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Where do you CastKimberly Chastain “Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7. I don’t know if you have ever been fly-fishing or maybe you have seen it on TV. When you go fly fishing you cast your bait way down the river and let it float. That way the fish does not see you and hopefully attacks the bait. I have that vision when we cast our anxiety on God. Do you give Him your anxieties and let them float away and realize He is in control or do you keep the bait close so you can pick up the anxiety whenever you want If a fly fisherman keeps his bait close he will scare away the fish. If he allows the bait to float downstream he is more likely to catch a fish. I think when we keep our anxieties close God is unable to work and we are unable to even look down stream. Also, when we keep our anxieties close we focus on the anxiety and take our eyes off of God. When we give our anxieties to God and leave them there He is more able to work and we are better able to rest. I must confess I am good at giving God my burdens and worries, but I quickly take them back. Why wait on God, maybe I can figure this out myself Do I really trust God to take my worries and take care of them When I look closely at the above verse I often focus on the first part, cast all your anxiety on Him. The second part is almost as important if not more important. Because, my God cares for me, He wants to carry my burdens and He wants me to bring them to Him. He cares about all my burdens, not just some of them. He loves and wants me to share my worries and concerns. God certainly knows what is best for me and only wants the best. So, I ask you “Where do you cast” Once you cast your anxiety, do you leave it with God or do you take it back God cares for you and cares about absolutely everything you care about. He made you and He loves you. Give your loving Father all your anxiety and leave it there. May you rest in His perfect peace.
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