easy - just say 'Thank You'! Appreciation for achieving success, especially when it's from the boss is so important. So recognising excellent performance, even for small tasks, cost nothing and takes but a moment - worth building into your day job activities - every day! ChallengePeople like to do new things, to explore, to seek out and utilise their potential, Sometimes this means they will have to be 'stretched' in what they do. With a helping hand, to support, coach and grow the skills of your people, you are setting in place a keen, ambitious and ready-for-the-next-experience star in the making. So find new ways to develop them. SecurityIn today's business climate, it isn't always easy to build the best future consistently - things change too much, too quickly. But you can go some way to ensure that it is a safe place to be. With this level of security, your people will loosen up and feel capable of being with you, rather than against. It is a measure of your own leadership as to how well this works.These are basics for your people - get these right and you will be 85% there, in having motivated people working with you. Then you can turn on the charm, get radical and creative and find them right there alongside you (in front even!). Focused on building your business strongly. How Much Risk Is Too Much To Take? The ladder was braced against the railings going to the basement. I started climbing up. I had to get to the ceiling and this was my Rube Goldberg way of doing it without having to put up scaffolding. I made it up two or three rungs before coming to my senses. It would be so easy for the railing to break and for me to go tumbling down the stairs. Maintaining Your Motivation I recently spoke to a group of sales professionals at the end of their training conference. The attendees had participated in many learning sessions over a two day period ? most of which were product related. I was scheduled to speak after dinner and I was somewhat concerned how attentive they would be by this time. The Toughest Decision of All: Get Out or Get Going! Many of us are influenced by the sports ethic: Never give up! When a basketball team is down by 20 with 30 seconds on the clock, the players never stop working. Spectators might be filing out, and the winning team might be deep into the bench, but the game goes on. People Who Get What They Want: What Are They Thinking? Imagine being able to choose any outcome and automatically feel motivated to make it happen. Break And Move Beyond The Length Of The Chains "Never let fear, procrastination or the longing for approval from others to take possession of your mind, they become self-forged chains." ~ Ty Howard ADHD - Its a Wonderful Life As I usually do over the Holidays, I watched one of my all-time favorite actors in one of my all time favorite movies and that's Jimmy Stewart in "It's a Wonderful Life". Co-starring Donna Reed and made in the 1940s, the movie was not critically acclaimed at the time, but over the years has become a stable of the Holiday Season. If you have not seen it, you need to, and if you have, then you all know it revolves around a small town businessman George Bailey from Bedford Falls, New York, who, as he grows up, has all of these dreams of doing wonderful things with his life, and hopes of traveling to all the farthest points in the world. His plans are constantly interrupted by world events and family circumstances, which include the death of his father, the great depression, and World War II. George's father and his Uncle Billy years earlier had started the Baileys Brothers Building and Loan to help the less fortunate people of Bedford Falls obtain the great American Dream of home ownership. Their only alternative is high rent or exorbitant interest rates to the local scrooge Mr. Potter. Uncle Billy is a classic ADHD type individual. An Irishmen, like me, who apparently has never been married, has a pet crow he carries around with him, and a pet squirrel at home. He is constantly worrying and has little self esteem. Prime That Pump! Part 3 How healthy is your vision of yourself? How does your mental image of yourself stack up against that of, say, some hero of yours? Let's find out. Taking Action NOW: 9 Key Strategies...Part I Awareness, understanding what impacts you! 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