Keeping Your New Baby Safe

Rose Smith

After all the baby furniture is purchased, youll have to start thinking of baby safety supplies. Once your baby becomes mobile and thats in a few short months, battening down the hatches is extremely important.

If you have stairs or open doorways leading to areas that you dont want your baby to wander into, youll need to purchase some baby gates. Most are adjustable to fit a variety of openings and come in a variety of styles such as wooden, plastic and mesh.

Dont forget those electrical outlets! For some bizarre reason children love to stick metal objects in those little slits so get your outlets covered, including any powerbars you may be using. Another favorite "play toy" with toddlers is the toilet. A good toilet lid latch should help keep the plumbing working.

Electrical appliances, TVs, VCRs and household items will also need to be secured. Its amazing what children can find to pull down or get into. Plus, dont forget to pick up safety supplies for when youre traveling, even if its just a short distance. Baby harnesses are a good thing to use once your toddler is walking. And dont forget to protect them from harmful UV rays with some sort of car window shade.

Keeping your precious child safe is very important. There are so many little things in the household that, as adults, we take for granted. But to a child, theyre new and exciting areas to explore... which can be very dangerous to them. As a new parent or even grandparent, get down on your knees and crawl around your house looking for all the temptations found at your babys level. Youll be amazed at what potential hazards you will find. Secure your new babys safety before its too late.

About The Author

Rose Smith is the author and publisher of an online shopping and information resource for essential baby care products. For more information on baby care, visit:

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