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Elephants and TeenagersRachel Lower Something eerily familiar happened in KwaZulu-Natals Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park in Africa recently. The adult elephants were taken away and the orphaned youngsters were left to fend for themselves. The youngsters started the path to sexual maturity. The young boys were going into lengthy musths, as a dog would go into heat, much longer than a normal elephant in a normal setting. The boys ganged together. They started raping and killing white rhinos, an endangered species. They were displaying extreme aggression. The park authorities were very concerned. Someone had the idea to bring in ten adult bulls to "straighten out" the gang of elephant thugs. Sure enough, the mature males put the band of so called delinquent juveniles in their place. The adults were reintroduced, and life turned back to normal. No more killings. The elephants and rhinos were at peace again. Obviously, strong male and female presences are needed in these elephants lives. The young elephants needed the adults from when they were defenseless babies through the time they were in their elephant teenage years. In the meantime, over in the United States of America there was another gang related murder in your city. Another fatherless, semi or fully orphaned teenager shot a man and then reported back to his or her gang of delinquent juveniles. Perhaps we should take a lesson from the elephants.
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